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Messages - Silicium

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 29
ok, i join, if you make me clan kleader =D
That spot is already taken by me, first come first served.

Ill join if you give me a top tier high superior mightier rank than everyone else.... yes including you.

If that is not too much asking.

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Got more if you need.

Does the project have a limited time? this isn't really the right time for me or else I would gladly have donated, but if there isn't any limit ill be able to give a few in the future.

Faction Halls / Re: disBandits - the Vermin of Calradia
« on: December 02, 2014, 04:26:52 pm »
She's neither old nor MILF.  :wink:
She a cougar then.

Spam / Re: I want to say something important to the cRPG community
« on: December 02, 2014, 04:24:58 pm »
but must know the truth and not live in a colored fable with elves and fairies fisting.
No but but, fairies and elves are way better then pooping story with brownish rectum line being shown.

Spam / Re: I want to say something important to the cRPG community
« on: December 01, 2014, 02:41:41 pm »
You disgusting, just as I finished my meal and drinking a cup of coffeh, fuck you bastardo del italiano!

General / Re: Black or White?
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:19:04 am »

General / Re: Black or White?
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:11:31 pm »
- Join the dark force.

General Discussion / Re: Describe crpg with gifs
« on: November 26, 2014, 02:21:57 pm »
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There can be only one song befitting manliness and also manliness:

Hell na, this is far better

General Discussion / Re: Describe crpg with gifs
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:45:55 pm »
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General / Re: So we started the kickstarter campaign...
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:04:00 am »
Rocknrolla haircut visitors can't see pics , please register or login

General Discussion / Re: Kidduis the Commedian
« on: November 01, 2014, 08:40:13 pm »
Blind guy is desperate for the custom title: Captain of the Cunts
Jeez, you made me burst in laugh.

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