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Messages - rustyspoon

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Announcements / Re: you to decide
« on: January 08, 2019, 11:25:41 am »
Getting rid of looms for na1 might work but itd fuck with strat a lot

Since I'm not up to date yet, isn't strat already broken?

Announcements / Re: you to decide
« on: January 08, 2019, 11:24:13 am »
could you post that once more, rusty?

Fixed. Don't know what happened there. Only posted once when I wrote it. Then when I woke up this morning there were 3. Someone must have fed it after midnight.

Announcements / Re: you to decide
« on: January 07, 2019, 07:46:38 pm »
Hold on for the ride...this is gunna be long.

So, I read the forums a bit to catch up and played a little bit of Mercs (which is pretty much shit). I think that the only reason anyone plays Mercs is because it is somewhat populated. Their website sucks, their build system is weak and it's just a bunch of terrible players crutching on plate. The good news is that it does at least show that people are interested in having their own special character.

I haven't really been able to figure out all the changes that have occurred in CRPG since I left, but what I do know is that we have lots of things going for it. CRPG has the best character generation system, strat (if it's working?), item diversity, etc. It still seems to have the tick-based xp system (don't know for sure, wasn't able to get in an actual game). I've never been a fan of the tick system and liked the old one better, but I'll get back to that. The obvious issue is that no one is playing it and how do we get people to play it in the short term, so we can have long-term growth.

One thing we really need is a way to jump-start server population. As it is, no one is going to join any server if they can't get anything out of it. Why wait around as the only person on a server just hoping that people show up? If anyone joins any they should be able to get something out of it. One idea that I have is to have bot-populated battle servers. Yes, bots are utter shit. But it gives a reason for someone to show up. Say every server had 3 bots on it when at 0 or 1 pop. As a new person joins, a bot leaves. That way a person can join, earn xp, blah, blah, blah and have a reason to be there.

Now, I don't know if the tick-based xp system is still the same, but I've always hated it and here's why:
Back when I last played, you got a certain amount of xp/gold for every tick. Every time your team won, you gained a multiplier. In the original system, you gained xp/gold based on proximity to fighting. That's where xp barn/xp bridge came from. In that system, you were rewarded more for your individual effort. In the newer version, you were awarded based on luck more than anything else. If you were lucky enough to get paired on the winning team (which happened a lot with clanstacks), you could roll an x5 for hours. This had a huge effect on xp gain. The rest of the people could be on an x1 for hours. It was great for the x5 people and shit for the x1 people. Eventually the balance was added to where the top player from the good team would get switched. Basically fucking you over for doing well. If you still did well on your awesome team, you could win valor and keep your multi, but if you got unlucky, fuck you. Often times, when people would lose their x5 they would just quit. No sense waiting around to build it up again. The multi-system just created a huge discrepancy in the game that made it much harder for new people to join.

Another side-effect was that it took a lot of the fun and wackiness out of the player base. If you were a good player and were fucking around, often times your team would get pissed at you for "ruining their multi". In the original system, since your xp/money gain was more based on your own performance you could decide how serious you wanted to take things and not worry about fucking over the rest of your team. Honestly, I always wished we had a combination of proximity-based gain along with individual damage-based gain. The more damage you do, the more xp/gold etc. Basing it on kills is kind of worthless because how many times have you beat someone to shit only to have someone on your team poke a guy once and get a kill.

This brings me back to the grind. Way back in the day when you were a peasant, you felt like a peasant and it was fun! Trying to hide behind the armored guys and get a poke in with your pitchfork was always a hell of a lot of fun. In the current iteration, being a peasant basically means nothing. It's more of an annoyance than anything, as depending on luck, you could be out of peasant mode in just a couple rounds. At least it forced you to play. Back when the tick-system was put in place, often times people would just rush in and die and do something else while they leveled their character. There was nothing to get them involved or to care. It was just something they did.

Some people may complain that they hated the grind. Well, isn't that what skip the fun is for? I think there's always been a bit of a negative connotation around skip-the-fun characters and most people just used them to test builds. But I think they could be more of an either-or option. Build up your bad-ass character from a peasant up to a knight, or just start as a knight. Whatever floats your boat.

I do think that the rewards for leveling up your character and/or retiring need to be changed, though. There are a lot of people who complain about looms and some people think (probably accurately) that it discourages people from joining if they are going up against fully-loomed monsters. I get that. My main is gen 26 and I have multiple full loadouts of +3 gear. I would like to see loom bonuses go away entirely, but something needs to be added in their place. Whether it's titles, different skins for armor and weapons, a discount on upkeep...whatever. They need something. Something that rewards people for going through the grind and gives them something for their dedication. We need ways to engage people and keep them engaged. A way for people to have fun with the build they want to play.

Anyway, I'd appreciate thoughts and feedback and let's try to get a good discussion going.

Announcements / Re: you to decide
« on: January 06, 2019, 06:39:14 pm »
Happy new year and thanks for the reply. I would gladly accept any kind of help. I was really close to wiping current account database but was stopped with the feeling that I would take more than I gave. Even though I had a carte blanche on doing that (James: you can do that but I won't care to grind again, Uther: I've already started doing that, Rando's forum acc was a first step, Professor: last seen December 2010) I didn't. That doesn't mean that I can't alter the value of what was grinded but that's a completely different philosophy of action.

Without shit, San is quintessence of a developer/balancer cRPG always needed, it's too sad he didn't have as high privileges in the past. He's a talented person and stands unnoticed and not credited behind of a lot of great changes.

We already managed to get solid 20+ players on EU1 for several days so we're moving in the right direction. cRPG will move into more hardcore and competitive way (to the extent where it's not a funkiller), sadly I found several bugs that lead to undesired bonuses for players (gold to be more precise), but we're going to fix it.

I'm not sure if we can get players grind 24/7 for a 9 y.o. game but we can make it competitive for sure. That's what I liked crpg for in the first place.

I just came back after a 4+ year hiatus. Sadly I retired my level 34?/36? main right before I left. (Gen 26! Woo!)

Anyway, I'd be glad to help out anyway I can. I miss this game as there's nothing else like it. I don't develop anymore (as I've been managing devs for years), but could probably knock some of that rust off to help.

Having a decent community come back would be great, especially since my son is also old enough to play. Also it's my birthday next month, damnit and I want a good present.

General Discussion / Re: Who is your biggest rival in-game?
« on: June 08, 2014, 09:23:35 pm »
My biggest rival is whoever developed the multi/leveling system.

Announcements / Re:
« on: May 31, 2014, 04:58:50 am »
Previously the only thing you saw on NA was heavy cav, so I'm not really sure what you're talking about here. The only time you saw other types of cav on eu from what I noticed, was when there were so many cav on the field that anything you spawned with already had unusually high survivability, simply due to the fact that there were so many other targets. That's a pretty damn artificial case of "variety" to me.

So we go from lots of heavy cav to pretty much no heavy cav? Not much of a change, really. 8 riding skill is a point that hardly anyone goes to.

Instead of dropping all the heavy cav at 7 or 8 riding skill, they could be spread out like the lighter horses. You could have a 5 skill heavy cav, but just make it slow and turn like a bus. Then drop one at 6, 7, 8 whatever. It gives players more options instead of, "if you want to ride this horse you must have this build." Or, lower the stats on all horses and give larger increases with higher ride skill. Again, it gives players more options.

I like all the changes done to light cav, but with heavy cav...going from servers full of heavy cav to servers with no heavy cav isn't really a fix.

Announcements / Re:
« on: May 31, 2014, 02:01:43 am »
Am I the only one who thinks riding requerement increase led to increased variety?
Before we had everyone with the same type of builds - take an infantry lvl 30 build, add riding on higher lvls.
Now if someone is an infantry, - he's fast on foot but can't use a horse. If someone is a cav - he's fast on horseback but slow on foot.
Cavalry and infantry are now different classes - that's what I call variety.

Except...not really. There are a lot of 21/18 builds. I'm guessing that number will increase. Those people can still be great on foot and on cav. You'll just see less variety in horses. At level 30 with 6 riding, you can ride a Courser, Destrier, Barded Warhorse or Padded Warhorse. All good choices. I doubt that there will be many dedicated cav who go to 15/24 builds, because balanced builds are soooo much better. A few may just for shits and giggles, but I think the variety of the heavier horses will be used mainly by HA's and HX's.

This didn't affect cav/infantry hyrbids at all. It just reduced the amount of horses you'll see used.

Announcements / Re:
« on: May 30, 2014, 11:11:06 pm »
being able to play any class is great

but as "Mr. X" said so beautifully in the balance thread, playing cavalry [before the patch], is like playing a regular infantry, who has just got a couple more levels and put the points into "riding"

there is no reason not to do this; even if you just run around at the start of the map on a mamluk holding up your shield and bumping people, then dismounting when your horse is at half hp, you'd still get more kills than if you did the same build but as pure infantry.

the way the patch has changed it now, you're either specced as a cavalry player, or you're specced as an infantry player. not as an infantry who can ride a horse, like it was pre-patch -_-.

Hybrids are terrible and are the scourge of this game alright. I mean, how horrible is it to have variety? I propose that if someone equips a bow, they can no longer equip any melee weapon. Then they will be specced as a ranged player. Not a ranged player who can use a sword. See why your argument is dumb?

Cav are a counter to people who are dumb and people who ignore teamwork. They are terribly easy to avoid. And your gleeful cackles about reducing variety in this mod makes me think you won't be happy until it is reduced to the point where it resembles pong.

Cav only get a lot of kills when the other team ignore them. As a dedicated infantry player, I've always considered cav doing well having more to do with the opposing team being terrible rather than the cav doing well.

Announcements / Re:
« on: May 30, 2014, 10:30:02 pm »
Every once in a while I'll spec into cav, but I definitely consider myself an infantry player (when I actually play this game anymore).

That being said, the changes to cav went way, way overboard. It's like you came across a dirty window and your solution to fix it was hit it with a sledgehammer.

Originally, this was a game about choice and fun. Now it just keeps getting diluted down and the variety of builds just keeps getting reduced. I never thought cav was a problem. The one thing that cav is REALLY good at, is killing idiots and rambos who charge in without paying attention. Cav is pretty easy to avoid or kill if they're coming at you. A lot of people in this thread complaining that armored horses were OP seem to have no idea how to combat cav. They complain that once they stop the cav, hitting it with their tiny, no-speed-bonus weapon takes a million hits to kill it. Well, it is an armored horse. Why not, I dunno hit the rider instead? You know, the guy with less armor & hp? Or, when the horse is running at you, hit it in the legs which will 1-shot a hell of a lot of horses.

Adjusting armor, hp values or even difficulty by a point or two is totally reasonable. Changing the difficulty by 3(!) skill points is not. Especially since you need 9(!) attribute points to make up that difference. I think the 3 point attribute reset just adds insult to injury.

All this patch really does is dramatically reduce the amount of heavy cav on the field, which is a real shame. There goes even more variety. So what if it was easy for heavy cav to kill idiots? That person's 10:1 kdr doesn't mean a damn thing to me. The reduction of variety, viable builds & the unending grind just makes me play this game less and less. I miss the good 'ole days. Sure it was unbalanced as fuck, but my god was it fun.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Fix time on the ground and also blocking
« on: May 21, 2014, 03:54:13 am »
Why does getting up after being dehorsed takes so long? One person ran about 20 feet and stabbed me and ran back before I got up. Please decrease the time on the ground.

And also add blocking with 1h/ small 2hs and poles.

You need proper time to mourn the loss of your horse. That is why you are on the ground so long.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Build for 1h + shield??
« on: May 04, 2014, 07:36:34 pm »
I was a shielder for maybie 10 gens and i was doing well when my clannies were arround and i suppored them,now when they don't play a lot i find it hard to play alone and i don't like to play defence so i changed to polearms.
it's totally different expirience and i enjoy it more because i can actualy do something. Most of the shielders in eu1 are powerless against 2h,they just get spammed and hitslashed by 2h.
There are maybie few good shielders out there and they are all high lvl,most of them are just pray for 2h and poles.

I actually hybrid myself. I'm level 33, 18/21 pole/1h. My main weapon is my German Poleaxe, but if I'm in close quarters or fighting throwers I pull out my 1h & shield. I use a Knightly Kite which is so light that it doesn't really slow me down at all carrying it.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Knightly Kite Shield
« on: May 04, 2014, 06:38:25 pm »
I say we raise the reqs for the Knightly Kite to 7 shield skill to stop the scrubs from using it. Only the manliest of men (like myself) can use it then.

It's a great shield, good protection for how light it is. It's a fast skirmisher's or cav shield. Does what it's supposed to do incredibly well.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Build for 1h + shield??
« on: May 04, 2014, 06:35:18 pm »

6power strike
5 shield,weapon master
7 athletics

but i suggest you start playing as polearm or 2h,it's easier,more rewarding,alows you to wear plate and stuff. as shielder you need to defend and avoid some fights and you will be fustrated a lot by those 2h hitslashes.

18/21 is the 1h build of kings and everything this man says is true.

You'll get better faster and find the game more rewarding to start as a 2h or polearm.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Hospitaller_Berdox
« on: January 24, 2014, 03:58:31 am »
I was running up there when that headshot happened and had a perfect view.

ShameTickler was just standing on the flag and Berdox just turns around and shoots him in the head. It was a very blatant TK.

Afterwards Berdox kept saying how he'd never get banned as he's friends with a lot of Admins. Generally I don't post in ban threads, but he was really being a dick.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerf Kicks
« on: January 20, 2014, 01:36:53 pm »
The problem with kicks is that they break the game reality. Since the kicking area and duration has absolutely nothing to do with the kicker's leg, you really have no idea whether you're in a safe zone or not.

After someone kicks, you can't approach them either as their kick may still be active. Because of the long duration, you really have no idea.

Chamber kicking is pointless, because by the time you recover from being kicked, the guy you knocked on the ground can block again.

The only safe way to fight someone who kicks a lot is to stay out of their range. So you either need a long weapon, or if you have a short 1-hand you have to right swing/stab them to death. Makes for a boring fight.

Kicks do need a fix, but as that won't happen without a WSE fix...I won't hold my breath.

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