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Messages - Warham

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Suggestions Corner / Knightly Tartsche Shield
« on: October 13, 2012, 05:23:42 pm »
This shield used by knights from 14 century. Knightly Heater Shield!?page=itemdetail&id=86 used by knights in 13 century.
(click to show/hide)

In game:

Also you can download submod, which replaces Knightly Heater Shield to Knightly Tartsche Shield:

It will be good if devs will add it in game as new shield.

(click to show/hide)

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus 4 FAQ
« on: October 08, 2012, 06:07:57 am »
10)  How does the Towncenter work?
- when you go to sell an item you will get the option to change the price from the default.  If you do this and increase the price the item will go on the marketplace instead.
- everybody can see all marketplace offers but you have to be in the same fief to actually buy an item.
- you only get the money if the item gets bought when using the marketplace
Can i put my items to marketplace even fief has 0 S&D at this moment? Can i decrease price to put them to marketplace or only increase?

General Discussion / Re: Love letter
« on: October 04, 2012, 01:09:59 pm »
Some facts about Ivani4 [Ivʌnɪʧ]:

Ivani4 served in Red Army.
Ivani4 knows russian coarse language in perfection.
Ivani4 drinks vodka only by special ritual.
Ivani4 smokes a lot.
Ivani4 sometimes goes to faraway north for months, but he always comes back.
Ivani4 is the most famous strategus bandit.
Ivani4 never blocks. If you see that, wipe your eyes.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Long Strategus Suggestion
« on: September 29, 2012, 04:47:14 pm »
EDIT: And please lower the roster sizes, lots of battles end retarded due to one army having more than 2x the other guys players, as for example chadz battle, outnumbered the enemy 2/3 or something like that, even though he had shitty gear he would've probably won if not for the enemy having like 4x his amount of mercs.

Agree with this.

One of the main Strat problems is the roster. You need to be in the carebear or be friendly with one of them to always have good fighters on your side. Even the Greys or DRZ couldn't fill their roster in the prime-time alone. If there was a lot more active clans with huge amount of players there would be a lot of different alliances. But now there is possibility for only 2 blocks.

P.S. Right now there are 2240 players in the Strat, but I bet that half of them are inactive.
Roster is the root of all evil. There are not enough players to fill small clans roster. And there are many battles, which should be interesting and stubborn, but ends in 5 minutes, cause roster disbalance.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Tickets and slots for players
« on: September 28, 2012, 06:09:26 pm »
Anonymous mercing, mayby having highlighted messages at siege and battle servers 10 mins before battles and an easy way to apply from server to merc either side, or something that makes it more appealing for ppl to merc for battles, like more exp, mayby even crpg gold from them?
Good idea, cause always, even in early moring or deep night, there are about 10-20 players as minimum in regular game modes. And NA players there in uncomfortable eu time.

Strategus General Discussion / Tickets and slots for players
« on: September 28, 2012, 06:35:07 am »
Situation. First army have 1000 tickets and good equip, but only 10 real players. Second army have 100 tickets and bad equip, but 20 real players. Second army will win this fight without any chance, they just drop flags. Is this situation normal? Сount of real players make victory, not count of tickets and equip level? If so, there is a big disbalance between big alianses and single players or small factions. Cause it's very hard to make full roster if you haven't many allies.
And there are many battles, which should be interesting and stubborn, but ends in 5 minutes, cause disbalance between teams in players count.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Sellswords in Strat
« on: September 26, 2012, 05:52:08 am »
I am ready to pay to mercs in my battle if they have good skills, cause i'm not in a big clan and sometimes it's hard to make good roster.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: And the point is...?
« on: September 23, 2012, 12:44:14 pm »
I am soloing and trading around. I go from village to village trading and equiping my troops. One day I will be attacked, and I will have fun with that battle (and maybe give up trying to start it over again), until then, I will keep getting some gold, as it takes only a few minutes a day to organise it, then a day or two to travel...
It seems that you are not a faction player. Cause in big faction you must do what your faction leader will say to do. You give all you have to your clan and don't do anything else. It's boring. Only faction leaders play in interesting strategic game, other players serve them  :mrgreen:

Strategus General Discussion / Re: First Week of Strat 4 - Feedback?
« on: September 23, 2012, 10:23:31 am »
Very hard to play for small factions or to be a single player, who don't want to join big aliances. I know as a single player, that i can't hold fiefs, i can't make big armies. But i even can't win small battles with my advantage in tickets/equip, cause i can't assemble full roster. As an example i lost battle in 5 minutes, where i have 140 tickets agains 70, and the same equip. My enemy consists in big alliance and they had 20 players in this battle, i found with big problems only 10, cause 80% of players in alliances and they can't fight agains their allies. Or maybe i fought with them before, cause i am in Wataga and diplomacy is not for me ) Also there is not enough exp gains for small battles, so players don't see any reason to participate in it.
So my suggestions:
1) Decrease slots for small battles. Or make option like 'i am little man and don't want to capture all strategus'. After it i can't have more that 300 tickets, but in my battles agains armies <=300 tickets we will have only 10 slots. This option can be change once in a month.
2) Increase exp for small battles.
3) Add strong bots to the battles, cause real players get stuck in diplomacy  :mrgreen:

All i want is to rob small unprotected caravans   :cry:

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus 4 FAQ
« on: September 21, 2012, 08:25:34 am »
How often can i use quickmarch? Do i lose anything using it?

Suggestions Corner / Re: kazakh outfit, boots and hat
« on: September 12, 2012, 05:01:15 pm »
This film made by english comedian Sacha Noam Baron Cohen and make fun of americans )

Suggestions Corner / Re: kazakh outfit, boots and hat
« on: September 12, 2012, 04:31:23 pm »
I am from Kazahstan too. And kazah armor in crpg with Kazahstan flag on it is a joke  ) like fucking film "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan" ) Just remove it from the game  :D

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request: SoF_Warham
« on: September 07, 2012, 09:15:23 am »
Hello, Ninja_Khorin.

Yes, it is my second ban for one year of playing in crpg 1-3 hours in a day in the average. It's not so much, if take into account number of inadequate players.

You reported me immediately after i bumped you. You did't give me a chance to say sorry to you. It's not good manner. Almost every round i get arrows from ally archers, bumpes from ally cav and hits from ally inf, but i understand that it is standart game situations. And i don't press m every time when another player make mistake. But you do like a noob or a man who can do anything he wants, cause he is an admin. Or maybe you think that i bumped you itentional? why should I? Or you think that i bump everyone who stay on my way? In this way i will be kicked from server in a minute by reports.

09.09.2012 13:40:06
Ok. I'll be waiting.

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request: SoF_Warham
« on: September 07, 2012, 05:46:01 am »
Are you moderator?

Who can resolve my situation?

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