« on: October 17, 2011, 02:36:09 am »
As a lot of 2h users will agree, there is a very small selection of viable 2h weapons compared to polearms. Lets compare the bar mace and with the bec because they fill the same role.
Bar mace
weight: 4.5
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 92
weapon length: 96
thrust damage: 0 blunt
swing damage: 35 blunt
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Bec de corbin
weapon length: 120
weight: 2.8
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 93
weapon length: 120
thrust damage: 26 pierce
swing damage: 34 pierce
slots: 2
Bar mace negatives compared to the bec.
* Slower.
* Unbalanced.
* Shorter.
* No thrust.
* Doesn't have polestun.
* Blunt does less damage than pierce vs armor.
Bar mace positives compare to the bec.
* Knock down.
* Weighs more.
* 2h has better animation.
As you can see its not even comparable. Even with unbalanced removed the bec is still the better weapon. The bar mace has been nerfed heavily as it should have been, but it wasn't given any positives after all those nerfs and now its a terrible weapon.