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Messages - Necrorave

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: 2h Bastard Sword Type Weapons
« on: November 30, 2013, 06:49:26 am »
It's funny how anti-bastard sentiments generally mention the stab as the thing they hate most about it.

Funny because the stab is also a weakness you can exploit. Here's the thing: every time someone stabs, there's a window that causes a stun upon a well-timed block. There are a few players who exploit this. Now, I don't know if it's because two-handers are most familiar with two-handers or if it's something else, but the bastard family of swords seem like the easiest ones to stun to me. Either way, if you're going to complain about 2h, consider this. You can disbelieve, call bullshit, or experiment for yourself in the duel server until you want longsword users to stab you so you can get a free slash in.

I know the "Weakness" you speak of but I think you may have misunderstood my viewpoint.  (If this was directed towards me)

My case was basically just against the Estoc.  (Forgot to mention that, sorry)

The other swords I only have a problem with the existence of cut damage.  The stab for the other swords is fair game if you ask me.

PS: The claim you make is like using saying "If you can chamber it, then its not a big deal.".  The problem is that most people cannot chamber efficiently enough to do it in every situation they come across.  While what you say is true, it cannot be used to invalidate opinions.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 2h Bastard Sword Type Weapons
« on: November 30, 2013, 05:00:17 am »
After the patch, I remained patient trying not to spew hatred towards these weapons like I usually do.  Although, I think it got worse haha.

While I still stand by my earlier post of a -1 to cut damage across the board.  I also feel a -1 to speed might be needed as well, or for the Estoc at least.

EDIT: The following is based on the Estoc

While I may feel this way because it is a new weapon and do not yet know how to deal with them effectively, I do think it is quite easy to spam stabs at charging enemies and retreating enemies.

The high damage makes it stun and harm the victim even at close ranges.

Although, if the "Half Swording" stab was presented I feel it would fix these issues.  This is pure speculation of course like any other opinion on this topic.

NA (Official) / Re: not over it, badmin abuse enrages me
« on: November 26, 2013, 09:02:44 pm »
Team wounding of any kind is illegal.  (Unless it is the end of the round, and even then)

It does not matter if they are your friend or not.  It is team wounding.

Insulting someone's intelligence because you did not understand the rules is quite hilarious though.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Miaodao, the most OP sword in this mod
« on: November 26, 2013, 08:32:39 pm »
The OP is just an idiot.

Not even worth arguing with considering he will not even acknowledge the missing factor of his argument.



General Discussion / Re: Leaving C-RPG and Last present
« on: November 26, 2013, 07:33:19 pm »
Ticket please.


General Discussion / Re: admin ''Erzengel''
« on: November 18, 2013, 05:58:56 pm »
You made the ban request and admit that the screenies were tampered with then claim he is lazy for not banning you or your "Friend" yet?



Spam / Re: So this exists...
« on: November 18, 2013, 05:44:38 pm »
Would you rather have a Trainee sticking his fingers in your ass?

General Off Topic / Re: Absolute total filth
« on: November 18, 2013, 04:17:46 pm »
I got a blowjob behind a "Free Mason" building once.

That is about all I got.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 2h Bastard Sword Type Weapons
« on: November 15, 2013, 08:41:29 pm »
I do feel they are fairly balanced, although, I always had a problem with the damage.

I just feel they all need a -1 in cut damage.  The only reason I feel this way is because of the comparison between the Longsword and Greatsword.

I feel they should not be the same in damage.

For the most part though I do not have much of an issue.

I have been cutting down trees with the 60ql one and keeping my 80ql Longsword for fighting stuff.

Good steal you got there ;p

severe spider bite wound lol.

Yea, that thing is going to keep bleeding until it gets treated, or you bleed out.

Then whats the point of it, building shit is boring if there is no reason to build it lol.

Crazy probably played in the Home Servers of PvP.  Where the battles are rare and raids are usually quick sneak attacks.  The PvP is a bad grind, but once you get there you can do whatever you wish.  Just because Crazycracka never had experiences with PvP does not mean they don't exist.

In the PvP cluster there is a middle server that Everyone is fighting for control on.  The "Skilled" and well trained players go there after spending time on the Home server leveling up their abilities.  Nonetheless, PvP can be accomplished anywhere.  I had to scare off some new player from stealing my crops.  I only hit hit twice before he ran off, but the freedom of PvP is always there.  The "Battles" are just more common elsewhere.

It all comes down to if you like slow paced sandbox games.  I do, so I enjoy it.  Others may not, why else would you think I have a hard time finding people to play with? ;p

By reasonably decent I didnt mean twitch combat, I meant anything better than navigating a drop down menu everytime you want to attack and then waiting for some kind of progress bar for the action to even happen. Just looks awkward and slow, it is like a prehistoric terrible version of the general hotkey targeting mmorpg. Being able to set the combat actions to hotkeys AND the combat actions happening there and then with a cooldown, would generally make the pvp less terrible, IMO that is.

The drop down menu for melee is merely the direction you want to attack.  Special moves have inductions though.

The rest is automatic and timed.  Weapons have different speeds.  (I swing every 3 seconds)

The drop down is not as complicated as it looks honestly.  Although, ranged combat is more complicated then it needs to be, I can agree with that much.

I agree with Kafein's point of view.

I personally found the driving in GTA IV much more "Rewarding" and fun than I find it in GTA V

While I do like some things they have changed (Such as every car having bald tires syndrome GTA IV had)  I do miss the collisions and vehicle damage from GTA IV compared to V.

I find speeding in the game mindless and boring because of how easy it is to drive.  Your car rarely loses control in extreme cases and sometimes is barely affected from a hard collision.  It reminds me of Saints Row in the sense that every car except yours was made of paper.  You could be in a sports car and plow a truck over no problem.  It may not be as extreme in  GTA V but It definitely has similarities.  While you can argue a hard crash can now cause an instant death, that still does not fix the fact that I feel like a pillow is protecting me when I hit On coming traffic.  I just shrug it off and continue with no problem.

Do not even get me started on how silly the "Power" Franklin has.

In basic summary, a lot of players who like being "God" and owning the road like the new system.  Those who prefer driving to actually feel dangerous and nerve racking at high speeds prefer the old system.

It is a matter of preference, arguing over which is better is like arguing over your favorite cereal with someone.

I was gonna try this out as some of the features look pretty cool, but after watching videos of the pvp it looks like one of the most awkward and boring looking PvP systems I've ever seen, clicking through drop down menus and waiting for timers to complete attacks. Sadly I don't enjoy many games that dont have reasonably decent PvP. I can imagine myself feeling like I did when I played Minecraft, bored.

The combat is a bit boring when it comes down to action.  Although, the whole plot of the game is to advance.  If they added Twitch combat it would take away the power of those who spent the time to advance and become a powerful warrior or perhaps even champion.  I personally like this system for a game like Wurm.

It can create this whole sense of "Don't mess with this guy" because he has been training since day 1.  It actually rewards players for their time rather than personal skill, yet the process to becoming that powerful is slow enough where not many have accomplished it.

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