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Messages - H3ADSH0T

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Overhead Animation for Spears
« on: June 29, 2011, 04:53:57 am »
I agree with the above poster, shield and spear should have underhanded thrust and overhead thrust. Hoplites would be quite viable and more useful than stabbing repeatedly at a chokepoint waiting for blind people.

Bump, because I still don't see any actual discussion on it.

I don't think its exploitable even in the least bit. Right now the only difference between this idea and the current throwing spear or the lance is that you could fight with it before throwing it. If it was so monumentally OP to be able to throw a spear thats not as long as the warhammer, make the transition between ranged and melee mode take as long as it would take to switch between a melee weapon and a throwing weapon...

The reason I would like this to be possible is so I have an alternative to shield and spear if I need it....currently wielding a shield and spear is basically useless in a fight against an opponent that is aware of you. People say of course, "Spear and shield (or spears as a whole) are a support weapon. This is just an excuse. I think that the player who chose to throw his ONE spear would be penalized more for that action,, beyond the fact he could miss, hit a shield, or die in the process.  The only other thing I can think to question is what the intention of throwing lance (which isn't even a lance) is, when it requires 6 PT, has only one missile, and looks from the stats to be an entirely subpar melee weapon in the first place.

There are plenty of historical units who used spears as thrown missiles. I will be following up with some research to support this idea ASAP. Until then I will present -my- logic on the topic.

For one, the current throwing spears are the same length as many 1 handed swords and therefore can't even be called spears.  If there is any question about the viable range of their use look at the current viability of throwing anyway... Also, the track and field javelin throw uses a (albeit, javelin by name) that is 2.5 meters long, or about 8 feet.

Currently the "throwing spears" can be secondaried and used as what I assume is polearm, though I haven't been able to test it myself. With the laughable "throwing LANCE" as a choice of weapon the only logic standing in the way is what has already been suggested. Give some viable weapons a thrown utility.

Next up, throwing lance statistics.

missile speed: 17
weapon length: 130
weight: 3
accuracy: 102
difficulty: 6
speed rating: 80
missile speed: 17
weapon length: 130
max ammo: 1
thrust damage: 56 pierce
slots: 2
Bonus against Shield
Secondary Mode

The shortest lance in the game has a length of 150, the shortest spear a length of 120. Currently, the throwing lance is basically what should be THE throwing spear. And if the Shortened spear, red tassel, and warspear could all be thrown, the powerthrow requirement would be needed anyway, and I honestly do not believe that the argument could be given that just cannot throw a spear.

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