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Messages - Gevlos

Pages: [1]
Diplomacy / Re: There was a village
« on: July 29, 2011, 12:27:22 am »
Ever heard of tactics? Organisation? :P

ever heard of spawnrape and sudden changes of game mechanics?

those two things and what you mentioned above kinda cancel each other out.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: No one has defended a village
« on: July 29, 2011, 12:21:21 am »
more interesting, that's certainly one way of putting it :lol:.

more balanced between clans and betweeen attacker and defender, I can't see how.

more realistic/convincing, depends on how you look at it I guess. but does it matter if the game is unbalanced?

but it's kinda hard to complain when you're playing a mod that is still under development.

Edit: easy to complain... hard to get your bo... hopes up. 

Diplomacy / Re: There was a village
« on: July 28, 2011, 11:25:14 am »
it's never gonna be a steamroll for anybody if spawn can't be captured.

it's still about tactics if you want to conserve tickets. and we want to conserve tickets if I remember correctly. the slow spawn(for this village at least, made it impossible to use any tactic that wasn't about sitting on spawn.

and you don't need tactics to defeat villagers when the numbers are 10 to 1.

Diplomacy / Re: There was a village
« on: July 28, 2011, 11:10:16 am »
YYYIIIAAARGH, damnated four eeturnaty bee this villadg :mad:! butt a fayne storri for the lads, ain't it?

no but really this spawn-CAP system. it's just  :arrow:

WHY chadz?  why do we need it? so many have been screwed over by this :!:
mostly the brigade of course cuz every body LUUUUVS signing up against us 24/7(why is that, do people really hate us that much?... wait don't answer that :rolleyes:), many many more... way too many! what's wrong with having the best ticket-conserving army win the day?

*rambles on in an all-caps-rage*

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Meet the Archer and Crossbowwoman!
« on: July 14, 2011, 09:26:20 pm »
No, buff archers.

Increase the time a bow can aim accurately - alternatively, add pre notching.
Increase the effect of proficiency so that they can afford to spend points for 1h or 2h.
Decrease the effect of armour on accuracy.

Hell yes! But armor should also protect better against arrows and bolts. As much as I love shoot tin cans, I still find it kinda silly when they start dancing when I aim at them. One should feel more safe in full plate armor.

General Discussion / Re: Wants me to update to 1.230 from 1.223
« on: July 11, 2011, 10:25:05 pm »
I did indeed try to download the patch to the mount & blade-folder in steamapps/common/mountblade warband and not even from there would it allow me to install anything. thank you for trying to get to the bottom of this.

General Discussion / Re: Wants me to update to 1.230 from 1.223
« on: July 11, 2011, 10:13:04 pm »
Thanks for the quick reponse Overdriven, and it would be very helpful if only I could install the patch once I download it. I can save it and move it around all that but I'm uanable to install it.

General Discussion / Re: Wants me to update to 1.230 from 1.223
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:38:42 pm »
I got it working. Turns out there's both a crpg patch and a Warband patch. You need to download both. If you go to the announcement thread, the Warband patch is the first one. And the two smaller links are the crpg one

I have steam and it's supposed to download automatically. and yes I did follow Garrus' suggestion, and now I've changed it back to "compatible_with_warband". but all my mods are still in v1.134. So I downloaded the warband patch 1.142 but what do I do with it then? when I click on it, it says that warband is not installed and that I need to download the "full installer" from

Svenska/Norsk/Dansk Forum / Re: Den Fallna Brigaden
« on: July 09, 2011, 05:49:25 pm »
du mener vel handikappet/svensk... ellers en god oversættelse :mrgreen:

Spam / Re: Our next goal in life.
« on: July 09, 2011, 02:02:10 am »
actually heat from the sun never burns your skin. sun burns is just a reaction on your skin due to over exposure to UV rays, which you can get no matter the temperature. So he'd die from skin-cancer just as easily as any other guy.

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Announcements / Re: Official Survey about item power
« on: July 04, 2011, 04:19:33 am »
Poke-lancing is actually stupid and unrealistic the way it is in Warband.  Medieval cavalry was dominated by 1h and couched lances because one handed poking lances didn't packed enough impact (that's why people developped couched lances in the first place).
depends on what you call mediaval, and how much power it takes to "pack enough impact".

if I get one-"shotted" as an e.g. archer in gambeson by a cavalry man poking me with light lance in full speed, that's not stupid.

but you're right that the way it "works" in warband is very unrealistic, simply because your lance is not stuck once you "poke" someone hard enough with it.  as far as I know the goal in the "classic" joustiong tournaments was to bust your lance on the opponents shield. doesn't that tell us something about the durability of a medieval lance?

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