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Messages - Sharky

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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Emirin - Public Auction.
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:52:42 pm »
@Sharky - my friend - you're damn Scrooge  :wink: 55k for the village? Forget it, I rather give it to someone for free  :mrgreen:
I'm always pisspoor, cav is a costly class  :cry:

General Off Topic / Re: Good series/shows!
« on: January 08, 2012, 10:24:42 am »
Best serie i watched this year was breaking bad, AWESOME SHOW! Didn't enjoy so much a tv show since The Sopranos.

Also watching hell on wheels, it's quite cool (western).
Other favourite series :
misfits                        quite funny and different superheroes :D
battlestar galactica     best sci-fi show evar
Rome                        awesome depiction of ancient rome
Game of Thrones       Best fantasy tv show
True Blood                 Vampires. I know, but it's quite different then the usual vamp movie/show. Also a complete modern day fantasy lore in an awesome country (lousiana's swamps are just WIN, italian doubled version is the worse thing i ever heard, so i enjoyed watching this show in english immensely :) )

Some good miniserie
Hornblower : About a british ship during napoleon's time
Samurai : A dutch ship that go to Japan
The pacific and Band of brothers:  War show by tom hanks and spielberg (same of saving private ryan but much more realistic). 'nuff said

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Where is everybody?
« on: January 08, 2012, 10:03:48 am »
Too much effort for too little reward. Fiefs give nothing, there isn't ticket compression (so battles last too long or you can't attack if the defence have too much tickets) bugs are worse then strat 1.0.
Carebear conspiracy teory is getting old, if more and more clans (including carebears) are leaving strat or seriously limiting their activity, is because strat atm isn't fun

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Emirin - Public Auction.
« on: January 07, 2012, 08:56:14 pm »
I offer 40.000 gold  :)

Historical Discussion / Re: Roman gear and weaponry
« on: January 05, 2012, 06:47:39 am »
Well we don't know really much about roman crossbow and how they used it. Roman authors talk about a lot of different types of ranged weapons but they didn't explain how they worked.
Probably they used little ballistae that one or two mens could carry. And also improved versions of the greek gastraphetes and other designs. There is also an account of some ranged weapon used by cavalry
For sure they weren't deadlier as in medieval times, but in the late empire they probably got much better (and became much more wispread also outside the Roman world).

As for roman armours, chainmails were the most used tough all imperial rome history, while lorica segmentata (partial plate armour) and lorica squamata (scale armour) were used but much less. Also roman soldiers had white tunics, not red ones. Red was used for centurions and other officiers. So i think a white tunic over mail or white mail with surcoat would be the most accurate armour possibile (but if doesn't really fit since they put the tunic under the armour, not over it :) )

Diplomacy / Re: Public Auction
« on: December 23, 2011, 07:26:57 pm »
It's sad watching more and more clans giving up on strat. I think you will not be the last to do so, if it keeps that way.
I mean your last battle was highly frustrating even for me (and i was with the attackers xD)
I still hope chadz will make strategus playable again at some point. We are here to test it ok, but nobody wants to grind stuff for months, see all his work killed by a bug and don't get  refunds or even some words from devs.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Our which final stand, lost the count
« on: December 23, 2011, 03:43:21 pm »
Here, listen, what i've read from all of your posts in this thread, you have no idea what you're even talking about, you just chat utter shit, are you playing a completely different strategus from the rest of us, what the fuck are you on about, i think you've been trolling from the start, this thread was about to die down and you had to come back and start up some shit again, how can you say we are annoying when you're being the same, really man, get an idea of what you're talking about before you try to troll someone, because it's clear you don't...
I'M THE MIGHTY MERC i insult people and i don't even notice it! Then i got annoyed if someone answer! Pooor pooooor mercs :rolleyes:

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Our which final stand, lost the count
« on: December 23, 2011, 03:27:57 pm »
Man, your posts are fucking annoying, you're the dumbest motherfucker ever, fuck off...
No, it's your whole clan that is being annoying. I made a very legitimate question about rightfulness of bragging about bugged victories, your answer is like "YO we are the best clan evar you are just shit"
It's impossibile to do a serious conversation on this base, at this point i'm just going to troll, while talking about real bad behavior of mercs, while the best you can do is trow some personal insults and alternative strat history. That's why i'm so annoying to you guys, for others i'm just saying the truth  :) )

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Our which final stand, lost the count
« on: December 23, 2011, 03:08:03 pm »
Lol Gingerpussy is also a leader!
What happened about you plans of taking thsbtin from us? While you was already despised by everyone you threaten us, how brilliant!  :lol:.
Well i guess at this point doesn't really matter how much people you piss off since you are already dead.
You can finally slander and whine as much as you want! And you do it much better then how you do diplomacy! Brave Mercs FTW :P

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Our which final stand, lost the count
« on: December 23, 2011, 04:14:00 am »
I'm not the strongest, but you told me you are better and I'm willing to put that to a test. I have everyone against me because I say what I think, I don't bend like you.
Your clan it's also the more honest! You don't just have visions, you live in another dimension  :D

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Our which final stand, lost the count
« on: December 23, 2011, 04:06:50 am »
Thing is I can fight you without support of anyone, you cannot fight me without your butt being protected by others. If it wasn't true you wouldn't wait to show up until all of the other guys place 4K army in my land and you are so pathetic that you can call it a diplomatic/military success. In my book its called cowardness.

Lol so you are the strongest and mighter of all calradia? Good for you really. And of course you have everyone against not because of your diplomatic mistakes, but because all eu is full of carebears and cowards.

Oh and ofc you have visions (see legio armies attacking you while we really don't give a damn about this war)

If you don't care about this war, then why do i see your posts all over this thread ?
When someone accuses or threatens my clan, it's time for some FORUMWAR!  :D

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Our which final stand, lost the count
« on: December 23, 2011, 02:58:58 am »
My last talk ever with you was : when you signed up for HRE against us and were defeated you told me (you jumped to nditions lobby to talk to me) Mtemtko was disrespectful to Italians thats why it was an issue, which was totally random. Would you like to share your experience with Mercs in clan battles and tournaments or you forgot everything?
All I see that you are barking from the shadow of care bear alliance and I'm not even sure what you are trying to achieve. At least Grey Order, Drz or Bashi has something to support their claims. It seems to me that you want to be part of the drama to show your significance in Strategus and to prove you are not an underdog.

Please stop trying to make yourself important for the mercs. Because you are not.
I was not talking about you. Anyway what alliance or claims are you talking about? Did we attacked you or did you see our troops in your lands?
We just don't care about this war, we knew as everyone about your plans but they were poorly done so we wasn't really concerned.
So diplomacy, strategus claims, your scores in tournaments have nothing to do with what i said, that bragging like this is lame.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Our which final stand, lost the count
« on: December 23, 2011, 01:22:03 am »
Pretty funny seeing Legio talking shit to Mercs. As far as I remember the only independent decision on Strat they ever made was to be totally fucking useless to their Templar masters when they got bumrushed then meekly bend to their new DRZ masters. Pretty much the same thing the Greys did, but they were like what, 4 or 5 people at the time?
From "History of Strategus" by Gingerpussy  :lol:

If that silly shit is what mercs think about us, why those indipendent and strong Mercs came into our channel asking to be buddies and trying to do the puppy eyes. Dunno about greys but i'm quite sure they went to them crawling and whining also.
Very low showing who you really are only now that you don't have anything to lose. That just prove you are not reliable guys and we were right not thrusting you(not talking about oberyin that know nothing about strat, but to mercs who gave the +1)

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: The time has come to rock le Italian malakas!
« on: December 23, 2011, 12:35:01 am »
A screenshot from the battle

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