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Messages - Hydris

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Re: cRPGLauncher.exe trouble? post here!
« on: January 29, 2012, 08:46:33 pm »
If its anything like the problem I'm having its a random large file. Right now I'm stuck on scn_village_62c.sco. Last night It got stuck on something like scn_rajas.sco and another village file or 2.
I've seen it get from 5ish% completion to about 75% of the way though the whole download doesn't seem to be a specific spot that it breaks.

General Discussion / Re: Why do we even need upkeep anymore?
« on: July 22, 2011, 09:38:40 am »
This is from the perspective of a noob i got the game during the steam sale.
I fail to see a problem with the upkeep costs so far. My 2 hander can wear up to transitional without too much problem haven't bought anything higher. I prefer to run with light leather though saves money for my random weapon buying and I seem to do better in the lighter armor.
I will admit I stopped playing my archer because the upkeep was annoying always having arrows break. Just having the second best set and a horn bow was eating into my gold gain and i seemed to barely gain cash at all until i downgraded a little.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: New upkeep system intended that way?
« on: July 15, 2011, 10:10:35 pm »
I think it is just giving some characters really bad luck. My archer alt was getting owned by repairs I had about 30% repair rate on normal gear and 50% on arrows but my 2 hander is doing just fine only seeing something need repairs every couple rounds. Got so bad on my archer I stopped bringing a sword and only wield 1 stack of arrows even then i was repairing random swords i would pick up far more often than i would like. Sucks when you are losing a lot then get hammered by a 1300 repair bill for a sword you don't even own. I need to remember to ditch my scavenged swords when the round is lost. I was only in leather gear with a Horn bow and two stacks of tatar arrows i think they are called now and seemed to still lose money not much but I think I lost 6k in the rounds i played before switching guys.

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