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Messages - Seranoth

Pages: 1 [2]
General Off Topic / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: February 24, 2011, 04:23:25 pm »
After reading your wikipedia page, how do you destroy someone when he bothers you and doesnt stop? Do you rain fire from the sky?

No, to get rid of someone who bothers me i would only invest the energy of using my fists, or calling police, or do whatever all others would do. Energy of your will is valuably and you only have a limited amount of this power per day- powers which should be invested in your lifegoals and wantings.

This kind of magic tricks like fire from sky is not very effective and would cost enourmous energy of willpower, commitment and time(maybe weeks), as well as the result would be only a explainable Event to you, like a exploding engine of a plain or a big meteorshower which was pronounced- that would be a gigantic waste of the energy of a living human. Its more easier and effective to hold a general destruction ritual over time against the enemy and let the universe decide by itself, how the suspect get hurt or destroyed. besides- it should be in accordance with the conscience of the executing magician, because the target could die...

General Off Topic / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: February 24, 2011, 03:38:30 pm »
I think its sad that there are people, who belief in nothing. Thats only because they are just too ignorant and interested in nothing.
Poor lost souls. All they get is only random fate. But thats life- its just fair.

Iam an spiritual Satanist. Follower of the CoS, founded by Anton Szandor Lavey.
I love the Nature and to be a Human. I love my friends and destroy my enemys. Iam a God, a friend of Satan, the name of the human nature.
Pro humanity! Contra all for the humanity harmful things on the earth.
Iam a warrior on the spiritual level. I never break any laws, my weapon is the mind. (Thats the reason i play as a ninja here ;D)
You want to be my friend? No problem- you are now my friend. Dont be afaid- i am a loyal and esteeming ally for long times.
But if you going to be my enemy- Thats would be sad- then expect your destruction and infinite pain in your mendacious short life.


General Discussion / Re: Weaponmaster 7 or 8? Which to choose?
« on: February 07, 2011, 03:01:18 am »
I as an old Ninja- favorited this build for me, as i dont need the one point in ironflesh at lvl 30 and think one agi point is better than 8 wpf on weaponmaster 9:

   *  Strength: 12
    * Agility: 28

    * Converted: 10
    * Ironflesh: 0
    * Power Strike: 4
    * Shield: 0
    * Athletics: 9
    * Riding: 0
    * Horse Archery: 0
    * Power Draw: 0
    * Power Throw: 0
    * Weapon Master: 8

    * One Handed: 1
    * Two Handed: 173

Btw- after my last retirement i am still lvl27 but i will build my char this way. Together with my beloved Tempered Miaodao should i be a true jumpslashing, satanic-bastardblackmetalninja from Hell at full Might in the holy geekland Crpg.
My Mind is not just the Armor- its as well my Weapon.

edit- ah i just saw Kong Mings Post already made this point ;) Nah Twice as Nice...

+1 modifier for 1.000.000 gold.

maybe u laugh at it- but eventually in 10 days...  ....nah, that would be too unhealthy for me. :P 

well i would be happy when it cost 250000 gold or sort of....


as a Ninja, who only wears light armor and dont use Plate, i only have little repair costs. So to use my money, i bought stuff for camourflage,+ have a Katana, Nodachi, Miaodao, a Military Fork, all versions of throwing stars and other weapons i can use with my 2H/agi build (lvl 30, 14 str, 24 agi). I  already bought a siege ladder, a siege shield and even the construction site only to use my money.
Now i have too much gold in my pocket again- what should i do with my 94790 Gold?  :rolleyes:

So what speak against a buyable upgrade for weapons and armor like the retirement-bonus ? It can be as well very expensive, but would be a good target for moneycollectors like me. ;)
What do u mean?

General Discussion / Re: Fix List v210
« on: January 12, 2011, 05:01:55 pm »
In my opinion its fine now with the gain-system and and balances-

 BUT as a Ninja i have way too much gold (now over 100k) which i cant use, because i dont wear plate armor and only have llittle repair costs.  (+ already hav constr. site and all)
A feature for Buying upgrade for Weapons and Armor would be nice- for those ppl who dont want to retire or like me- have too much gold.

 My second cause is about this awful exp-requirement after lvl30 - the round about 3.900,000 exp i need now to get lvl31 is very much exaggerate. I need at multiplier x1 over 66 hours to get that lvl! Is the exp i need after each level now always doubled? 8mil-16mil-32mil-64mil and for lvl 35 gigantic 128 million EXP???
Pls tell me thats just not true... i want a fast ninja and dont want to stay this old granny speed like now :(

General Discussion / Re: Siege Mode: How is it better?
« on: January 06, 2011, 02:56:43 am »
after playing 2 hours on crpg 6 siegeserver i only can say this money/exp system isn't just the right gainsystem for siege mode. Before 0.200 the gamegoal was clear- defenders got more money when they could hold the castle a long time, and the attackers must rush the castle as fast as possible to win more gold as the defenders at end of round. That the attackers mostly got the flag wasn't fatal, because the defenders got their money even through.

 Iam normally a very frugal person, but this new gainsystem is very unsuitable and unnecessary. The attackers still always win and get more and more money when the player have the luck to not get teambalanced - plus-  the attackers get more money when they stall the round. The defenders have no chance to get a higher multiplier for the whole time of the round with leeching attackers. Thats not just unfair- its witless. The Maingoal is now just goldfarming by leeching. Such a system makes no fun anymore.

I want the old system back. point.

btw- sry my english is still not the best :P

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Post Your Character Builds
« on: January 04, 2011, 05:24:15 am »
Age   49 [34]
Generation   1

Strength    16   
Agility  27   

One Handed   1   [1 WPF cost] 
Two Handed   207   [9 WPF cost]
Polearm   1   [1 WPF cost] 
Archery   1   [1 WPF cost] 
Crossbow   1   [1 WPF cost] 
Throwing   1   [1 WPF cost] 

Ironflesh 5   
Power Strike 5   
Shield 0   
Athletics   9   
Riding 0   
Horse Archery 0   
Power Draw 0   
Power Throw 0   
Weapon master * 8

Ninjas must be fast and skillful- this way is my difficulty chosen personally.  8-)
Btw- i love my Miaodao.

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