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Messages - Barbas

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: 2h/pole is too easy at the moment
« on: August 04, 2011, 05:21:41 pm »
I am intelligent, handsome, have a job, money,

I don't understand.. generally people work at jobs because they need money, so why would you need a job if you already have money?  lol @ poorpeoples

Anyway - still, I have to admit that being a shield/1her is actually pretty hard, or so it seems to me.  Now, I'm pretty bad.  I'm probably worse than this Michael fellow, even though I've played for quite a long time.  But I'm on a balanced shielder build right now, and I get far, far more kills using a good long polearm - and I mean now on this build, with no wpf in polearm.

But probably that's how it should be.  Shield/1h is a defensive build.  I can't get many kills having so very little power.. not to mention short range, and much less speed than I'd expected.  But when my goal is to survive longer, it's pretty swell.  I can do things like jump into a bunch of enemies from a siege ladder, turtle over into a corner, and distract a big group of them while my teammates get up there.  Or raise my shield and open the castle gate even whilst enemies are swarming the gatehouse. 

Suggestions Corner / Re: MVP option?
« on: August 04, 2011, 04:56:20 pm »
Upkeep isn't much of an issue for most of us.  The 'top' players in whatever sense have probably been around for a while; if they're playing their main or a frequent alt, they likely have enough gold stored up that they needn't worry about it.

And in any case, upkeep isn't an issue at all for a lot of builds, since many players choose lighter (and incidentally, cheaper) armor primarily for reasons of speed.  You really only need to worry about it if you're going for a fairly heavily armored build and/or using the fancy horses.  Sometimes newer players don't realize this since repair happens randomly, and all they notice is 'zomg, I just had to pay 3k gold for repairs!' - even though it may average out that they're actually still turning a profit.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Removable doors as shields
« on: August 04, 2011, 04:37:23 pm »
you should be able to remove doors and use them as shields

It would be the worst shield ever since you can attack through doors.

On a related note.. door-swing-through should be fixed.  Sometimes it's just annoying and dumb, but it very nearly breaks some maps.

Strategus / Re: 275+ Troops / 15k+ Gold at Dhirim
« on: August 04, 2011, 04:25:13 pm »

Suggestions Corner / Re: QQ about armor.
« on: August 04, 2011, 03:58:54 pm »
You are still quite capable of jumping into a cluster of enemies and spam while wearing plate.

Naw.. not a tight cluster anyway, like hopping into the group at the top of a ladder in siege.  You're so slow that - so long as they are actually attacking you - the swing interruption will likely leave you dead before you can get off a single attack.

Buy / Re: Loom Points! (only 15 str required)
« on: August 03, 2011, 09:06:20 pm »
Still buying three more loom points.  Only 15 str required for the rest.

340k now high bid on GLA

Buckler sold.  +3 Steel Pick high bid is 850k (or buy it now on market for 899k) and +1 Great Long Axe bid at 230k (or buy it now on market for 275k)

Pike sold

Down to +3 Round Steel Buckler, +3 Steel Pick, +1 Great Long Axe

Probably will end the auctions in 3 more hours or so

Current high bids:

+3 Masterpiece Round Steel Buckler                        high bid: 650k
+3 Deadly Steel Pick                                                 high bid: 850k
+1 Heavy Great Long Axe                                        high bid: 220k
+1 Deadly Pike                                                         high bid: 205k

210k high bid for +1 Great Long Axe

850k current high bid for +3 Deadly Steel Pick

Current high bids:

+3 Masterpiece Round Steel Buckler                        high bid: 650k
+3 Deadly Steel Pick                                                 high bid: 710k
+1 Heavy Great Long Axe                                        high bid: 205k
+1 Deadly Pike                                                         high bid: 205k

Will be selling this afternoon or early evening at the latest, so be quick if you're interested in anything :)

Also, minimum bid increase of 5k please

updating the main post with the highest bids I've received so far

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