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Messages - Hoppster

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cRPG Technical problems / sheathable scythe
« on: March 23, 2013, 11:47:06 pm »
For some reason i could do this on EU2 today

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Events & Tournaments / Re: Huscarl's Duel Tournament
« on: March 21, 2013, 03:52:53 am »
i dunno why the people is really interested with THE 128K.I need some money to pay taxes first.Secondly, I will work a lot to finish this tournament succesfully.I will record some duels or i may make livestreams who knows.I need some prize too i guess.

I don't really wanna spam your thread but that seems a little greedy. if you were at all confident in your abilitys you would be hoping to take 1st prize no?
Good scam dude!

Thought i'd point out that fallen are taking only 10% of the gold from the clan league and they are spliting it between several admins

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Events & Tournaments / Re: Huscarl's Duel Tournament
« on: March 20, 2013, 04:14:35 am »
Good way of making 128000 gold.... you'd make more if u let more than 32 people join though (food for thought)
i'll stick with the anual templar tournament...
As i would not beat anyone anyway it is irrelevant
ill stfu and go away now


winnie the roofy we miss u

This is the first time i've seen this and i find it rather amusing as it was my F*%@%?G 100,000 crates!!!!

So I JUST got back from a long ass trade trip into the NA and i see 5 1600/1800 shiny grey order armys incoming, so at that point i know my siege of Etrosq Castle is cancelled. I say to alpha "Hey, you know there's 5 grey order coming here to destroy us, and were basically screwed." He says to me "Yeah sorry i quit strat yesterday. I just put EVERYTHING from the castle onto you. You should probably run."  So I wait till 2am and I "run"

Thanks for the easy teleport back to the desert. Enjoy your 16k trade goods and 90,000 crates of a whole load of gear you wont even use because it's not +3. Belive me there was ALOT of gear

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i like turtles

Strategus General Discussion / Re: I dont get this att all
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:58:37 am »
tbh its much more rewarding as part of a clan/ faction

Strategus General Discussion / Re: I dont get this att all
« on: February 07, 2013, 06:16:09 am »
probably not the best idea to attack the first person u see!?page=battledetail&id=2310

Strategus General Discussion / Re: I dont get this att all
« on: February 06, 2013, 05:31:23 am »

Still having trouble movement in real time? i did just what you said, thanks for the pictures, but i am still not going anywhere.

The movement is real time, so when u click the "Move StonedSteel to..." button on the map and click where u want to move to, a line appers from where u are, to where u are moving to. Then if u click the info tab, the box in the top left corner will tell u your movement speed. and your travel time. the travel time is how long it takes for your dot to travel to the end of the line but the travel time is not that acurate because its calculated on your current movement speed and that changes based on the terrain/ quick march/ exhaustion/ gear/ troops/ horses etc. Also in the top left box on the info tab u can click "quick march" button which increases your movement speed for 300 minutes but then u are exhausted for alot longer exhaustion time changes depending on how many troops u have, quick march is good for running away or traveling through forests or over mountains. i'd try not to cross any mountains as u will probably get stuck, and u cant cross rivers without a bridge. if u have 1 or more horses for every troop u get a much better movement speed, obviously u need to be in a fief to buy horses and gear as CrazyCracka explained. hope this helps u, i cant think of anything else to tell u about moving right now. i would suggest joining a faction though as being a one man army on strategus is hard work and if u loose a battle u could be loosing weeks or even months of work.

theres plenty of clans and all/ most of them are happy to help recruits get on there feet

good luck dude

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General Discussion / Re: Proudest/Happiest cRPG moments
« on: February 06, 2013, 04:02:31 am »
I beat TomMyyY twice in duel on saturday he beat me about six times but still my happiest moment  :D

Also i remember in my first gen as a archer, templar_guy was kind enough to lend me a mw longbow and mw bodkins, i remember this because the very first thing i did with them was headshot him midfight from long range killing him with his own bow and arrow. My second happiest moment (im such a good friend)

I've been in a few batttles where the commander has given up his slot for a good player instead of removing someone else, which is something to condsider before removing it.
Commanding from spec isn't ideal and stops the commander from seeing how much gear is left and also stops them from setting battalion flags themselfs.
Obviously in spec people can see what the ememy is doing, but i've never heard of anyone sitting in spec just to call out what the enemy team is doing or the locations of hidden players. Personally i'd rather be in the battle having fun and getting exp.
I do like the idea of having fixed camera when dead, but as smoothrich said strat battles can be rather entertaining to watch for a spectator. I am actually sad enough to join spec, when i get home from work and theres an ongoing battle that i'm too late to get into.

Also nobody called out your location, i was there, just unlucky i guess

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: The Raid continious I need MOAR MERCS!!!
« on: February 03, 2013, 11:51:02 pm »
ill be there!!
what teamspeak channel??

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: I Need Mercs!!!!
« on: February 02, 2013, 02:31:34 am »
thank you

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: I Need Mercs!!!!
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:41:58 am »
looking forward to it

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