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Messages - Phyrex

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18
Game Balance Discussion / Re: Blanket stab nerf needed
« on: March 06, 2011, 08:41:24 pm »
With the other 3 attacks that still work at point blank range?
Besides, it doesn't make sense to leave a broken mechanic in just because it counters another broken mechanic. Much better to fix them both.

No, only 1 of those attacks will work, if you do any of the other 2 your opponent will hit you, meaning you can only slash back from 1 direction - turning combat into a face-hugging-strafe-around-in-a-circle-competition.

So what, you will try to 'fix' slashes aswell?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Blanket stab nerf needed
« on: March 06, 2011, 08:22:22 pm »
And how will we effectively deal with hilt-slashers(And I assure you, there will be more of them) with a slowed down/magically 'fixed' spinthrust? Could you please try and think of the consequences this time around and not do something rushed again(such as the thrust animation change). It seems that with every thing you try to 'fix', you bring more errors into it.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Blanket stab nerf needed
« on: March 05, 2011, 07:53:48 pm »
Let's just remove thrust all together so all the crying noobs will stop whining.

Even a mediocre player can block thrust and/or spinthrusts, if you fail at it, perhaps you should spend some quality time on a duel server for abit.

General Discussion / Re: Too much damage overall?
« on: March 04, 2011, 10:42:07 pm »
Meh, you guys are probably right. I do not have any proof for it, I can only go by feeling. :/

In any case, I liked the wfp curve/speed pre-patch, it was fast an exciting, now it just feels dull and boring.

And yes, facing a ninja, such as Khorin with 210+ wfp with me at around 200 wfp, each wielding a masterwork katana was damn epic and extremly exciting. :D

General Discussion / Re: Too much damage overall?
« on: March 04, 2011, 05:53:45 pm »
Only if you compare it to servers running on fastest, and even then because of the ability to build our own toons we are fully capable of reaching equivalent speed as fastest setting.

Sorry man, but that's not true. :P

Native, even on medium setting (Ndition duel server*), it's faster then cRPG. Only weapons that can reach the speed that I can think of is if you agi-whore and use a Katana, Hafted Blade or Side Sword.

* Ndition Duel server forces the user to wear cloth only, though, and has been taken into account.

General Discussion / Re: Two Handed Spam
« on: March 04, 2011, 05:08:03 pm »
The instant anyone I face hesitate or show any form of weakness I'll spam them, and I enjoy every moment of it.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Blanket stab nerf needed
« on: March 04, 2011, 05:05:04 pm »
360 degree spinthrusts are not possible, neither pre-patch or now. :P

General Discussion / Re: Too much damage overall?
« on: March 04, 2011, 05:01:32 pm »
Not sure if damage is in need of a nerf/buff, I'm fine with the current balance.

What I would like to see more of is speed. The current game is way too slow, ALOT slower then native and it is seriously hurting my skills. And that's why you don't see many Native veterans playing cRPG because of the "noobification", if you play cRPG for a few weeks and then jump on a Native duel server you'll see your reflexes and overall skill diminished.

Keep current damage and buff weapon speed(get back the wfp curve pre-patch)!

This is one of the most retarded threads I've ever seen.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Dueling build?
« on: February 22, 2011, 04:50:30 pm »
Problem is, that I'm going to retire at 31 again, so where is the use of a level 30 build for me?

When I grind I pick the least populated server and completely dominate it, that gives me x5 90% of the time. Cookie-cutter build+skill equals win and win equals x5! :P

As for when trying to hit lvl 31...

I tend to get 9 str first... so I can use my katana, then grind up to 15 agi, after that 15str and then 21 agi and then 18 str!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Dueling build?
« on: February 22, 2011, 04:45:07 pm »
But the difference between 6 and 7 athletics is so minimal! You can make up for it by wearing a bit lighter armor, putting on your grindface and heirlooming the light armor.

At 6 WM you'll have 155 WPF in 2H, at 7 WM it'll be 164. Unfortunately no one knows what 9 WPF points mean in practice, but since the progression is linear, I think the difference is veeeery minimal.


(click to show/hide)

I must disagree, I noticed a differense when I had 8 athletics instead of 7 while using coat of plates and alot more when using my ninja set. Yes, I guess you could use lesser armor and heirloom it, but personally, I like to keep alot of different sets, so I can't just heirloom one set. :P

Barely any differense on 6 or 7 wm, yes, but still noticable along with the point in athletics, this is a given skill to take anyhow.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Dueling build?
« on: February 22, 2011, 04:28:03 pm »
18/21 at lvl 31

6 PS - Alright damage.
6 IF  - Survive another hit or a pair of arrows.

7 Ath - This is God-mode, with high enough athletics you can kite around groups of players and run from the zerg-horde when needed.
7 WM - Every point spent into 2h. Hybridization sucks, you'll only kill noobs with 100-130 wfp. My almost dead grandmother can block someone with that speed.

And if you're as mad as me...

18/24 at lvl 34

6 PS
6 IF

8 Ath
8 WM

On the topic of str vs agi and the various skills...

I prefer speed, both weapon speed and run speed above all else. What's the use of massive damage if you never hit anything?

Ps. Xant, no u  :o

WFP cost curve should be tweaked.

The mod is already slower then Native and it has become quite dull and boring.

Not sure why it was nerfed in the first place, noobs having a hard time blocking or something?

General Discussion / Re: cRPG + WSE - voice your opinion.
« on: February 02, 2011, 07:31:05 pm »
So... banner and item limit could be removed with this... thing? :P

Announcements / Re: new gamemode - ladder?
« on: February 01, 2011, 06:14:48 pm »
while this seems a nice enough mode, i'd rather see other stuff like ctf or something working first.

Agreed, I have no real interest in any ladder(I don't have a clan... yet) and I would rather like to see more cRPG game modes implemented such as ctf or conquest.

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