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Messages - Templar_Ratigan

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Suggestions Corner / Re: New retirement system.
« on: January 03, 2013, 12:30:26 am »
yolo bro.
Interesting argument, do go on. Perhaps I should have performed a piece of low-grade trolling such as is more suited to your MO?

Although frankly I think my joke took more brain power than this thread. Which I don't necessarily disagree with, but id rather see retirement scrapped altogether.

Unfortunately, we gotta have that grind....

Suggestions Corner / Re: New retirement system.
« on: January 02, 2013, 12:57:08 am »
New retirement idea.

You play till your char reaches 65, you retire and then spend the next 20 levels stuck on 1 for every stat....with an engorged prostate and rheumatoid arthritis.

General Discussion / Re: Nerf longspear and pike.
« on: December 28, 2012, 07:13:27 pm »
OP seen today in EU1 walzing around with long spear, this thread just shot itself in the face.

How so? At the very least that suggests that he at least tried the weapons he was calling nerfs for. Which is better than the majority of this community, who merely call nerfs as and when they please based entirely upon the anger of a brief moment.

It should be a requirement that someone who calls for the reduction of something, will play said thing for a certain amount of time in order to get a bit of perspective.

It went wrong the second people started becoming entitled ego-pigs, bloated on their own sense of self-importance.

Ive always been annoyed at the sheer arrogance of the player base. This ridiculous ideal of difficulty only within ones style of play and all others are easy by comparison and should therefore be reduced so as not to pop the precious ego of the self.

Im tired of the sheer torrent of abuse you receive if you even so much as deviate from the masses. It's really fucking pathetic.

Announcements / Re: Xmas, Strat, bonus and PJA
« on: December 23, 2012, 11:03:31 am »
Interesting information. Cheers for this.

Shame I wont be here on the 6th. Holiday and all that.

General Off Topic / Re: Question For EUs
« on: December 18, 2012, 11:34:02 pm »
The victims were arbitrarily picked as targets, what do you even want to read? Little Mike liked fries? Johnny hoped to become a pilot? How is any of that more interesting or important than what brought someone to doing such a thing?

Id say the character of the killer is something to be analysed by professionals. What the general public can get from it I dont know.

Oh a few people might have the insightful understanding of how an individual's personal pain can become a destructive outlet causing such an event and perhaps they might consider certain people in their lives that are in similar situations. But for most it will just be representative of sensationalism, loners and violence with guns.
I also seriously doubt the media will portray it in such a helpful manner either, nor would they feel inclined to.

It is a cliche that giving too much attention to those who commit these events could cause others to idealise the legacy of such an outcome. But it is probably a fairly correct cliche in some cases.

As for the man, or rather boy, who committed these murders; I do think it is a shame that he felt driven to this act. What he went through to cause this reaction is worthy of sympathy and consideration, what he did is worthy only of condemnation.

But it doesnt arouse anger in me. Just general sadness, not that my sadness is worth anything or even worth posting about.

Besides, will the media give any real insight into what events in his life drove him to this? I suppose ill have to wait and see if a decent article or report pops up.

I suppose I understand that drippy sentimentality is not of much use, but then neither is pointless sensationalism.

General Off Topic / Re: Question For EUs
« on: December 17, 2012, 07:55:55 pm »
As usual the media irritated me with it's incessant coverage of the person who murdered those people....rather than the people themselves.

Another good job glorifying the murderer. They have of course covered the victims somewhat, but only after pouring over every detail concerning the individual who committed the crime in the first place.

As for the pessimism evidenced here, well I have my own thoughts on that, but I dont think anyone would appreciate an essay of a post so I wont bore you or preach like I normally do.

General Discussion / Re: Nerf longspear and pike.
« on: December 17, 2012, 07:48:20 pm »
Just nerf Teeth.

General Discussion / Re: Love the community, you too?
« on: December 17, 2012, 07:46:33 pm »
I would say this community does have it's...values, or ideas, in the right place for the most part.

But the nature of Crpg and the rather steep investment required to become adept at it, means it encourages an off-putting sense of entitlement and egotism about ones abilities in game.

Pfff anyone worth their weight in powerstrike knows that if you have to use a big fat strength build you should be wielding a triple heirloomed Long-Maul with fully Heirloomed Milanese plate.

You will look fantastic and expensive as you die horribly.

So, basically:
- 2h stabs are pretty much unaffected and still overpowered
- 2h stabs are now useless
- hoplites are not viable anymore
- hoplites weren't hit that hard

How am i supposed to take you guys seriously?

You aren't. It's all subjective opinion based hoo hah.

Essentially a lot of the points made on this forum and in game come down to "Well I or X can do well with it, why cant you?" And vice versa for a reversal of that argument in which: "it is bad, everyone else thinks so, but you dont seem to think so, why?"

Unfortunately being able to beat people in game does not necessarily prove a point. It can prove you are better than them at certain aspects and builds. And on the flipside of this...just because you struggle does not necessarily mean that it is objectively difficult to do something, you have to look at your own skills first before you call bullshit.

But does it nullify their perspective? If I were balancing a game I would not listen to the elites or the scrubs. I would look for those in the middle. They are not the best nor are they the worst, but they are the majority.

Unfortunately this module has always had an extreme of either side being the majority. So you end up in this awful position of not being able to listen to anyone, because none of them have a balanced perspective halfway between entertainment and ability.

WSE2 Beta / Re: Satisfied user
« on: December 11, 2012, 04:56:05 pm »
One problem i've been encountering with WSE2 though, it can't seem to keep up with my fients. I tend to not see certain attacks, and of course the people receiving the attack have said the same thing. Anyone else have the same problem?

Well I may have been having something similar, but I just assumed it was my inability to keep up with the speed of what was going on screen and making mistakes accordingly.

Which is not to say you are doing that, your problem could be separate from that.

General Discussion / Re: Best class to play with 100+ ping
« on: December 08, 2012, 07:58:34 pm »
Naked with an elder stick...clearly.

General Discussion / Re: Next update, december 2012
« on: December 06, 2012, 10:21:51 pm »
I think it's interesting. But as usual people are getting their hopes up far too much.

General Discussion / Re: C-rpg Meme cartoons
« on: November 22, 2012, 07:53:31 pm »
These are my definitions.

Yes....yes they are.

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