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Messages - Patricia

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General Discussion / Re: NA Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
« on: November 24, 2011, 04:22:33 am »
I vote myself as admin, my globally banned status would prevent me from doing a bad admin work and I would thus be a much needed addition to the already full of shit admin team.

General Discussion / Re: Why does STF have a 7 day cooldown?
« on: November 24, 2011, 02:37:18 am »
Exactly what Coffee said.

General Discussion / Re: Why does STF have a 7 day cooldown?
« on: November 24, 2011, 12:18:42 am »
Coming from the guy who scammed a player on purpose? The irony about you talking about having fun...

Hey, it was funny to me, boy.

General Discussion / Re: Why does STF have a 7 day cooldown?
« on: November 23, 2011, 09:22:17 pm »
Contrary to popular beliefs, the devs does not want us to have fun in cRPG.

I posted an easy as fuck fix to it and they were like "LOL GOOD IDEA" but didn't do jack shit to it.

Put 7 days cooldown on "Make Main Character", not STF, the end.

General Discussion / Re: Removal of Strange Armour
« on: November 23, 2011, 01:53:20 am »
You didnt knew for sure, and you dont even know that 0.3 doesnt exist in cRPG. coding will round it up to 0.5 anyways.

So instead of making a solid comment, you decide to throw in a useless assumption.

7 or 7.5, my point still stand, have fun nitpicking, bro.

General Discussion / Re: Removal of Strange Armour
« on: November 23, 2011, 12:40:15 am »
I think we have a winner  8-)

I'm not sure if the weight limit is 7 or 7.5 but if it's 7, the .3 weight would probably make you lose like 1 wpf honestly.

I see you read the thread real well.

My point still stands that you can get over 50 body armor and still not lose any wpf at all.


General Discussion / Re: how u no rage
« on: November 23, 2011, 12:36:21 am »
That is remarkably accurate.

It's missing the part after greener grass where you're good enough to know every broken game mechanics in the game and start hating the game and screaming unbalance because it's bullshit.

General Discussion / Re: Removal of Strange Armour
« on: November 22, 2011, 03:52:33 pm »
I'm not sure if the weight limit is 7 or 7.5 but if it's 7, the .3 weight would probably make you lose like 1 wpf honestly.

General Discussion / Re: Removal of Strange Armour
« on: November 22, 2011, 03:22:49 pm »
Uhh. fail. you do know gloves are x2 there weight right? and helmets are 3x there weight.

So either get educated about archers, wpf and weights. or gtfo lol 8-)

Hint, you do get penalty, now for you is too find out why, good luck!

(Light Strange 6 weight) + (Mail Gauntles 0.5)x2 + (boots and head with 0 weight) = TOTAL 7 weight, under penalty.


Derp derp, Jambi, derp derp.

General Discussion / Re: Removal of Strange Armour
« on: November 22, 2011, 10:56:31 am » did this strange armour thing become a discussion about archers?

Any archer that wears strange armour can be out shot by a light, pure build archer easily.

That said, I occasionally ride around in Lamellar with a Kerghit War Helm, but the wpf difference is enough that I only crack that out when ranged is 1 shotting me off my horse in big servers. Otherwise it's back to steppe, or kazakh armour for me.

Horse archers that wear strange armour are piss easy to beat when I'm in my normal armour, as are foot archers. So even if you got a hefty bonus from looming the damn thing, you're still gonna pretty much suck at ranged in comparison to a normal archer.

Anyway, I cba to read the whole thread to deduce the full discussion. But that's what I gathered it was related to.

Actually, archers would use a lordly light strange armor specifically to NOT get any penalty in archery.

Lordly light strange + lordly mail gauntlets or something will easily give you 50+ body armor while keeping you under the weight limit that starts affecting the wpf.

So a naked archer or an archer with 50+ body armor, given the same bow and wpf will have the exact same damage and shoot speed.

Unless it's different from Melee, in which case the penalty to get 50+ body armor is still barely noticeable if at all.

Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: November 21, 2011, 11:22:33 pm »
at the end you go to the underworld and kill the black dragon that first attacks you in the beginning of the game.

also, spoiler the dark brotherhood quests for them by saying that you kill the emperor of tamriel

Ain't the underworld mofokka, it's Sovngarde! You also fight along with the 3 nords that trapped the black dragon in the first place, then you receive more spoilers.

General Discussion / Re: Spawn or go spec you pricks
« on: November 21, 2011, 10:30:06 pm »
Haven't seen you in game lately.

I have ascended beyond the likes of the mortal plane, that is all.

General Discussion / Re: Spawn or go spec you pricks
« on: November 21, 2011, 09:27:53 pm »
I think you should STFU and play.

General Discussion / Re: Removal of Strange Armour
« on: November 21, 2011, 03:54:36 pm »
yeah whatever... i bow on the knees before the mighty yankee heavy STR tank master...

seems that the crowd there have yet to figure out how to aim overheads to the head or to release delayed power attacks.. and are quite nasty with a 41 pierce morningstar. ask RandomDude  :twisted:

I ain't from US bruh, but I am pleased to know that you will bow down to me.

General Discussion / Re: Removal of Strange Armour
« on: November 21, 2011, 03:44:54 pm »
pity you never met pue, vmega, pully or any other good morningstar player. usually a full STR black armor guy, go down with 3-4 well placed 8PS morningstar blows. I'm 2h with a lordly 72 armor set (rus cuirass+plate mittens) a 24/15 build. 1h swords glance until they hit me with a decent speed bonus or head slash AND 5+ PS. 2h swords hits me for good with speed bonus but often in the brawl it's a glance galore.

but also, usually a 1h hammer 3hits me. a morningstar/bec still 2-3 hits me, 2-3 LAWLpike/poleaxe thrusts still take me down.

so you light up another issue.. but if you're that confident in your armor and you don't need to block, probably the server where you play need more blunt/pierce.

You have not quite mastered the art of heavy armor.

I could do this in NA where the average build is 27/12 with everyone using a masterwork Bec de becbin.

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