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Messages - pingpong

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Historical Discussion / Re: Vehciles from inside
« on: January 17, 2014, 08:01:40 pm »
Nice site, damn those crazy russians!!
If i had to choose between stug iv or SU-85 i would take the former anyday, that loader in su-85 was basically fucked if anything penetrated and the shells started cooking off.

Total War Series / Re: Rome II General Info Thread
« on: January 17, 2014, 10:17:11 am »
8.1 out

haven't really played since path 7

but also there is

basically beta for official mod tools. so expect even better mods in the future.

I imagine it will make total conversion mods alot easier, ie stuff like that barborium mod for rome 1 which obviously Ive never played since I cant remember the name but you know what i'm talking about if you have.
Europa Barbarorum II is actually in closed beta now, they are planning to release open beta quite soon, and its for M2TW: Kingdoms.
I doubt this smelling pile of shite will ever see any good mods.

General Off Topic / Re: yep, new pc brings better quality
« on: January 17, 2014, 12:57:20 am »
How many tons of potato you had to sell to afford this??

General Discussion / Re: Number of players declining
« on: January 16, 2014, 06:36:23 pm »
Last time i played it was november i think, mod is not ded its just meh, not much fun anymore, c-rpg went too serious.
Last fun time i had when EU_1 had the Orde le Etoile cav vs Byz Hoplites massacre battle :). More public events like these would keep people interested, because this mod is not all about the grind and exp for everyone you know.

Bring back bearded transsexuals and ladders!

General Off Topic / Re: Favourite game of crpg community beside cRPG
« on: January 16, 2014, 10:17:44 am »
Just looked at my steam stats, 361 hrs on warband, second best is tf2 with 292 hrs played, and 3rd one is Pirates, Vikings & Knights II with 229 hrs on.

Besides these i  love playing M2TW and SHIII, such great games with superb mods.

General Discussion / Re: 100 players ore more on EU_1 activate double xp?
« on: January 16, 2014, 12:25:21 am »
Project fun: x10 multi on cRPG till the end of its misserable life. At least try it for a week. It could also kill the mod.
Make that x20 or x100 instead, come on whats to lose? Everybody has all the looms they need now, the grind doesnt serve a purpose anymore, just raise upkeep accordingly  and we will have 200 player EU_1 mayhem and confusion again. :P

General Discussion / Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« on: January 16, 2014, 12:14:39 am »
In the heat of battle when you're scanning the battle field (and moving much faster than you are on foot) it's actually pretty easy to miss a long spear, but more likely it's the shorter polearms (that still rear horses) that you will miss.  And it's not usually in a 1v1 situation like this where you're going to miss a rearing polearm, it's when you're attacking a group of players, especially if they are engaged with a group of your infantry players.  It's easy to miss a rearing polearm in that situation.  If all rearing polearms were neon pink it would be very obvious before you get near a group of 5 enemy players if one had a rearing polearm or not.
Thats why anyone who uses lame crap like this is just plain badsport and sucks at this game, i mean come on im fucking terrible in this game and i still get positive kdr and good score without any of this pinky tripping balls LSD-shite.

Never played as melee cav, only as javalry but you still have to think and act fast when you try to charge a infranty mob, you can never be sure if theres a spearguy in that mob until its too late.
Using these cheats just removes the risk factor from cav or anyother class since you can see any potential hard counters to your class and their movement from the moment you spawn.

General Discussion / Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:37:58 pm »
From an old thread about it, there is many way to cheat and against every class:
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Srsly, how blind you have to be if  you cant spot a fucking long spear!?!
I guess this pretty much explains the astronomical amount of teambumping these handicapped cavtards do, although i cant really blame them since they would be useless as ranged or melee with eyesight that bad. :lol:

General Discussion / Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« on: January 14, 2014, 10:55:37 pm »
I think there is only one solution to solve this: everyone is getting the cheat packs, they will be implemented in cRPG for all players. No more bushes, haystacks, opaque buildings, hard to see projectiles, difficult aiming. We are still debating whether to activate auto block on servers, too.
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The Chamber of Tears / Re: FUCK THIS BULLSHIT
« on: January 14, 2014, 05:08:14 pm »
Nerfing STR was great idea, its just that the minmaxing nerds went for the next best thing immediately after it happened which ultimately resulted in the polar opposite what they aimed for. Instead of more balanced builds we got AGI-whore invasion, and tbh that free respec for everyone didnt help the situation at all(=HA ARMY EU_1 MUCH FUN YES  :mad:).

General Discussion / Re: Back, And the rondel!
« on: January 14, 2014, 09:18:08 am »
It got nerfed because every dirtbag douche used it with shield and this combined with 4D pierce attacks made it very OP.
If you look at it closely you see that it looks more like a screwdriver than blade, you wouldnt try to slash people with a fucking screwdriver IRL would you? It should have been a 1D thrust weapon when it was added because thats how it was used in medieval times, to finish up opponents in plate armor with a single thrust to the neck.

Spam / Re: I want to be admin
« on: January 14, 2014, 12:14:13 am »
make admin plz so i cn ban al ranged ok thanks

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General Discussion / Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« on: January 14, 2014, 12:03:32 am »
You of all people know how easily I die to ranged Smithy, but don't fret my pink arrows are nothing compared to what some of the archers I know have done to their files

Edit: Thought i'd share some of whats really out there. They use : No fog, Pink arrows, Tracers, Mil-Dots(like snipers so they can see arrow drop), semi-transparent buildings(so they can see the building and not run into it yet still see through it), larger arrows, Highlighted heads of enemies, sound effects for when they hit an enemy. Those are all I know of so far.
Sohkosugi Tirobur!! Now i know his dirty secrets to WTF headshots!! BAN HE!

General Discussion / Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« on: January 13, 2014, 11:21:00 pm »
Fun fact: there is already a system in place and working for a few months now that punishes client side modifications. Its effect is as hard to notice as are the advantages you gain when using such mods.

No, we will not discuss this system, and you will never hear anything else about it.
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The amount of written dialog in morrowind :lol:, they sure got their work cut out for them.

The #1 reason morrowind beats skyrim is that you could murder ANYONE you wanted, dont wanna do the mainquest anymore after 1 playthru? Fine just play a cold blooded murdering skooma addicted khajiit bandit and go kill caius cosades, all you got was a message that you killed a VIP nothing more.
Skyrim doesnt allow that shit no, THIS ESSENTIAL NPC UNCONCIUS FOR 5 secs then back to fight you is just bullshit, it restricts  you and doesnt allow you to play the game differently.
Morrowind also had way better mainquest, kinda like some rags to riches story, and it took time and effort to complete, skyrim felt like playing some fucking demigod superhero with the shouts and shit, quite boring in the long run.

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