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Messages - cerkosan

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General Discussion / Re: Lottery Lördag Announcements
« on: October 07, 2012, 11:57:12 pm »
Great thing!!! This is only lottery that I won 2x!!!
Luck exists.

General Discussion / Re: Some thoughts on the new scoring system
« on: August 24, 2012, 04:30:33 pm »
Lame system for range calss. Very little points for dedicated archers & xbowers.
Their k/d ratio in siege is top 5 but none of them in top 10. Middle section is reserved for best.
No fun beeing unable to get to the middle for a noob archer like me  :oops:

General Discussion / Re: Lottery Lördag Announcements
« on: June 14, 2012, 10:11:35 pm »
Made my evening great! Havent noticed since tonight that 10th of June was my lucky day. Thank LL & C!!!

General Discussion / Re: Worst exclusive banners thread
« on: June 09, 2012, 12:42:52 pm »
"Game nicks: N4B_Cerkosan"
"{N4B} Noobs 4 Boobs - The Blue Army! 'Recruiting' (Any class)"
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

N4B is history, we have renamed to Crusaders for same reason (havent changed; thx 4 att)  :mrgreen:
P.S. no more noobs, but we still like boobs anyway
P.P.S never used that banner anyhow

General Discussion / Re: Worst exclusive banners thread
« on: June 09, 2012, 12:07:04 pm »
I miss c-rpg like it was before... no more history in banners...
This game looks more like CIRCUS and knights like CLOWNS with all these ugly banners...
Delete all new made banners and keep the original one (clans should pick one and reserve it) or just make selection with banners suitable for medival times.
Pirates, skulls, national banners... bljak
Everything goes downhill just like situation in real life  :cry: 
No more tradition, honour and respect!

General Discussion / Re: Update broken
« on: June 08, 2012, 09:55:34 pm »
same here...
update makes real mess...
no gear from crpg, flicking screen with white stripes and quadrants, throwing mauls etc.....
unplayable   :cry:

shame that so many new updates everyday which make more lags, more problems and ugly banners...

nice new music thou...

cRPG Technical problems / Respawn problems + gear set to default
« on: May 29, 2012, 09:47:30 pm »
I have problems with respawning at the start of the round, mostly when map changes to new one (Siege, EU2).
I am not the only one as there were at least 5 on when we talked about it.
When you want to choose side, no gear equiped so you have to set to default, than choose side and it showes you in rooster but you cant respawn. Waited the whole round and another one but same. No exp/gold gain and no spawn.
It is quite annoying as you have to restart (go to main menu and rejoin) every new map. Not fun at all....
Any suggestion?

EDIT: It works ok but you have to untick and tick back few times that "ready to spawn" button...
must admit I dont like that ready to spawn button... it just complicates the spawn  :cry:   

cRPG Technical problems / Re: My Loom is gone :(
« on: May 29, 2012, 09:33:09 pm »
Thx it works.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: My Loom is gone :(
« on: May 29, 2012, 08:06:47 pm »
I cant see my Horn bow +1 ingame (no option to choose) as well.

Other loomed equipement is ok seen on webpage and ingame.

P.S. sometimes when it changes map I have to set the equipement to defolt as it doesnt load automatically (doesnt have to do with above).

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Newbie in strategus
« on: April 21, 2012, 11:18:40 am »
I have another question  :D
I am crafting in village with 100%efficency.
" Craft Selection: currently: Eels
Name   Skill   Discount   Cost
Eels    100    50%   3"
Then I give start it says - work; when I refresh after some time it says - nothing. No goods were crafted in 12 hrs and giving them to craft at least 5 times.
How is that? Is that a bug or it depends on sth else? How do you give crafting and that it continues crafting?
It happened to me in almost all villages last week but I though that there are some limits in towns but now it is strange.
Anyone having same problems? Am I missing sth?

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Newbie in strategus
« on: April 20, 2012, 06:03:12 pm »
Zapper, thank you very much for answering and explaining in detail.

I am afraid I can not contact you on steam as I dont use it  :oops: had problems with games all the time so I stoped to use it 2 years ago ... as I heard last autoupdate made some sound problems in crpg...
I will join some battle (attack), just to see how it is done (building siege tower etc.)... I will ask for help when I get some army but as we play as team only our leader will have big army so he will be organising equipement; we "peasants" are only crafting support...  I just hope we will stick to our plan as till now nobody is working in this direction  :mrgreen:
Hope to see you on strat in same team soon...

thx again GC

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Newbie in strategus
« on: April 20, 2012, 09:33:27 am »
Thx for clearing many things MarktpLatz & Zapper!

I am playing strategus for 2 weeks now but havent participated in any battle.
I still cant figure it out:
1) when you see battle on strategus map, you go to battles and apply for battle on crpg; here I dont know - I saw people beeing near me on map and have applyed for battle on other side of map; I dont think they can manage to get to other side of map in 24 hrs to take part in battle or does it count that you apply for battle beeing anywhere on map and you dont have to go to battle position?
2) does quick marsh affect your fighting cappatibilities?
3) can you transfer gold from Crpg to strategus (as I figured it out option in other direction doesnt work anymore - send to relatives)?
4) I was watching siege on Samarra castle yesterday (1k vs 7k; quite inetersting):
           - how do you get siege equipement (siege tower, ledders?)?
           - are those blue flags spawning points or is spawning point that wodden thing? 
           - i saw that people were wearing different equipent - how come if you can use only the equipenet and recruits that attacker/defender have in inventory? Did they transfer all equipenet to attack/defence leader before battle/siege?
5) strategus time - Night Time: Starts at X:XX GMT 3 and lasts 8 hours. That means EU time -3?
Thx again.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Newbie in strategus
« on: April 12, 2012, 01:56:49 pm »
Thank you very much for clearing it for me MarktpLatz!!!!

I hope it helps to some other newbie as well.

Strategus General Discussion / Newbie in strategus
« on: April 12, 2012, 01:42:56 pm »

I started with strategus 5 days ago and havent participated in any battle.
I read sth. on forums, got some info on team forum and asked questions on IRC channel (I must thank once again to Mustikki who explained me a lot about strategus - THX).

I still have problems with understanding basics of the game.

If someone would be so kind to answer following questiones I would be very grateful:
1) is the character build in strategus (when fighting battles) the same as on character page (goes trough retiremnets and lvl etc.)?
2) is it wise to accumulate most earned gold on one player when playing in team (what are strenght/weakness of souch strategy)?
3) is it wise longterm that one player in team has great army and others just few recruits (max 49)?
4) when fighting a battle - if you have 49 men with you, does it count to side on which you are fighting (+49) or are just recrutis from the guy who is attacking/defending?
5) if you have 49 recruits and fighting alone against attacker/defender - that means you have 49 lives if your spawn point is not captured before?
6) Am I right about weapons - you can use weapons you have in your inventory in strategus menu and if helping somebody those which are available at his inventory?

I am still learning so I hope I havent asked stupid questions.  :oops:

Thx for any answer in advance!

Announcements / Re: Version 0.271
« on: March 13, 2012, 07:34:34 pm »
Hi all. Its always nice to see/try sth new  :)

I just see 3 things that boder me just a little:
- I dont see any siege servers. Why is that? First EU_5 gone and now EU_2; I like playing siege while beeing a peasant so I can play not just watch;
- It is not nice that some equipement (f.i. black armour) changed stats and is now middle ranked but before was top ranked, especcialy if equipement was loomed;
- the character web page has strange outlook - its hard to read as text is all over dark corner (must admit that I liked old look better). EDIT - FIXED - LIKE A LOT NEW LOOK!!!

Enough said. Kepp the good work and continue suprising us with new things just please dont go in firearms please. I just got With fire and sword and dont like it.

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