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Messages - Grytviken

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General Discussion / Re: Add class limiters to NA1
« on: May 09, 2018, 12:05:00 am »

Now do me
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General Discussion / Re: EUcucks, the looming issue
« on: May 08, 2018, 08:37:04 pm »
Anyone whining about ranged clearly hasn't played native.
I have played on eu alot when it had high population and sry I dont see where you are coming from. And if ranged was such a big population and the supposed reason eu is dead did they run themselves off too?

Actually it's not as bad as it seems because of TDM and range not being able to kite, it just gets extremely boring fast with fixed classes.

General Discussion / Re: EUcucks, the looming issue
« on: May 08, 2018, 07:00:35 pm »
Everything Leesin said is true, no matter how people want to take it, that's your choice.

The Composite Bow and Arb are broken. Every single time the server filled up it was a Horse archer at the top of the scoreboard with consistent high KDR and an arrowstorm shitshow of getting 1 shot or 90% of your health gone by 1 projectile. And to those who say Zero Sat is just a good player, well he is, but there were other horse archers able to do the same thing consistently and top score easily, get highest KDR. Arb is still able to 1 shot 27 str full plate wearers, the core problems still remain, noone wants to get killed instantly from halfway across the map and have to wait 5-10 minutes to play another round.

The truly "watered down" classes are 2h and cavalry. 2h cut nerfed, 1h cut buffed against high armor values. Cav has been ignored for a while receiving no new buffs despite being rather easy and enjoyable to counter with a simple spear.

NA luckily doesn't have any large clans organized enough to truly abuse range to the point of no return, EU did though.

Countering range isn't simply " get a shield ". It works more like this, you waste your 7 day respec and then get killed and humiliated by range anyways because you got kited, flanked or lolstabbed by the new 1hers that hit like 2hers if you were dumb enough to buy into the meme. The only real counter to ranged spam is more range or throwers (lol nerfed ).

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General Off Topic / Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« on: May 07, 2018, 08:18:27 pm »
Last week in Scandinavia:

Young Swedish girl described as a 'minor' (a child of 14 or below, one source says she was 10 years old) from Östervåla was raped Thursday by three men in a cemetery in broad daylight on her way home from school. 'No person has been arrested but we have received a good description of the perpetrators. We do not want to publish it in the media', says police.

Two Afghans arrested for the rape of two 14-year old Danish girls in the toilets in a shopping center in Esbjerg in March. Also during the day.

Wednesday was the commemoration of the 7 year anniversary of the suicide of a 14-year old Norwegian girl. Two weeks before her Christian Confirmation she was lured from a music festival by an African man and raped. Two other Africans came by and she thought they would help her - instead they joined in the rape, holding her down while taking turns raping her. Following the incident she got increasingly depressed and couldn't sleep. Two weeks after her Confirmation, traditionally a happy day of celebration for Scandinavian girls, she took her own life.

This is a sad reminder of Angelica Wiktor, a Swedish woman who commited suicide in March last year after being raped by an immigrant and the court closing her case due to 'lack of evidence'. The woman chose to end her life, feeling devastated in the aftermath of the violent rape and the failure of the state to prosecute the perpetrator.

The rape of the 'minor' in Sweden is hardly the only rape of a Swedish girl by immigrant men in Sweden last week - just the only one that made it to the newspapers - if we go by the testimony of police veteran of 47 years Peter Springare of Örebro Police of what a 'normal' week looks like in these days of multicultural utopia (note this is from only one municipality out of 290 Swedish municipalities in total, God knows how these numbers look nationwide):
Springare also said he was due to retire soon and thus no longer feared disciplinary action from his superiors for disobeying their orders and raising the issue.

This is what happens when you have a pathetically weak justice system. Since there is no longer an excuse to be a criminal ( Scandinavians have a very high standard of living ) the penalties for even petty crimes should be harsher, else people will just take advantage of it.

Your Prison system is more like a paid vacation for these people than a punishment.

General Discussion / Re: FREE LOOMPOINTS
« on: April 27, 2018, 08:20:16 pm »
free loompoints and ppl still playing DTV, why are EU so noob

All drawbacks are apparent to anyone who owns armor Salad. Because people who own it seek to reenact as much as they can. They train in it, fight in it, test it to its limits. They'd know far better than you would

I'm not trying to poke fun at your hobby, i'm just saying comparing reenactment to reality is not a good argument. It's not exactly what I would call a "hardcore" representation of Medieval life or warfare .

Cool to watch but it doesn't prove anything because it's extremely low energy and not realistic at all. ( obviously for safety reasons )

No see the actual people who lived through the time period and used the things in war were just misguided. Fat american academics with a bone to pick have proven scientifically that plate armor was useless.

"After several hours of fighting there were four dead on the French side and two on the English side. Both sides were exhausted and agreed to a break for refreshments and bandaging of injuries. After the battle resumed, the English leader Bemborough was wounded and then killed, apparently by du Bois. At this point the English faction formed a tight defensive body, which the French repeatedly attacked. A German soldier called Croquart is said to have displayed the greatest prowess in rallying the Anglo-Breton defence"

Wow I'm sure there's absolutely no other contemporary accounts of armor in battle. Fighting for hours, literally impossible man, not like the use of armor in war stretches back to fucking antiquity. That's some powerful drugs you're on Salad.

LOL I never said plate armor was useless please don't quote me on things I never said. I said it has serious drawbacks that wouldn't be apparent to a casual enthusiast or historian. I've already shown examples of tournament fighting Oberyn. It's also important to remember that these tournament knights were the equivalent of modern day professional athletes, they were not the norm for society at the time and even among them quality and skill varied greatly. These tournaments were heavily regulated and refereed and are not a good example of an actual medieval battle with prolonged combat with no breaks.

It's also important to take some of these accounts with a grain of salt. The grandeur and tall tales often came before reality and facts back then when putting their kingdom's reputation or honor into question.

'medieval historic community' my ass

If we take a look at the armor they used you can immediately see it wasn't authentic. Those were scientists, who knew their stuff when it came down to measuring. They didn't know jack shit about armors, and it's easy to see

First off, they already said they were using armors that weigh 50 kilos. Which is bollocks, because no combat armor ever found has weighed 50 kilos. They have weighed around 25. That's half

Second off, they said that it was uncomfortable to wear.

Which also means tat the armor was completely wrong, because armor was made to be comfortable. People who own authentic armor state it to be comfortable to wear, move and fight in.

So who am I gonna believe? A bunch of scientists whit no expertise in the medieval armors, or the worlds leading armor expert Tobias Capwell and what he is saying? I think I'm gonna go with the armor expert

Again any hobbyist can run around their house in their armor or do backflips for some youtube video and think everything is fine because they are not showing examples of prolonged activity and it's consequences. This study incorporates finding actual abnormal human breathing patterns while wearing plate armor and monitors and calculates the extra energy expended into real statistics , something a hobbyist or armor expert is not doing or thinking about.

If the armour in either the test or the hobbyists isnt exactly identical in weight, shape and design to the armour used historically then it proves nothing one way or the other.

The study just proves what is already basic common sense, that you are trading mobility and energy for protection.

The fact that you are wearing  well crafted or evenly distributed armor doesn't matter because it is the leg armor that is causing most of the extra energy expenditure.  Modern infantrymen don't expend as much energy while carrying the same overall loads  because they don't have extra weight dispersed on their legs.

And that study was the dumbest study I've seen to date.

They used armor which was neither well districuted, too heavy for the user, and basically out all that fucking weight on the shoulders and the legs. Ofc you'd get tired

I'm tired of arguing with you. I know of people who own armor, and who say that it's no issue to wear is for extended periods of time. I'm gonna believe that far more than I'm gonna believe some random guy on the internet.

Oh a test done by a medieval Historical community  backed by an actual University's scientific proof isn't enough??? LOL

The proof is in the science bro. They even mention your exact false claims of properly made armor not impairing activity would still cause major energy expenditure and restrict normal breathing.

so you are telling us that it doesnt matter if a fighter uses armor or not? it will still get tired after few minutes? Then i would gladily put some armor on, i prefer to be tired and protected rather than tired and unprotected

You wouldn't tire as quickly as if you were wearing lighter armor. And moving quickly keeping in formation would be more important than being a omeglul duelist hero, if you were isolated in combat or broken from your formation you would be mobbed down and killed quickly no mater how much armor you have, there is much higher chance of that happening if your body is physically exhausted and incapable of moving, which is why the majority of fully armored Knights fought on horseback.

How much do you think the average modern infantryman carries? And that is even more cumbersome than armor would've been because of the weight distribution.

All your combat strength comes from your legs, and wearing armor having weight on your legs would greatly impede your ability to fight. The top weight distribution wouldn't be the problem. Your body would also need to expend much more energy with the added weight.

oh look there was a study done on this


What HEMA people fighting in plate armor? HEMA is unarmored.
If you mean other guys, not many people have authentic plate armor around. They also fight with the visors down for safety reasons, which is not historical
And believe me, a visor up makes all the difference

I want to recruit some of these superstar omegalul knights to fight in MMA since fighters there following scientifically proven nutritional diet plans and workouts can only last 5 minutes in the ring without a round break and you're telling me that wearing 60kg of armor + weaponry is ez.

Yes, the knights played a big role in Agincourt.  And the french knights were not 'dying of heat exhaustion', instead they stupidly charged the well entrenched positions of the english, through muddy ground. That's a death trap whether you wear armor or not. And the archers were not the only ones there, surprise. The English dismounted knights helped a fair bit.

1. Stop saying 30-60. It's 25-30 at max. And no, it won't kill you. People fall of horses all the time in jousting armor, which is quite a bit heavier. They're fine.

2. Yes, I totally agree. That is, with the visor down. Which was likely only done in lance charges and when getting shot by arrows. Otherwise, the visors were up.

3. Not enough for it to matter over the protection you get

4. Not really. In fact, the armor says "Don't kill me, I have lots of money. Ransom me!" Sure, a priority target. But for other reasons. And that still doesn't mean they'd actually be able to do anything to you. Especially if they were peasants. Wouldn't stand a chance.

5. No it doesn't

6.You don't march with armor on, you march with the armor off. Then you put the armor on, and go to battle. And even if you did march with it on for whatever reason, it would be fine. Just ask anyone who owns an authentic set. An authentic set, not a cheap badly made one.

So after watching some of these HEMA battle videos of people fighting in plate armor you can clearly see these enthusiasts are sometimes completely gassed out in just 30 seconds of "combat" dragging their weapons lazily and completely losing all footwork and defensive posture. At the most i've seen these guys fight for a couple minutes without looking like they are gasping for air and losing all martial coordination.  :lol:

Sure people on average were in better shape back in the medieval era, but cmon, just show me a video of people fighting for 15-20 minutes straight without armor and then come back and tell me that wearing 30-60kg is no big deal and not cumbersome.

Full plate fell out of use because armies got centralized, not because it was unpractical. When the state started to hold a regular army which got paid, and which had the profession of being soldiers, they realized that they could really not afford to give people armor. So what they did was give people guns instead. Because guns were cheap and required minimal training. Cuirassiers, which were the wealthy bunch, still wore bulletproof breastplates.

I'd really like to take a look of those accounts of yours.

Sure, you will get exhausted over time, but so will you without wearing armor. And if you're gonna get exhausted anyway, might as well do it boing protected from 99% of the hits you will receive. And it really isn't 30kg +, it's more like 30kg -
Especially if you count the various mercenaries who would only use parts of a full plate harness.

The english knights would like to differ about that horseback thingy. During the Hundred Years War, they mostly fought on foot. And know what? Their armor was heavier than most around during that time. History doesn't agree with you

Was it really the English Knights who carried the day at Agincourt?  :lol:  Or was it the horde of naked archers who more or less executed the exhausted Fully Armored French Knights who were stuck in the mud dying of heat exhaustion?

Again i'm not saying plate is totally useless, it's just far more exhausting and has many more drawbacks then people tend to describe. The French were absolutely slaughtered at Agincourt mainly due to exhaustion. Obviously it offers better protection, but by no means protects you from from 90% of danger on the battlefield.

Here is just a small list

1. Falling off your horse in 30-60kg of armor/equipment at a gallop would at the least leave you completely out of action but probably outright kill you.

2. Bad peripheral vision

3. Exhaustion

4. Priority target

5. Greatly reduces your chances to retreat or fall back if on foot

6. Way more exhausting march to the battle, your legs will probably be jelly by the time you reach the enemy lines if you are attacking on foot.

7. You can read here how easily people can be felled in full plate, knocked unconscious, grappled etc. You are far from invulnerable just because you have plate armor, and these were just 1v1 duels.

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