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Messages - BDF92

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / [Unban] BDF92
« on: October 01, 2011, 10:59:16 pm »
Hey guys,

I log on today to play some M&B C-RPG and it appears I am banned. I was wondering if you can get banned for leaving your game open after you die? I died and left the room to go to my friend's room (live in a college dorm) and ended up staying there for the night. I am confused as to why I was banned and some clarification would be great. Also, a theory of why I may have gotten banned last night was for a team kill; I was in the middle of a fight and one of my slashes hit a teammate and killed him. It seems that apologizing after TKs is taken pretty seriously on C-RPG and since I was still alive and fighting I didn't have the time to apologize over chat, and by the time the fight was over I had forgotten. Could that be why?


Closed Requests / Banned from all servers (nevermind, close)
« on: October 01, 2011, 10:39:11 pm »
EDIT: looks to only be banned from EU servers, as I can still get into NA server's. I'll go to their forums.

yeah i got a build that is polearm cav and 1h sword and shield :)

one thing i have been having trouble with though is picking out armor. i have spent a boatload of cash on armor, but im not sure which ones i should be getting that would be the best bang for my buck. I am losing a lot of money on repairs so i need to have a budget armor/weapon build that will suit my needs. I think for weapon right now im gonna get the war cleaver, but im not sure what to get for armor that would be best. i pickedd up the mail mittens, what about body armor/head/feet? thanks

if you have absolutely no idea what you are doing, Heirloom Chain Mittens as virtually every class will use them, though I personally would consider Black Wisby Gauntlets as I find my self using them on every class I have (even archer), but I am strange like that...
Well... Actually I don't think I have ever used them on my cav to be honest...

are those the same as mail mittens?

thanks for the replys guys, i probably should have gone 1h and shield come to think of it :o so i guess when i retire ill go 1h and shield. is it ok to go cav with 1h and shield? or should i be infantry? also is there an item that would be good to heirloom that is universal to all classes? if i dont like 1h and shield i would hate to have a heirloom item.

im feeling the same way, i bought if off the steam sale but im always getting owned. im using a 2h with a good build, but blocking is so hard. it takes me 2-3 hits to kill other 2h and those same 2h will 1 hit me :(

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