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Messages - Corsair831

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Armour Weight
« on: March 29, 2012, 03:21:35 am »
If you're bouncing hits a lot, you're doing something wrong. Even with 5 ps and a sword I rarely bounce on plate. If I do, it's because I made a mistake.

Also, just for the record all my armor is loomed. I have 55 body armor. I die in 1 or 2 hits. If I wore less armor, I would always die in 1. If armor was reduced, I would basically be forced to go a strength heavy build just to not die whenever a teammate hits me in the back.

You can't compare CRPG to Native just because of the build differences. In Native, everyone is the same. In CRPG people can have vastly different builds and the devs try to balance things around that. Heavy armor in this game isn't that great. It's sooooo slow. I'd much rather fight some guy in plate than some balanced build wearing light-medium armor. With my high athletics I can run around that plate guy all day long. Also if you use a pierce weapon, it pretty much invalidates their armor anyway.

As it stands, armor isn't really a big deal. And increasing armor weight only hurts agi builds. Nothing else.

Actually builds in native are all completely different, but that's off topic. I disagree with your 55 body armour comment.

 I have 24 total body armour regularly, with 0 ironflesh, and i usually die in 2-3 hits. When i wear my crutch it's usually 5-6 and that's not even loomed. I'd also prefer to fight a guy in plate but plate's not my issue. It's the heavier medium armours (~~16-20), when they're loomed and with a reasonable amount of athletics, they provide a very very very good mix of armour and speed. When you're fighting several players, you need 2 hits to kill a player to have a chance of warding them off. If it takes 6 you have no chance.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Round Shield vs Kite Shield
« on: March 29, 2012, 03:03:00 am »
kite shields are terribad in melee, you have no clue what you are talking about.  Rounds shields offer the BEST coverage in the game.  They sacrifice some speed, cost, hp and are not useable on horseback

i do know what i'm talking about actually, and i don't appreciate being insulted, thx.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Armour Weight
« on: March 29, 2012, 02:56:35 am »
If it takes you 6 hits to kill the average guy, you're doing it wrong. And it seems to be that you're complaining about looms more than armor. It's not that big of a bonus to armor (it used to be ridiculous) but it also takes 6 gens to get there.

Also, these changes would only hurt agi builds and wouldn't do anything to strength builds whatsoever. Due to everything in this game being percentile-based, weight increases hurt high athletics characters MUCH more than people with lower athletics. Also if you have high athletics, you usually have lower strength and so do not benefit much from heavy armor.

ok im not that bothered about looms, what i mean is just the 'average armour level' if you want to call it that. Look at native melee combat, average armour level is ~~ 25, weapons rarely bounce, it takes ~~2-3 hits to kill someone. Then look at melee combat in crpg, the 'average armour level' is a lot higher (i might say 50 at a guess, gloves and body), weapons often bounce and it takes a lot more hits to kill people. This crutch just detracts from the gameplay

Also i realise capping the ATH at 5 would be a bad idea, i just was saying that so that we wouldn't get a situation where armour was nerfed so everyone went 9 ath agi builds and ran around like sonic or something.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Armour Weight
« on: March 29, 2012, 02:43:59 am »
+3 heavy armor, +3 gloves and voila, you get a fast tincan. And while you can kill them however you like 1 on 1, when a whole crowd of 'em coming at you, not much you can do but run.

^ this.

 It can take 5 or 6 decent hits to kill someone who has 60 armour (which can be achieved at ~~21 weight of gloves + body armour (+3), which when combined with 6-8 athletics still gives a really fast movement speed). Wouldn't the game just be more fun if it took 4 hits to kill average joe instead of 6 ?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Armour Weight
« on: March 29, 2012, 02:32:33 am »
Slow combat down even more? No thanks.

no that's the point, make it more advantageous for people to take lighter armours. It wouldn't slow combat down, just reduce the crutch.

Game Balance Discussion / Armour Weight
« on: March 29, 2012, 02:29:12 am »
As of current, you get a large advantage in teamfights having +3 heavy armour and a large weapon. Some might call this crutch. You also get a decent advantage taking no armour with reasonably high ATH.

 I was thinking, could the weight of all armours in the game be increased significantly (1.5x - 2x), and the max Athletics be capped at ~~5.

 This would decrease the average armour level in the game, and make it more difficult for people to crutch with armour, hence adding more skill to the game.

 What do people think of this ? thanks, Corsair.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Round Shield vs Kite Shield
« on: March 25, 2012, 07:34:01 pm »
the kite shield actually has better overall coverage, you can foot-shoot the round shield quite a lot, as well as it having a SLIGHTLY decreased cost, and rather huge decreases in durability

Suggestions Corner / Round Shield vs Kite Shield
« on: March 25, 2012, 01:17:36 pm »
Hi, just a small thing but the Round Shield could use a bit of a buff, it has nothing to reccomend it over the Kite Shield whatsoever, i was thinking maybe lower the weight of the Round Shield by 0.5 or so.

Here's the stats of the 2 shields

Round Shield

weight: 6.5
body armor: 10
difficulty: 3
hit points: 275
speed rating: 88
shield width: 39
Can't use on horseback

Kite Shield

weight: 6.5
body armor: 11
difficulty: 3
hit points: 385
speed rating: 91
shield height: 92
shield width: 22

thanks, Corsair

General Discussion / Re: where did the defend the virgin mode go ?
« on: March 12, 2012, 02:48:32 pm »

General Discussion / where did the defend the virgin mode go ?
« on: March 12, 2012, 04:09:56 am »
i used to love that mode, where did it go ? :O

General Discussion / Re: cRPG is dead in such cases
« on: December 28, 2011, 01:22:01 am »
i think you're missing the difference between duelling and training.

duelling is a game in it's own right, not training for battle. It's actually rather bad training for battle, considering duelling/ advanced blocking ability on battle is rather worthless.

General Discussion / Re: cRPG is dead in such cases
« on: December 27, 2011, 10:57:35 pm »
duelling on crpg is a joke.
You're duelling someone with a different set of stats and a different weapon, which is just ridiculous. It's not a test of skill at duelling as a test of grinding.

Also, duelling with 125 range weapons is just lame.

Faction Halls / Re: [Nord] The Nordmen (Recruiting EU)
« on: December 13, 2011, 01:16:23 am »
i think fireballs need add to crpg becose in skyrim is magiac and magick good adition to game. therefour i makke poll.

how make poll pls? no so good english.

General Discussion / admin tools / mute all button
« on: December 11, 2011, 03:50:22 pm »
hi, in vincenzos admin tools for native there's a very useful 'mute all' button, great for when you just want to play without chatspam, but that mod isnt crpg compatible. Is there any mod that is crpg compatible which has this 'mute all' feature please ? as currently it takes me 5+ minutes to mute everyone in the server.


Diplomacy / Re: Declaration of allegiance: Desert Alliance
« on: November 05, 2011, 12:00:29 am »
nay, i predict the nords will rule the desert. Like they did in history.


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