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Messages - Ronin

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General Discussion / Re: Stop being so serious, I'm serious.
« on: February 26, 2014, 08:45:45 pm »
You can have fun as long as you don't hamper the others' fun and as long as the game allows that.

If you are killing someone on your team intentionally, it destroys their fun. If you are killing someone on the opposition team, it again destroys their fun but the game allows that and is actually built around this concept.

Is it so? If I click on "move party to..." and klick on the fiefs name the white movementline doesn't end at the choosen fief.
(click to show/hide)

So is this just a graphic mistake and I actually land on top of the fief ?

 If I click on "move party to..." and klick on the fief(not it's name) I never really arrive on the spot and have to wait like 1/2h to enter.
Don't click on the name, but click on the picture of the fief. Your destination will be very near to the city gates.

I lold.
Combined with some ironflesh it really boosts the survivability. Why did you find it so funny?

STR gives better hp ---> useful with armor.

Recently I tried a new itembuild on faceless void. I'm far from being competitive these days so I'll ask your opinion on it:

In this order more or less:
-Power Treads
-Helm of Dominator
-Drums of Endurance
-Armlet of Mordiggian

Luxuries and situationals:
-Money for buyback (obviously)
-Boots of Travel as replacement for the boots (obviously)
or basically any item that increases your dps and survivability.

I always sucked with faceless void with other itembuilds and tested this in a pub game (I know it means nothing, hence I ask here for your opinions). The thing with this build is, it mostly includes items that add up very good survivability through str boost and also adds some attack speed. The extra hp from mostly armlet makes full use of the backtrack ability, which is one of the principles behind this build. Helm of the dominator is extremely cool with the lifesteal, armor boost and active ability (and regen in early game from helm of iron will). At somewhere around level 8-9 I dominated an ogre magi creep and killed roshan with the frost armor bonus. I also managed to kill a sniper with a wildkin, through it's tornado ability. It was hilarious as I wasn't even in the fight and sniper tried to run away 1 sec before with shadow blade. The timer was also 30:00 or so. :D

Many builds focus on dps and mostly attack speed but I find the armlet to be a core item on faceless void.

Maybe it would be possible to give the player 24h before the crimerate kicks in.
Because now it already is a problem if you tell your army to enter a nearby city; you go to bed; do your thing; get back to strat 24h later; and you already lost some troops.
So just implement some delay to the crime thing. I think it is unrealistic to expect a perfect timing from everybody.
This is a very good idea. Some people have 7/24 acess to internet, some only have a few spare hours within a day, some even prefer to adjust their sleep to fit whatever the situation requires. I think people who are playing game to have some fun, should be on equal terms with people who dedicate themselves to a web-browser game. The lesson to be learned here is, a game must not encourage the players to be nerds it must encourage players to play the game for fun and nothing more. A relaxed environment is the best.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: About Horse Archers
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:43:06 pm »
In an ideal scenario:
A Horse Archer has worse accuracy, more vulnerability to projectiles (can be countered by avoiding frontal engagements to enemy archers) and less shooting power.
In exchange it gains mobility and much better protection against melee (by avoiding them).

In Eu_1, there is also:
A Horse Archer is less effected by idiotic teammates. Such as friendly infantry who doesn't give a crap about defending friendly archers or teammates getting in front of archers just when the archer is about to release an arrow, which fucks up all the shooting period etc.

Overall, Horse Archers can do better by themselves but they have less offensive power to effect the situation as well. In that sense, they are still very dependant upon their team maybe even more than most of the classes. Melee decides the outcome of the battle, because infantry tends to kill/die faster in a massed melee very quickly. I'm not saying this in the sense that melee classes are actually stronger, I mean that they tend to clash and neutralise each other the fastest. Many rounds of 30 vs 30, become quickly 10-20 vs 10-20. If it becomes 10 vs 20, there is little a Horse Archer can do to save the situation. Of course there is very little anyone can do to change the tides at this point, but Horse Archers have even lesser capabilities of doing it somehow, because of the lesser damage output. An infantry player can just contribute greatly in the first main melee and still take 5 players by itself if he is very very skilled and sufficiently equipped with looms/levels.

All in all, I believe infantry players that are claiming their class is underpowered are not very good at melee skills themselves. They simply have less effect on the outcome of battles as they are avarage players, maybe? Claiming that Archer have the 70% melee power of an infantry and Crossbowman have 99% of an infantry just proves that in this example.

This game is all about knowing where you, your teammates and your opposition can be useful, and then using this knowledge to your advantage.

General Discussion / Re: Siege
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:23:20 pm »
Idk i think your talking about eu there cuz in na its empty af
You should have said so :)

I just don't like using the shortened names. For example, typing out Bounty Hunter, is too long, bh is silly, so Gondar feels the best  :lol:

Then again, in dota 1 you also might get a hero with fucked up name. For example your Ursa could be called FuzzyWuzzy  :P
I remember Clinkz Eastwood and Mogul Khan't Touch This ("Mogul Khan" originally, which is the name of Axe).

General Discussion / Re: Siege
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:14:09 pm »
It was 94/200 last I checked, so maybe people were having a break when you checked?

Suggestions Corner / Re: So we have a Medium Heraldic horse...
« on: February 23, 2014, 05:45:46 pm »

Suggestions Corner / Re: So we have a Medium Heraldic horse...
« on: February 23, 2014, 05:22:59 pm »
I'd say we can skip heraldic chargers, but that's my opinion.

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Help us fight the Enemy!!!
« on: February 23, 2014, 03:23:37 pm »
Blue... no yellooow!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: About Horse Archers
« on: February 23, 2014, 03:19:39 pm »
When will you dumb inbreed attention whores, stop posting your buff me threads in general section??

FFs, HA´s where OP as fuck, you had it comming.....

/End thread

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus drama Penios
« on: February 22, 2014, 01:06:08 pm »
I believe this is a bug in game design.

Defenders should have been able to escape with crates and equipment only 1 people can carry. 19 crates should have been left, so it really is delaying since defenders would have no means of protecting those 19 crates.

Attackers and defenders should be able to have some valid forms of retreat. Like leaving crates and equipment behind, to save troops. I know it must be carefully thought out, but the work is underdone in that department most of the time in our crpg/strategus. Such is one of the cases here...

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