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Messages - Sivlan

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 21
General Discussion / Re: Top 3 Most Hated in CRPG
« on: December 18, 2012, 10:40:39 pm »
for me it would be simple:
1 BROT   \
2 BROT    = DKG
3 BROT   /

General Discussion / Re: New Armors sponsored by Fallen Saudi oil money
« on: December 18, 2012, 10:38:33 pm »

Suggestions Corner / Re: Pikes and spears, overhead stab
« on: December 18, 2012, 10:36:35 pm »
i agree with zlisch and with that topic. i firstly encountered overhead thrusts in Vikingr which is sadly slow, so they didnt do any difference, in Napoleonic wars, they are too fast ( muskets in melee more) if it would be fine balanced, it would make hoplite and pike build users game much more enjoyable and less boring, would give new teamfight tactics, and generally be a step forward putting pikes in to game again as it was long time ago, and against what i had nothing to say :) YES DO IT NOW!

Faction Halls / Re: Risen (Recruiting EU) - Comeback
« on: December 18, 2012, 08:04:32 pm »
N4BZ :D kidding, good memories appear when i see that banner :) good luck and have fun

Sell/Trade / Re: Sivlan's Treasures Market
« on: December 16, 2012, 10:27:42 pm »
excuse me for the little mess here, but i did lotta trades recently. My Highland Claymore Is for trade, while rest of items rather not. I can trade Banded Armor for Green / Brown Rus lamellar cuirass

Sell/Trade / Re: Sivlan's Treasures Market
« on: December 16, 2012, 12:20:47 pm »
i mean free to all kind of offers, not only some remerkable ones :)

Sell/Trade / Re: RoyalKnight~Shop[Mion
« on: December 15, 2012, 09:52:00 am »
Bump and added link to this thread on my post

Sell/Trade / Sivlan's Treasures Market
« on: December 15, 2012, 09:33:22 am »
Greetings, visitor.
Welcome in my humble booth. I am offering only the finest goods. I am mostly interested in Loom Points, Gold but also other interesting items. Feel free to pm me or post here with any reasonable offers

Shelve one - Trading Items

+3 Knightly Arming Sword
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(click to show/hide)

+3 Huscarl Round Shield
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(click to show/hide)

+3 Druzhina Elite Lamellar Armor
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(click to show/hide)

+3 Blue Tunic Over Mail
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(click to show/hide)

+2 Two Handed Sword
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(click to show/hide)

A Shiny Golden Loom Point

If You unfortunately didnt find anything suitable for you please check booths of my trade partners, who I trust and reccomend:
-Swift and True's-trade!!!/
-Tade's Little Shop!/
-Wiltzu and his sauna
-VesX :'s-pestilent-shop-armor-weps/

Game Balance Discussion / Sword of War Weight, is it fine ?
« on: December 11, 2012, 05:45:12 pm »
I havent found any simillar thread arround, so i have decided to make my own one. It is nothing too serious, but i think it could be easily done. What i mean is weight of SOW compared to other 2 handed big swords. It's weight is 3.0, its the same as highland claymore ( which has 3 more swing dmg at a cost of 4 range and one speed point) German and Danish are both 2.5. Danish is 0.5 lighter and has one more dmg. It seems slower, BUT , the weight of SOW makes it feel more clumsy. I am not trying to say it needs to be changed, but maybe it could be considered to get a bit lighter, or exchange some speed for actual swing dmg? Please share with your thoughts :)

Sell/Trade / Sell or Trade +3 Litchina Helmet
« on: December 09, 2012, 09:42:45 pm »
I offer you +3 Litchina helmet. I am mostly looking for +3 Shields, Hand armours, body armour and secondary onehanders ( hammers / axes / picks ) but will consider any offer. Pm me if interested.

Buy / Looking for a +3 shield
« on: December 09, 2012, 11:02:21 am »
I will take a look on any +3 shield you can offer me. I have quite plenty of things i can offer - +3 Longsword ( for cavalry shields like elite cav / knightly kite or heater) 2 lp and some gold, +3 heraldic transitional and a bit gold.

Khergit Lamellar Vest +3 - not trading right now.

Khergit Lamellar Vest +3 - not trading right now.

Clibanarius Armor +3 - closed for deals.

Knightly Heater Shield +3 - closed for deals. (maybe will change to other 1 slot cavalry shields, if u add money on top)

Heavy Lance +3 - closed for deals.

Destrier +3 - closed for deals.

Nordic Warlord Helmet +3 - not trading right now.

Mail Mittens +3 - can change to other gauntlets if u add gold.

Mail Mittens +3 - can change to other gauntlets if u add gold.

Glaive +3 - closed for deals.

Arabian Warhorse +3 - not trading right now.

Yumi +3 - not trading right now.

Yumi +3 - not trading right now.

Bodkin Arrows +3 - not trading right now.

Bodkin Arrows +3 - not trading right now.
Awesome mate, so why do you put them here, just to brag about your +3 items ? xD

Sell/Trade / Re: Centurii his STR whore equipement.
« on: December 07, 2012, 10:52:53 pm »
sry to say but heavy gauntlets are the uglies one possible xD

Sell/Trade / Re: Shop made for Topmodels +3 Nordic War Sword
« on: December 07, 2012, 10:52:20 pm »
free bump for that lovely sword.

75    Dawn of War II: Retribution voicelines - Space Marine pt. 1

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