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Messages - MrShine

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 153
General Off Topic / Re: So MrShine Has a Youtube Gaming Channel
« on: June 20, 2014, 10:45:23 pm »
Ew, prank videos don't sound fun at all!

In other news I finally got a cRPG video up:

First one with more extensive editing, I'll try to improve as we go.  Also the footage is like a year old lol, but it works!

I hope you enjoy!

General Discussion / Re: We could use some more shields
« on: June 19, 2014, 11:16:01 pm »
I always felt like there were a million billion shields already.

General Off Topic / Re: Iraq falling appart
« on: June 17, 2014, 08:30:52 pm »
Good grief what a mess.  There is literally no right answer to this sort of clusterfuck.

General Off Topic / Re: So MrShine Has a Youtube Gaming Channel
« on: June 17, 2014, 07:02:12 am »
Don't worry -  I will be strictly veiny boob free at MrShine Productions.

On another note, I'm working hard at getting some cRPG footage and making some playlists.  Going to take a bit of time to configure & make sure the framerates aren't awful, but I play to get some of that churned out this week.  Thanks to those who subscribed & offered advice so far!

Faction Halls / Re: Astralis [NA]
« on: June 12, 2014, 03:49:11 pm »
Tom you and I need to team up and make c-rpg videos.  Your lovely voice is exactly what youtube has been missing these past few years. 

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General Off Topic / Re: So MrShine Has a Youtube Gaming Channel
« on: June 11, 2014, 10:24:13 pm »
Don't. You'll never get pass 10k subs if you broadcast niche games. I follow many people who broadcast stuff like that on tube and they don't have many subs or views. Unless you're doing this whole thing for fun, then you should do niche games.

But if you want fame & money you'll have to act like you're some kind of a retard, like PewDiePie for example.

I'm going to try not to even think about fame & money,, and just focus on getting better at making videos, making commentary, and getting my channel exposure.  I've currently been picking games because I love to play those particular games or they sound really interesting - if I play a game just for the sake of getting views I'm not going to be having fun, and it's going to sound like I'm not having fun in my videos & they'll be shit.

Realistically making real money off of videos would be incredibly unlikely - and while that would be great that's not going to be my focus for a long time (probably forever).

General Off Topic / Re: So MrShine Has a Youtube Gaming Channel
« on: June 11, 2014, 09:22:24 pm »
ok so to recap...

-scream more
-more cheese
-give Radament future earnings

3 steps to instant youtube success!

Seriously though focusing on more niche games has been suggested by a few people before now, and that's something I'll need to strongly consider. 

I appreciate the support! And cRPG videos are on the docket for sure (NA server mostly though - sorry Yew-rope)

Hi folks,

I love video games & I love creating content.  About a month ago I decided that I wanted to direct my creative juices towards recording video game content on youtube, and I've been having a complete blast so far.

I'd encourage you to take a look at some of my videos, and if you like what you see subscribe to my channel to get future content.  If you don't like what you see, let me know why or what I can do to improve.

I'll be honest - I'm a newb at this whole thing & my editing software & mic are sub-optimal.  I recognize I have a long way to go before I make more professional content, but I'm taking this very seriously - I want to improve and I think I've already gone a long way in the short time I've been doing this.  Compare one of my first videos to one of my more recent videos to get an idea of how I've improved audio & video quality.  Next things on the agenda are to purchase a better casting microphone, and getting some video editing software that isn't god-awful movie maker.

The game I'm currently recording is Hearthstone (a free card-game by Blizzard along similar veins as Magic the Gathering), but if that isn't your cup of tea I have some other games I'm interested in pursuing in the short term such as:
- cRPG (gotta return to my roots!) (playlist)
- Dark Souls II (playlist)
- Heroes of the Storm (currently in the tech alpha of this Blizzard-made MOBA)

...and I'm sure more will come up as I go.

So yeah there you go.  I'd love your support & your involvement in my channel - I'm a small fry right now but I feel confidant that I could make this channel something special given enough time. 

Thanks in advance!

First c-RPG Duel Video:  (I suppose I have some old clips from 2011 on youtube as well, but those hardly count as they were mostly me just trying it out)

We need more people like stewie and paul to provide innovative solutions instead of all the loserz whining about why it can't be done imo.

what am I chopped liver?  I offered you my Netrunner hacking skills you jerk!

It's ok guys I got this...I've played Netrunner before, so yeah PRETTY SURE I can handle the hacker.

Faction Halls / Re: Astralis [NA]
« on: June 10, 2014, 10:51:20 pm »
Sorry I promise I'm still alive - been working on a video project that's mostly been involving another game... but cRPG always calls to me.. like Edward's mom.

General Discussion / Re: taleworlds down?
« on: June 10, 2014, 10:42:12 pm »
came out of c-rpg semi-retirement to give Michael his -1

Events & Tournaments / Re: NA Melee Duel Tournament
« on: June 10, 2014, 10:40:21 pm »
Unlikely I'll be able to play because of other scheduling conflicts, but I'd love to try and make it for some of this to record it at least!

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] MrShine
« on: March 26, 2014, 02:10:24 am »
MrShine is experiencing a lot of real life stuff at the moment, things that require his full attention.

(aka a screaming baby)

Faction Halls / Re: Astralis [NA]
« on: December 19, 2013, 08:34:45 pm »
Just like Rodgers career right now.

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Hey bra I have an article I think you should read.

Fun fact: by the time you finish reading this the Lions will have committed 3 personal foul penalties.

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