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Messages - bruttus

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Diplomacy / Re: No but seriously who the [Expletive] is Saxton
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:26:56 am »
i remember when something like this fief stealing act happened to despotate.. deja vu moment right here.....
maybe its just me

true, but there are some difrents
1) I don't have annything to do with it
2) There is an agreement between taser and James
3) All these fiefs where conquerd by Acre itself, where I haven't seen anny other despotatemember except Taser and Kale, that was willing to help us out.

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Help the Holy Crusade
« on: April 03, 2016, 12:06:01 am »
So after skimming through all of these random post that kinda look like an interview, I decided to see which faction was indeed bigger. So after some clicky clicky, it appears to be like this:

Acre/Holy Crusade/whatever: 14 members listed with 5 fiefs
Dwarves/Short guys: 10 members with 4 fiefs

So pretty much, don't bitch about being a small faction when you're both small factions. Oh, and Bruttus, you have more people than the Dwarves. So adjust your next posts to bring this fact up instead of claiming to be smaller still.
you can also check when those members have arrived.
When strat started, we where with just 6 people.
Since I started the faction, many came back recently, with the lastest 2, just earlyer this week

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Help the Holy Crusade
« on: April 02, 2016, 06:50:33 pm »
Bassecely Basically Bassecely, you are cowards,     EDIT:Dear god, how did such a blatant typo happen to me D: EDIT2: Nevermind, forgot that this was a quote :D
You attack a smaller faction, where the most troops are helping out for a clean up.

In case you have no noticed it yet, your faction is bigger than ours. I know maths is not everyone's slice of bread, but I am happy to help you out whenever you are struggling with your homework. Just hit me up.
Even if we attacked when we had negligibly more people in the faction, please do not tell me that you would, under no circumstances, never ever, not in a million years, attack a faction that has one or more fewer members than you.

You are bragging about allot of things, and please just stop that crap, allot of other factionleaders are trying to get sentence in your small heads to stop this war.

Why on earth would we stop this war? This game is about war.
And you yourself said, that you would never negotiate peace if you were at a disadvantage. Neither will we. So, after a minute or two of thinking about that correlation, both our factions will never negotiate peace since one faction always will be at a disadvantage.

Basically, if you are so damn certain you will stomp our armies with ease, why are you so concerned about us being the bigger faction and our claims of having amazing gear -which we do-?

Mine faction is maybe bigger, but that is because we had many new recruits, trying to fit in to crpg, recruits that will leave the game when were gone.

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Help the Holy Crusade
« on: April 02, 2016, 06:05:55 pm »
Basically this.

Our realm is the entire mountain, we can come from anywhere and if we have no fiefs you will have no target against which to retaliate when we ambush your traders, raid your fiefs and generally keep your faction busy.

Bassecely, you are cowards,
You attack a smaller faction, where the most troops are helping out for a clean up.
You are bragging about allot of things, and please just stop that crap, allot of other factionleaders are trying to get sentence in your small heads to stop this war.

And about saxton, sure, he tells me also everything, when I unblock him from steam.

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Help the Holy Crusade
« on: April 02, 2016, 03:54:16 pm »
Nah, we actually planned a big invasion into Gobblin lands, but the war was over by the time we arrived there. So we needed a new target. Where is the fun in sitting around and having peace.

Bullshit, you did nothing, only talking to your allies what you where planning, but hidding the truth
Now I see that you are taking mercs from mine side also away
you attacked us, by using a dick move, possitioning your army's + you had already plans to whipe us out, even before James made the decision to joun the Gobblins.
You all are bragging about how good your gears are, and that we are no threat, and came under the Yoshi's, that is a mistake you made.
We lost around 1750 troops, what not even had oure best gear on it, whille you braggers lost 3008 troops, with what you all called the best gear to offer.
You where complaining about merc support, I give you a tip
Make your promises true and show up for your allies battles.
Something what I did BTW.

Another thing
I give you all prediction
Yes, Whippe out Acre, yes, please do that, so that Acre don't play annymore, but that is the plan right?
Sure, because when we are whipped out, les merc support and lesser people that play's crpg.
Right now We started to play with just 6 people, now the last week we expanded our rosters a bit, not nearly enough for recruiting on time.

So to those dwarfs, prepare for it, because I have the same thoughts, and whille you think your winning, with in a month, the dwarf faction don't excist anymore.

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Help the Holy Crusade
« on: April 02, 2016, 02:18:49 pm »
And dont forget me, Renay and Eirik's new armies. Those will need to be destroyed as well.

We have spotted them; don't worry:)
For now, we still have the advantage.
And for info, what your faction did, its still considert a dick move.
You attack a small faction, that is trying to build up the relations with other faction
+ the fact is, that the entire time, your faction was building up the army's to attack US, not the Gobblins.
We have more troops lost to the gobblins then your faction did, so just stop the crap and telling to the people that the community wants this, because this was obviously planned way before.

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Help the Holy Crusade
« on: April 02, 2016, 10:57:28 am »
What you do not consider is, that this time our army has the most advanced gear one could imagine.

The finest steel from our dwarven forges.
The sturdiest shields made from mountain wood.
And the strongest warriors raised deep inside the mountains.

Ow yeah, thats possible, because your army was lightly armed when you enterd mine village, its possible that you got some gear and silver from Heskey from his failed siege.
Do not worry, when you get it, you will be destroyed, just like those 3 other army's and prolly just like those 2 other army's that are waiting to attack .

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Help the Holy Crusade
« on: April 02, 2016, 12:41:24 am »
Again the Dwarfs are attacking.
I give my village not so easily without giving a fight

Village is reinforced, and geared.
We are ready to rec this 4th dwarf army.!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1020

Diplomacy / Re: Dwarfs declares a Total War Against The Holy Crusade
« on: April 02, 2016, 12:38:52 am »
Again the Dwarfs are attacking.
I give my village not so easily without giving a fight

Village is reinforced, and geared.
We are ready to rec this 4th dwarf army.!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1020

Diplomacy / Re: A tale of one and a half Dwarves
« on: April 01, 2016, 12:07:06 pm »
Fuck, I forgot the battle

Diplomacy / Re: Dwarfs declares a Total War Against The Holy Crusade
« on: March 31, 2016, 11:49:42 pm »
We get it, you're so bad that even EU won't take you.

Yeah, just why I am puzzeld that you still find mercsupport

Diplomacy / Re: Dwarfs declares a Total War Against The Holy Crusade
« on: March 31, 2016, 08:00:46 pm »
Battle for Tahlberl was very good. I was kind of dissappointed that none of you showed up for the battle afterwards, could've been some good peasant smashing.

As for your well geared armies, maybe you have them, maybe you don't. At the moment we are pretty much occupying Acre land with our armies and I have yet to see one of the armies you mentioned. McSanders is the only one with armed troops and if everything goes to plan he will join you in EU this evening.

I do hope you have better armies coming our way, cause I want a real fight. I don't wanna wipe out anyone, because that would likely make you quit strat and we don't want that. A good war is needed in NA strat. Gobblin war was kinda meh and it's time to get some shit going now!

I hope you stay for a bit in oure lands :)
Because we where helping some friends with a cleanup in the dessert, and it takes a whille when they are back.
And hold that thought please :)

I wasn't referring to you because being someone that lives in another country obviously your time zone differences. I hold no fault to you, I was making a jest at how ironic it is that almost every single person that is in NA and is signed up for the attacker has complained about a shitty battle time. If you are taking this as a personal attack against you then you have read way too far into my posting. Do keep in mind it is only a game and if there is any actual hatred between people for obtuse reasons then said person would certainly need to reevaluate their life.
Sorry, I had the impression that it was an atack on me, because I was also complaining that those battlehoures where to early.
I appolegy's for it

Diplomacy / Re: Dwarfs declares a Total War Against The Holy Crusade
« on: March 31, 2016, 07:51:02 pm »
You complain about a bad battle time when you get attacked at 5 pm est but when someone  goes for an attack at 2pm est you apply for them?!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1000

and people say I am retarded

(click to show/hide)

For Mcdeath, if you wanna troll, let me lell you this.
I live in EU, that siege starts for me at 8pm, perfect for me.
When I complain that the battle is to early, I don't mean that it is to early for me, but it is to early for the rest of the NA community.
So I cutt myself in the fingers, and I stay pretty late.
I try to be awaike when NA primetime begins, and thats mostly around 1 or 2 am for me.

I do hope that you understand it, and use your brains for once.

Diplomacy / Re: No but seriously who the [Expletive] is Saxton
« on: March 31, 2016, 05:19:08 pm »
Yup, he did steal that and then sold it for a mw xbow.

Pretty lame trade if you consider that.

Diplomacy / Re: Dwarfs declares a Total War Against The Holy Crusade
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:57:31 pm »
I like the barely veiled hate speech from opposite sides of a war, means it's gonna deliver!
There is too many wars in Strategus that ends before anyone got hard enough to wank up anyone's butt.

Ofcourse, why telling hatred to each other. Its not that we are in war, that we have to hate each other.
Right now, I think that I have received the respect from the Dwarfs, and how I deceided to lead the faction.
That you saw in the 2 battles we had already, shows the determination to keep our fiefs and theyre determination about whipping us out.
And I hope more battles like the one from yesterday will come.
If you consider, the Dwarfs took Tahlberll, but at what cost.
We just had a garrison of about 531 troops + 200 peasants. The last 200 peasants we fought naked, we had no weapons, we had to loot them from the death. And yet, none of the merc's left the battle.

About the old tactic of Acre, why change if it had succes before.
And its not that we gained annything from that siege.

But for now, the dwarfs lost about 2k troops, whille we lost 1k troops.

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