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Messages - yedrellow

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« on: July 13, 2014, 02:02:17 pm »
Remove the fucking 1 class Bullshit and bring back hybrids.

Ever since we removed hybrids, everything has sucked. Good thing I'm high level and can hybrid as much as I want.

This is the only solution imo, but unfortunately it wont happen; people are too ingrained with the current stats system in crpg. Native multiplayer classes are pretty much 'hybrids' by crpg standards, but that sort of hybridisation is sort of required for balance reasons. Otherwise you will have the situation where you have infantry being kited continuously, while they cant even spend points on javelins to take their horse down, without massively nerfing their fighting ability. The only real solution is to have hordes of separate characters that you can change to on a moments notice. If there's too much foot range, maybe an ath shielder. Or perhaps an xbow class to take down cav.

The other problem is that because of the obsession with making non-shield classes viable in a battle situation, the counters to horse archery have been nerfed. I am not saying that we shouldnt have 2h/polearm/1h no shield characters in crpg. But maybe they should have the ability to be a little flexible, rather than nerfed ridiculously if they do anything other than focus 100% on that combination.

Maybe upon new character creation, you could choose a starting class, which would distribute a number of points based on its choice. Then after this, you have less points to spend. Eg. Infantry might get 2 power throw and a base of 80wpf in polearm/2h/1h and perhaps 2 shield. This forces at least some level of flexibility at the expense of excessive specialisation, as is present atm.

General Discussion / Re: Patch That ruined skill in game/weapons
« on: January 04, 2012, 04:46:34 am »
I agree with the intentions behind this change, while few of you know me, I am considered the best , or near to, active blocker in the Australian community. People keep referencing 'good blockers' as people who take no issue with instant slashes. This is mildly true, but not for the reason you suspect. Above 60ish ping, the right swing insta-slashes certainly did (not sure if they still do) become near instant. Decent blockers are far more likely to drop a hit because of things like instant slashes, thud slashes or glitching through player models (latency induced) than any combination of feints and holds. Sure, a lower right swing speed makes it difficult, but decent players will adjust accordingly.

Clarification: People who are 'good blockers' generally try to move such that instant slashes are impossible on them in the first place

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: High Strength Shielder
« on: December 16, 2011, 09:27:25 am »
In the occasions that i still play in eu1 or any larger server i almost always go solo and never have any support guys with me, unless we are playing together with a big Fallen team, can't speak for ramses.

I don't see why you think that a high strength shielder is good in 1v1 though. What high STR gives you is more dmg and hp, this should help out a lot more when in a middle of a battle where you might need your dmg to kill off opponents faster or IF to survive some unexpected hits. High agy shielder seems to have all the advantages in 1v1.

I do agree with you that melee 1vsx is easier with fighting multiple opponents aswell. High STR build imo just has the advantage of managing to kill opponents off with fewer hits turning the battle and tank more dmg. ( which can both be really important )

yedrellow: Kick slashing is a problem for a 1h, no matter how much you practice agains't it, specially with a STR build and heavier armor. You might be able to avoid kicks of many people and actually get to their side and hit them, but better players won't let you do that. With good 2h or polearm players i usually either try to keep a balance of trying to stay out kick range, and inside 1h weapon range which can be a real pain, specially if i have a str build so they are faster then me, or just completely facehugging them in which case i need to hope that they miss their kicks.

Look I understand why you may think kick-slashes are impossible to avoid, but it really is a footwork issue that can be worked on, regardless of low athletics. If you personally have a problem with kickslashes then it is something you can work on. Jump in a native duel server with a fighting pick and you should eventually learn how to deal with kick-slashing. If you're unwilling to practice on native, duel with a 40 reach hammer on your local crpg duel server until you learn how to avoid kicks. If you are facehugging them, then of course you're going to get kickslashed, but that doesn't mean that it is impossible to close distance. I am personally quite capable of dodging and punishing kickslashers of all qualities that I have encountered. With lower athletics it becomes harder, but really, the same principles can be applied to dodging and otherwise avoid kicks.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: High Strength Shielder
« on: December 15, 2011, 05:38:28 pm »

They usually have at least two or three 'support' guys with them what gives them the opportunity to fight the opponents 1 vs 1.

A strength shielder with 8 power strike, relatively long weapon and big shield is in 1 vs 1 good against everyone except high agi kick slashers.

Kick slashing is something you can deal with pretty easily with proper practice. I recommend that if you have a problem with kickslashing that you practice with moving to the side of opponent rather than directly at them and hitting them from the side. Kicking on the lead is far more difficult than kicking when someone runs directly towards you. With time you should learn how to dodge kicks without moving directly to the side of them (something best practiced on native against kickslashers). This is because most kick-slashing techniques depend upon the following:

Attack, move back momentarily using s, kick, slash.

This technique opens up a vulnerability if the non-kicker does not follow their backwards movement directly. If someone is an agility fighter you may even be able to 1 hit them by getting around their block and end the fight straight away.

I don't believe that people should forget the idea of using this build with some of the higher speed weapons as opposed to the high range weapons proposed by others in this thread. Using a liuyedao with 102 speed should counteract some of the negatives experienced by having lower weapon proficiency. Its high base damage and speed should both prevent speed based suppression and allow you to deal with armour. A liuyedao at 3 powerstrike in the right hands can kill plate users, it will do fine at 11 powerstrike. However you should only use this if you have experience in fighting when outranged, which is not true of a lot of players.

My opinion of the build as a whole is that you will probably be too slow. A shielder needs to be able to close range on balanced build backpeddlers, so it would probably be preferable to downgrade the strength to around 24 and bring athletics up to 4 or 5.  You may be able to alleviate some of the issues with speed by using quite light armour, but very few people can pull off a low armor strength character, so it is probably inadvisable. The only time where I'd see this character being more useful than others would be in massed fighting situations, where you are quite able to deal a lot of damage and survive.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Best build for one vs. many?
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:33:05 am »
Group fighting is possible and effective with a large range of builds, but it is important for you to realise that the techniques of group fighting must vary based on the build you have.

Agility based characters must make use of their high athletics to string groups of opponents in to more easily managable 'chunks' of 3 or less. This way they can isolate individual players and prevent players from simultaneously holding. This means that yes, they need to kite. Characters using 101+ speed weapons with approximately 180 weapon proficiency will notice that they should be able to beat outranging swings with a sudden target change and left swing. Make sure you hit the head as your lower powerstrike means that you need to hit the head to be dangerous. Remember that extreme athletics builds will die in 1-2 hits depending on speed bonus and hit location, so you have to be careful.

Balanced Characters are generally on the order of 5-7 athletics and will not have a speed advantage on the group of opponents. This means that it is impossible to 'string them' in to smaller more easily managable chunks as the group will inevitably catch up on them. This is where group fighting becomes more complicated, but shouldn't be foreign to anyone experienced with group fighting in native. If you are versing groups which are synchronised through the use of voip, it will become difficult without a shield, as they will attempt almost simultaneous strikes and stun hitting.

The general idea of group based fighting with equivalent speed is you must actively suppress as many people as you can at once. This means that if you get 'focused' on an individual opponent you have lost. If you are versing an group of 3, you will find that you will be able to actively suppress atleast 2 of those players at once, you must move around to keep the third from in turn suppressing you.

The simple algorithm for this is: Block player 1 (or chamber if the opportunity presents itself), drag chamber to or attack player 2. To improve your group fighting further you must learn how to keep the number of players in striking range of you equal to or less than 2 and make sure you integrate attack cancelling to target changing. This is because if you judge that a player has beaten you to a swing, or you have a number of players greater than 2 in strike range without teamhits, you must be able to attack cancel, block and switch target again. The use of tilde tapping may be required.

Note that I have not gone in to the use of group fighting techniques when you're vastly outspeeded. I have not experimented with this, but I presume you must rely on forcing thuds/teamhits to get anywhere. Target changing will still be important.

Now an interesting group fighter I have is my 9ath shielder, (10-27), which can prevent simultaneous hits using a shield while maintaining deadly on the target change headshots. Due to the low shield skill (4), he changes to 1h no shield in 1v1 and is perfectly specced to hunt down groups of unmounted ranged.

If you intend to group fighting with a 24-15 polearmer I recommend limiting your reach to 120ish, or your opponents will abuse backswing stun/blocking/interupting. The longaxe is useful for this as it is long enough to keep opponents at a distance, damaging enough to kill in 1 hit and short enough to prevent backswing block.

General Discussion / Re: LPK are we too big?
« on: November 02, 2011, 04:00:37 pm »
Because everytime they post, it usually involves them calling everyone arrogant and then at the same time bragging about skill I never see when visiting their servers? Then they post screens of players with above average scores facing no top players... Or that one video a few weeks back of one of their top pkayers... Who never ever fucking feinted once...

The SECOND top player that you mentioned was Thorn ... versing the lowbie Aleczacool shortly after beta. Thorn was an even match for Rhade in their last duel set. Watch your bloody mouth. And yes, we don't really have the opportunity to cut through hordes of lowbies like you Americans do.

Edit 2: Yes, all Australians acknowledge that the Europeans are better than the Americans.

Edit 3: And yes, the good fight started last year with reactions to the same sentiment expressed in the first reply on the taleworlds forums. It is only natural to react.

General Discussion / Re: LPK are we too big?
« on: November 02, 2011, 03:55:59 pm »
And I have had a similar score on EU and never managed to do that on NA. Clearly I was consistently lucky too... Also helps that no top players were on against me, just like I see with John.

Still waiting to be impressed.

Think you are big shit? Duel BkS_Rhade on native, best 5 out of 9. Then come back.

I was informed by thorn that that they did have a duel series of one form. You'd be better off asking Rhade for the results, as i can't really get a hold of Thorn. I am not sure of who won, but again, Rhade would be able to tell. Thorn did say it was a good challenge for him, but also thought that Toad would destroy him. 

General Discussion / Re: LPK are we too big?
« on: November 02, 2011, 03:48:14 pm »
John gets cumulative 86-3 on an NA server in his few rounds he had time to play there ... considering he's never gotten close to that on an Australian server.

Clearly he was consistently lucky; Australians must still be terrible and will fall at the might of the great American community.

General Discussion / Re: LPK are we too big?
« on: November 02, 2011, 03:30:45 pm »
EU (don't know about NA) has long ago progressed past the point where "riposting" (known as chambering everywhere else) is effective. Against good players, it's pretty much completely pointless and only opens you up for held attacks.

Well I agree with you there, chambering is pointless against good players.

Note that this was well established in the Australian native community a year ago, but the crpg Australian community's a little smaller and they're a bit behind. Have to convince the keens to come back in to get any quality in to the pool. The only actual way we have to judge Australian standards was the fighting between Rhade and Thorn (thorn being second best Australian) and Rhade being close to the top American. The results of fighting between the two were relatively even. It would interesting to see how Toad would have done, considering Toad destroys Thorn 1v1.

Anyway, this discussion meant to be a bloody Australian internal discussion, so head back to your own discussions.

Regardless, no, I don't think LPK is too large. The current LPK AEF model closely mirrors the former native KOS TGD model, which I think works quite well. Ideally you want to be getting back to a KOS TGD NOBLE KEEN LOK model, but that's not going to happen until Warband two comes around.

Edit: I've noticed that any time an Australian internal discussion comes up on these forums, every American and European (including moderators) decides to attack us for our playerbase quality.  This is quite off topic and to be honest uncalled for. The 250-400 ping gulf between our servers prevents us from even really witnessing each other properly. However, judging by some of the statements made here, you'd think the Australian playerbase wouldn't even know what a manual block was.

Edit 2: Really, John of all people destroyed the Americans on their own servers?

That is hilarious.

General Discussion / Re: Economic crisis hits cRPG market?
« on: October 26, 2011, 04:50:52 am »
As a person who runs around with little more than a pilgrims costume and a cheap weapon, I find it hilarious.

I inform you that soon I will be in possession of ALL of the heirlooms.

General Discussion / Re: EU vs NA
« on: October 19, 2011, 06:37:49 pm »
When M&B2 is released there shall be video evidence of their greatness from australia, and we shall ALL suffer the consequences. The prophecy has been foretold.

Siiem. 1:337 Book Thorn.

Let it be known

General Discussion / Re: EU vs NA
« on: October 19, 2011, 06:30:47 pm »
Ahh well, I am sure we can always wait for Warband 2 for them to get interested again, until then it's just a matter of:

Australians: Keen is better than any NA or Eu, honest, I've seen the videos

NA: Random NA player 1-5 is better than Keen and any EU, honest, I've seen the videos

EU: Random EU player is better than any Keen/NA, honest, I've seen the videos

That's all the EU v NA (with generally a few random Aus and maybe a couple other communuties) threads end up as.

I will be in London for a couple of weeks anyway in Feb, so I might make one night for some warbanding in some local EU servers, but I swear if I beat any of your top players, you lose all right to criticise the currently mystical to you Thorn/Toad :P

General Discussion / Re: EU vs NA
« on: October 19, 2011, 06:23:18 pm »
Lose damage bonus for a weapon that 1 hits any way?

Doesn't matter, hit a bastard in the head and he drops.


Ok, my two statements xant are seemingly contradictory, but the point is that the standard of play overall shortly after beta was naturally much lower due to the fact that the game had only been out for a couple of weeks.

Now, these two were at a higher standard of play back then than the rest of the pack, and continued to get better until January 2011, where they slowly stopped playing.

General Discussion / Re: EU vs NA
« on: October 19, 2011, 06:19:14 pm »
I saw a guy using a great long axe to repeatedly stun-lock the other guys sword (that does not take skill, just a heavier weapon) in a duel, he didn't have 99% blocking rate in even a 1v1 closer to 85%, missed the guy in most of his kicks.  Better than average fighter but I could rattle off adozen EU and NA fighters that could consistently beat him ina  duel, especially with how often he misapplied his kicks and over backpedaled and over-held his swings (luckily against a non-aggressive opponent).  He probably could beat me, but like I said there are plenty of better EU/NA meleers than that.


Stun, + if you notice that higher aggression with his sidestepping and holding would lead to him getting the first hit.

Secondly, this a video of a very very early tournament in 2010, shortly after beta's close, he was still learning back then.

General Discussion / Re: EU vs NA
« on: October 19, 2011, 06:11:36 pm »
Never ever?

Amazing how a joke duel between a below average player and thorn with great long axes of all weapons can indicate to you his normal fighting style.

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