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Messages - Panoply

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Trading goods:
Raw Hides
Good price: 18 gold
Fief prosperity: +1

Realism Discussion / Re: Damage Effects
« on: October 05, 2011, 12:48:14 am »
This would only really work if the following conditions were met:

1. Massively upped the soak on armor, so attacks and projectiles are deflected a lot more.
2. Are a masochistic gamer.

General Discussion / Re: Achieving 15 pt, is it worth it?
« on: October 02, 2011, 01:35:24 am »
I haven't tested this extensively, but from what I can tell, even if you don't meet the WPF requirements from your PT, you actually DO benefit from the extra PT. If you do not meet the WPF requirement, you cannot pick up ammo you've thrown, but you still do the extra damage from the PT above and beyond what you have the WPF for.

I've only tested it for PTs 4 - 6 with heavy throwing axes with a friend in the duel server. The only thing I varied was the PT, not the WPF nor the equipment of either two players, and I was at the WPF threshold required for 4 PT with the equipment I wore. I did enough trials of body shots that I can be reasonably confident that there was a significant difference in damage.

I could still be wrong, and it's possible the latest couple of patches fixed the issue. I'm sure it's not intended though.

General Discussion / Re: I love being a TUURRTTLE!!!!
« on: October 01, 2011, 02:07:07 am »
I carry a shield on my 2h main just to catch arrows, and it's very useful. I have 2 shield skill because 2 shields are much better looking than 1 shields. It's also great to have for strategus, and for participating in shieldwalls.

I've been noticing an increase in the number of shielders on the NA 1. I think it's because the map rotation favours open maps, so there's not as much cover and having a shield is very helpful.

This sounds fucking awesome.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Unarmed combat
« on: September 27, 2011, 02:57:07 am »
Except they are not 2handed weapons. They are 1h/2h and use BOTH wpf depending on whether or not you have a shield. So while they still look like 1h when they are in 2h mode, they are TECHNICALLY still a 1h tpp. They are just in their 2h mode. Confusing, I know.

It's not confusing at all unless you insist on using standing animations as the basis for their wpf. In no way is a heavy bastard sword "technically still a 1h" just because its standing animation is holding it in one hand. I'm not going to argue or belabor the point, just saying that your rule of thumb isn't waterproof.

Just to reply to the OP, unarmed combat is not a viable class choice in Warband. This isn't a fantasy where you have monks or something. Actually, playing an unarmed character might get you into trouble, since most servers insist that you spawn with a weapon. Otherwise, it looks like you're leeching.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Unarmed combat
« on: September 27, 2011, 02:35:31 am »
You can always see what wpf type it's using by it's animation, even the flamberge. Not the ATTACK animations, though, but the default stand still animation :P

(for reference. One handed is held in one hand (unless polearm+shield, but those are obvious), two hand in two hands at the hilt and polearms with two hand in the middleish/lower end (or same as 1h if used with a shield))

You'd be fooled by two handed weapons that can be used with a shield, such as the heavy bastard sword. If you're holding one without a shield, and you stand still, you hold it with only one hand.

General Discussion / Re: Performance hit after last patch?
« on: September 26, 2011, 09:22:00 pm »
Hm. I have noticed a framerate drop recently, but I'm not sure if that's the patch, or just because the official NA servers are filled up with 100+ players pretty regularly now.

I've got 4gb RAM, 1gb VRAM, and 2.27gHz CPU, so I feel like I shouldn't be getting a framerate hit, but when servers are filled up I'm running at around 30-40 fps. It's not unplayable, but it's just so much better at 120 fps.

General Discussion / Re: Bannerbalance on official NA servers?
« on: September 26, 2011, 06:33:20 pm »
We are all here for the amusement of the almighty Autobalance.

Who are we to question its judgement? We must trust in its ultimate benevolence, or at least in its sense of humour, for it is not the place of our feeble minds to discern its intent. The Autobalance works in mysterious ways.

I implore you all to appease our seemingly fickle, but infinitely wise, Autobalance, by sacrificing peasants and stray horses. This thread serves only to anger its holy Balanceness... so guard well against its wrath...

"Teams are not fair enough to justify a multiplier."

At least on EU side I still remember when it was created. It was in early Native beta, when siege had only one map(Hailes, wasn't named at that time tho). On the left side(attacker view) and behind the castle where some space where avid duelists met and identified each other with the up block. I think I was one of the first doing this. I maybe even invented it(EU side). NA will probably say they invented it for protesting against Obama or something.

^ hipster :P

Events & Tournaments / Re: Kingdom of Haven 2v2 Tournament
« on: September 24, 2011, 09:16:46 pm »
Crap, just realized I have an intramural frisbee game at 4 pm, so I suppose I'll have to drop out. If someone can tell my partner Kaoklai about it, and that I'm sorry, that'd be much appreciated.

Good luck to all participants.

General Discussion / Re: Deli cap
« on: September 20, 2011, 06:06:20 am »

Faction Halls / Re: The Deli Cap Cult! (We Have Pastrami)
« on: September 19, 2011, 11:45:50 pm »
Yes as is customary in the North American style deli, the pastrami is piled high and served with mustard and bastardized jewish traditions on a classic rye.

In other news, all my hard work has payethed off, so any factions seeking a capable deli cap artisan... look no further! I am now personally capable of crafting higher quality deli caps.

Faction Halls / Re: The Deli Cap Cult! (We Have Pastrami)
« on: September 19, 2011, 11:31:32 pm »
What is it that you are implying? The Deli Cap transcends all socioculturoreligioeconomicofavoriteicecreamflavoral boundaries. It just so happens that South Africa is the only enlightened nation in which the production of this premier product is not illegal.

I must ask that you refrain from posting unless it is a glowing testimonial.

Faction Halls / The Deli Cap Cult! (We Have Pastrami)
« on: September 19, 2011, 11:15:27 pm »

|"The Deli Cap Cult"|


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The almighty Deli Cap is handcrafted by Xhosan dwarves in South Africa, using the patented quadruple sex technique (see diagram above).

The cap itself is made from the foreskins of a dozen especially well-endowed cheetahs.* The plumage is derived from a virgin ostrich, as certified by the South African Authority on Ornithochastity (SAAO). Its aesthetic and form-fitting design will be sure to impress your co-workers, your pets, and Nelson Mandela. Just place the cap on your head, and watch as the compliments, looks of envy, and discrete handjobs roll in.

So don't wait, get your deli cap now! For a limited time the deli cap (a 33 gold value!) will be available for just three easy payments of 11 gold.

Its many beneficial benefits include:
1.) You're wearing a deli cap.
2.) Increased fertility.
3.) Win the Nobel Peace prize.
4.) Siege flags are lowered and raised faster.
5.) Increases penis length noticeably by 1/16th of an inch.
6.) Baffling appearance to uneducated philistines and those lacking the hotfix.
and many, many more!
7.) 9 Head Armor

*As measured by two standard deviations above the mean cheetah member size. Side effects of the deli cap include compulsively and loudly announcing that you're wearing a deli cap, mild indigestion, coma, and/or death.

|Requirements to join|

1.) Must wear a Deli Cap.

2.) No homosexuals.

|Banner, tags, and other ritual regalia|

There is no banner.
There is no tag.
There is only the deli cap.

There are no other equipment restrictions because it is a well known physical and aesthetic phenomenon that the deli cap complements and completes any outfit, regardless of what *some* fashion chauvinists might say.


All heterosexuals wearing a deli cap.


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Hlakanyana says:

Since purchasing and donning the Deli Cap, I have noticed a threefold increase in the attention I receive from the ladies. This has led to much of the sex. As well, my peers now regard me with awe and admiration, when they would once curse me, kick me, and steal my meat.

With the cunning and confidence endowed upon me by my deli cap, I was able to steal and devour the meat of an ox that a nearby village had recently sacrificed. While I wore the deli cap, none could doubt the worth of my word, so when the crime was discovered, I framed an old man, and he was stoned in my stead.

Five stars! Thank you Deli Cap!

|It's deli-ghtful! It's deli-cious! It's a deli cap! Get yours today!|

Please leave testimonials and vanity photo's below.

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