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Messages - tizzango

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General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 06:39:31 pm »
Lets do a poll on "remain/leave" and if the results are not similar one day after the referendum, we do a second referendum with the lessons of the first at hands!  :P

I literally just had this discussion with my flatmate. Their should be a mock poll, and then a real poll a week later.

I'm seeing similar anecdotes all over my social media network. There are a lot of people who treated it like a protest vote against the government and genuinely thought it wouldn't actually happen.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 05:36:34 pm »
You see that yellow blob in the midlands around London and to the west of it?

Can we come with you?

Yes, of course.

I don't blame the indyref No voters. There was a lot of uncertainty and doubt over the prosperity of a divided UK, for sure.

I'm gonna leave this here for everyone:
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General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 05:26:16 pm »
As an economic research scientist how do you justify Scotland leaving the UK if

I'm not an economic research scientist, sorry I thought that might've been clear- I study cognitive neuroscience. I've since edited my initial post.

I was just trying to allude that universities in the UK sometimes apply for funding from institutions that are based in Europe, and how this directly affects me (as well as many others universities in the UK).

You find me unaware of those "devolved powers" mechanics  :mrgreen:

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 04:50:21 pm »
Unanimously = 100%
Majority = 50 +1

A regional part of the United Kingdoms voted in majority to remain, would be more correct.
Saying that it is a basis for further referendums is a completely whacko logic that has no conceivable limits. On that point the UK government can choose to support further referendums, but if it doesnt want to they would be fully in their rights.

I've corrected my post, your first point is right.

I don't quite catch your drift. The UK government can veto a Scottish referendum, that is right. It would be seen as highly undemocratic, and nevertheless, they can't prevent Scotland from holding an emergency referendum. Part of our devolved powers (Scotland has a devolved parliament; ala Scottish Parliament), as well as the SNP's manifesto, allows us to hold an 'emergency referendum' if the fate of our EU membership is contested because of the UK. The UK can not actively stop this.

I'm not sure if that's what your post was referring to, but I hope I answered it regardless.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 04:36:27 pm »
Didnt scots vote in the leave referendum?  :lol:
I feel like many here are seeing their first election/referendum in their lifetime, learning how democracy works. I dont want to sound too harsh but really guys, get real? There isnt going to be a referendum a year.

Yes, and Scotland voted unanimously as a majority to stay in the EU. That is why it gives us precedent to trigger another Scottish independence referendum. See my post above.

Thanks for the fix Butan  :lol:

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 04:31:15 pm »
As a Scotsman who voted to Remain, obviously i'm absolutely devastated. Scotland, as a country, voted to Remain in the EU. Literally, every area in the country voted to Remain in the EU.

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During the Scottish independence referendum, the 'No' campaign argued that in order for Scotland to guarantee it's EU membership, it would need to remain apart of the UK. That notion undoubtedly induced fear into the politically uninclined voters (apparently they didn't know the UK couldn't guarantee EU membership because they were holding a fucking EU referendum the following years) and swayed them.

I'm a research scientist at a Scottish university, and this involves a lot of collaboration and involvement within the EU. I don't have time to write about everything wrong with leaving the EU, so I won't try and argue the case with anyone here. Ultimately, I am forecasting an economic decline for the UK- albeit economics isn't my forté (I study cognitive neuroscience).

Fortunately this outcome now justifies another Scottish independence referendum, so don't worry guys, we will see you again soon.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: Paragon
« on: June 07, 2016, 08:10:15 pm »
Anyone playing Paragon?

General Discussion / Re: nostalgia
« on: June 02, 2016, 09:47:20 pm »
Back in the days I was a newmy old friend. Hard for me to use that term to describe a player who didn't start in 2011. Because you know, most common newmy old friends started cRPG in 2011 while earliest batch of newmy old friends like me started in late 2010. To think people who first came to cRPG in 2013 or 2014 or even 2015 (!!!) are called newmy old friends these days is baffling to me.

Leshma, I've never really had an issue with your posts and I don't think I've ever antagonized you, but 5 years on and your still concerned with how long you've known about game developmentz and how long you've played this or that or whatever it may be, you always seem to always imply being "one of the first to do.. XYZ", chill out man. Relax.

I've not read most of thread so I dunno when this 'newmy old friend oldmy old friend' stuff became a topic in this thread, so i'm sorry if i'm picking on you- just your posts always seem to imply this stuff and I guess it irritates me enough to the point I felt like I needed to say something, although I didn't really NEED to, I just wanted to (consider me triggered/trolled or whatever you guys say on the internet these days).

My first memory was getting my ass pounded by just a bunch of names when I was level 1 with the peasant gear. Immediately had that "what the fuck is happening" adrenaline going through me, but I sought out the first TeamSpeak I could find (which was Fallen's) and then Fallen_Ramses showed me the ropes, it was insanely gratifying. I attended the Fallen training sessions and I felt like I was in an online bootcamp; I actually looked forward to the training nights. That TeamSpeak, at it's prime, was glorious. People tactically navigating the battlefield, calling out, awesome banter. I guess it was the collective effervescence of it all.  Mannnnnnnnnn loved it.

Brief EDIT::

Actually, I remember first being in HRE's teamspeak and realising that it was a mostly German speaking clan, Rogue then directed me to Fallen!

Splinter Cell
Metal Gear Solid
Gears of War

You missed every important game, you are all stupid.

General / Re: Performance
« on: May 29, 2016, 04:50:14 pm »
Think it was 15v15 or maybe even 20v20. No fps drops(noticeable) on my side, but not 60 fps either.

I loved this reply to the OP (I actually giggled). It's bordering on unfathomably uninformative.

Golem, what are your PC specs? And do you know what FPS you were averaging?

For those that can't make it, are you able to post some footage/screenshots for the early backers in the private forum?

General / Re: The Epic
« on: May 18, 2016, 12:38:33 pm »
What consequences will death have?

Are we going to see some form of perma-death as seen in Star Citizen?

Typically, how would one 'overthrow' or "stop a rival production in the neighbouring city"?

I'll give a scenario:

Neighbouring town (let's call it Town B) produces more ore and subsequently generates more import/export than Town A next to it- stopping other cities from trading with Town A. Can Town A assemble warriors to assassinate Town B's lead production management person thing? What would that do economically? Would that person simply respawn?

Or would Town A have to set up raiders to raid the caravan's of Town B? Or is the only way to stop this besieging Town B and taking control over it? And what's stopping Town B civilians respawning and setting up a new town next door, also accruing the same trade relationships which puts Town A out of commission again, rendering their efforts null- a perpetual cycle being created?

General / Re: Plans for the Upcoming weeks
« on: April 23, 2016, 06:35:34 pm »

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