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Messages - xkhanxfrog

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Better pay up quickly before something,... "unfortunate" happens to you.  :twisted:

nah just kidding  :lol:

Obviously this attitude won't get u anywhere. This "mod" is developed by ppl in their spare time, spare time left if you subtract rl issues and priorities everyone has (family, job, hobbies, studies, roaming the streets drunk/ half naked) from it, for free.

Also the team is from different timezones so while u might feel like ppl might ignore you or not be helpful at all for hours, they might be busy at work or actually sleeping, if you're too ignorant to consider any of this, without contributing anything, well then I must say you're no loss for this "shitty" community. But thx for your shitty feedback anyway!

Ignorant? I've waited 2 weeks with zero helpful feedback, just useless bullshit including this whiney shit here, how can i contribute if the community itself can't contribute to a single player, you expect me to do shit? You're retarded, probably going to get more rage, and of course I ain't no loss, how can a average player be a loss when ya'll put little to zero value to them to begin with. You say contribute? Contribute how? Instead of bitching about it tell me what I can do to help otherwise keep your fat ass shut

Eh it's pretty obvious, there ain't no point, I'm just gunna delete the mod, it'll just happen again and whoever is able to do something can give a rats ass, shitty community, shitty feedback, and zero action, fuck this mod.

I don't get it, what the hell does it mean? and why the hell? It says I posted a video called hacker? That wasn't me goddamn it, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? Someone explain I'm confused, I just want to play this goddamn fucking game, IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?

Well everything has been fixed due to this new patch....exept the problem with Negative 139,501 gold remains...

Edit: No...nevermind I was terribly wrong...Everything I bought is gone aside from my weapons, the marketplace items do not even appear, and I am getting kicked with every atempt to regain my gold, what the fuck?

Edit: Alright well I simply reinstalled cRPG and now I can play on server, everything works amazingly, removed all cookies, everything is fine, the only remaining problem now is that my gold is still in the negatives.

Looks like there was a horrible, horrible mistake. Apparently, using the same PC as hellowrold must have triggered the automatic ban system.

But don't worry, I'll take care of it right after I've finished strategus.

Oh man thanks so much, I can wait I just want to play again is all, take your time and shit, I'm not in no rush. As long as in the future I'll get to play my character, I just hella don't want to start from the goddamn begining again, hell I don't want a refund on gold, I just want it set to zero and I'll work my way back up, cause I'm like srsly at the point where I can't even join servers, purchase anything you know the works, yet able to log on the cRPG inventory/statisitic menu thing, Don't know right words. Again THANKS!!! Looking forward to playing with you guys again and a lot more often, so I can KEEL U!


I'll pay you 10k bonus after strategus starting, just do not interrupt equus africanus asinus. Make alternative char for day or two

equus africanus asinus - this mean chadz
Thanks for the offer man, but no thanks it's just 10k, I don't want no hand outs I just want to kill shit. BUT AGAIN much appreciated and uhh...will try to not interupt him, don't know how I'd do that but YESSIR.

Alright turns out...My character also does not exist....when I log into cRPG servers now and kicks me instantly, please can some help me the fuck out I JUST WANT TO KILL SHIT, IS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK?

Edit: Alright I think if I clarify it'll give better idea...I can log onto WEBSITE, all of my items are presents and I have Negative 139,501 gold. I am unable to purchase anything at all but am able to log in with ease on the site, so my character does infact exist, now when I log onto the actual game server on the cilent Warband I am kicked and it displays a message saying "This character does not exist...?" Please help a kid out.

Edit: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? My gold is now non-existent, or was. I refreshed it several times and it didn't say zero gold, it didn't say negative or positive, it just said nothing. "Gold:" So I log out, log back in and suddenly it's back to it's good old Negative 139,501 gold. Am I doing something wrong? DO I HAVE TO GET ON MY KNEE'S AND BEG?

Alright my names Epimetheus on the cRPG servers, I'm pretty new and well I haven't played in a week or two, I had around 27k (I THINK) on my character, well I log onto today to reinstall cRPG (BTW I love you guys for making the mod) And I have -139,501 gold. Uhh clarification, Negative 139,501 gold. I don't understand...I'm unable to gain gold...due to it being negative, nor repair my gear, it would really be appreciated if I could get some input, I just want to go kill shit. Thanks for your time.

Edit: (Sorry, forgot to mention I am entirerly new to forums yet have heard plenty, I only am on it now for help, if I am doing something wrong, or posting in the wrong area I am sorry and if possible notify me and I will avoid doing it again.)

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