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Messages - Spa_geh_tea

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerf HX
« on: April 13, 2013, 05:13:01 pm »
Boycott battle mode!!!!!!!
Give them nothing to shoot at!!!!!

Change the objective!!!!

Hate the playa!!!!!

Play siege only!!!!

Do not support deuschbaggery!!!!

Play siege only!!!!!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerf HX
« on: April 13, 2013, 03:43:39 pm »
It is annoying getting attacked with no way to fight back. That is why all the range nerfs occur.

End of conversation right there.

Solution? Play siege, they can't kite forever ;)

Long axe is the best speed
Long war axe is the best looks
Great long axe is the best damage

Balanced to eachother!

Let us not buff anything the server can't handle....animation speeds, ghosting hitboxes, retardly negative speed bonuses.

Who here has hit a guy in cloth....cloth....cloth. With 7+ps and a 35+ cut weapon and had to hit them 3+ times.....
I see it often and its rediculous.

Should a 12/24 have the ability to do as much damage as 24/12?

Hell no. Never. Even with speed bonus, never.

Should they be faster?

Of course! Always!

Where is the engine failing?

High str builds are too fast.

Why are they to fast?

Hit detection and damage begins with the animation. However it should start 1/4 into swing and max at 3/4. The last 1/4 is deccelearation to start the next swing. I do not think the engine can control this?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Rebalance the 1H left swing
« on: April 11, 2013, 06:41:10 pm »
2h left AND right swing are equal or better than 1h left swing:

-All three hit for full damage early in the animation
-2h gets a reach bonus on both sideswings, 1h left swing doesn't
-The "hits the head" feature of 1h left swing is a double-edge sword, because all a 2h user has to do is ready an attack, and their animation causes them to crouch under the incoming left swing. You can't crouch under a 2h sideswing.

So it's not that 1h left swing is so amazing, it's that 1h right swing and thrust are so crap that left swing is often the only option. I prefer to overhead, but that's risky if your opponent is good at dodging.

As suggested. At a guess, 55% of my kills are overheads. Typically a left swing is used to break a spammers pace, as its the only attack that may be fast enough.
Some common 1h attack sequences: 
Right, overhead
Left, thrust, overhead
Overhead chamber, overhead
Left, Kick, overhead
Sidestep, overhead

Suggestions Corner / Re: Siege Beta to Ticket Type Conquest
« on: April 11, 2013, 06:26:37 pm »
The reverse is better actually. Medium to small as it will require more mass army efforts and less... "Oh you took this flag? Ima ride my pony to the other 2 flags and cap before you can walk it"

More mass fighting, less dueling.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Bonus against horses
« on: April 11, 2013, 06:21:55 pm »
One shotting a medium horse is just not good enough for you is it?

Suggestions Corner / Re: A way to reduce blockstun
« on: April 11, 2013, 06:15:09 pm »
Balance - "Adding a feature to further increase the difficulty of a component already inferior to its counterparts."

You are hilarious.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Only Melee Server
« on: April 11, 2013, 06:08:18 pm »
NA had a melee only server? If it did, probably died because of server quality.

 That and siege is superior.

Suggestions Corner / Re: A suggestion for the new Conquest mode
« on: April 10, 2013, 05:40:20 pm »
I blame warframe.....its addictive.

And I can't stop playing it....*guilty face*

I disagree. There are a number of reasons why the Tydeus' proposed schema is a good one:

1.) As Malaclypse said, there is an imbalance between extreme strength and extreme agility builds in terms of usefulness. There is currently no point in having an extreme agility build (ie 27 or more agility) for a melee character unless you are either very high level, a rageball alt, or someone who enjoys being dead most of the time. Extreme strength builds (ie 27 or more strength), on the other hand, are very rewarding to play on both duel and battle as long as you know how to block and have good awareness. Something that makes them of more equal effectiveness is a plus in my book.

2.) As it is currently implemented, there is little reason to get a lot of WM over converting the extra skill points you would save or allocating them somewhere else. With the free 111 wpf he gets from leveling, a straight 1 weapon melee build usually only wants about 3 WM to offset the penalty from his armor. This would be fine except that even hybrids don't get as much out of WM as they do with a similar investment in other skills. 7 WM is currently not enough to use even 3 weapon classes at 110 wpf (before armor penalty), whereas 7 riding is enough to use nearly every horse better than the majority of the population.

3.) From the standpoint of game design, it makes agility and WM parallel with strength and IF. With a change in the vein of what Tydeus has suggested, you would be able to get decent wpf with sufficiently high agility and no WM in the same way that you would be able to get decent HP with sufficiently high strength even with no IF, although you would get a greater benefit in both cases by actually investing skill points.

The specifics of it may need some tweaks, but the general idea of it is definitely sound. Some people have raised concerns about excessively high weapon speeds coming out of a wpf rework, but I do not think that will be a major issue because cRPG now has an absolute level cap of 36 and no wpf carryover on retirement. It is unlikely many people would be able to get more than 200 wpf in one weapon class without either being very high level or sacrificing everything else to do so, and the requirements of specific items can be adjusted if a problem arises.

Get better servers. They currently barely handle 160wpf melee, so fast players don't even see animations.

No. Just....hell no.

Pick a balance, either extremes or middle. We can't have both, currently devs have balanced for middle. 

The passive of Strength (referring to the HP gain per point one since Strength has two passives) is too potent. It's a pretty massive benefit and sort of detracts from the allure of Ironflesh (though, of course, stacking both is most effective); you can already get pretty good to great HP @ 24+ STR without ever even investing in Ironflesh. I'd like to see the passive HP benefit changed to be similar to Agility's passive gain (which is like, the equivalent of 1 ath every 3-4 agi or something?) while simultaneously buffing Ironflesh. This would hurt those who haven't invested very heavily into Ironflesh but instead rely on Strength for the bulk of their durability (like me, 18 STR, 3 IF; 6 HP from Ironflesh, 15 HP from STR). I don't feel like Stat investment should contribute to a build's effectiveness as much as skill allocation.

Buff ironflesh to further increase the desparity between those who invested and those that did not.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Half-Swording
« on: April 02, 2013, 06:02:49 pm »
2h wpf, give it an overhead, reduce 2h normal mode thrust by 8damage across the board and train wreck its beyond reasonable hitbox at hilt.

Half swording should become the CQB for 2h.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Battalion Speed
« on: March 31, 2013, 02:59:00 pm »
As you say train them... If you train people to walk forward as a shield wall there is no reason why they can't all move at the same rate. I have been in a few shield walls and never had a problem keeping moving at the same rate as everyone else. They usually fall apart when you try to change direction or location because it's difficult to explain where you mean whilst in battle. A auto formation would allow you to turn the entire shield wall a different direction or move them forward 4 passes as one.. By having it so if you press any button you disengage this means you still need skill because if someone approaches and you want to attack or change your personal direction you still have to do this manually. Thus making the formation tactic only useful whilst setting up or holding ground protecting your army from archers. This wouldn't cause an unfair advantage or an unbreakable shield wall which would result in a stalemate in battle.

Also if you were set to battalion 2 and it decreased your movement speed this would change the way you fight... I think a lot of people would get annoyed that their foot work would be different. IMO Boosting peoples movement speed would be 8/10 times advantageous.. whilst limiting it to the slowest would only be advantageous around 3/10 times maximum.

Battalion assigns leader.
Leader defines pace.
Players in battalion toggle a key to match pace.
Players can release key and go back to the norm for their character.

Culmination of everyone's idea, any issues with what is above?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Deciding your own Main and Alt
« on: March 31, 2013, 02:52:34 pm »
Saying its my fault sounds weird.
Tell me how you are going to abuse it? Two weeks of cooldown is hard to abuse, then after you have choosen your new main, lets say they just put a two day cooldown before you can join any strat battles and do other things such as tickets etc.

Oh and saying you dont want to sound like a dick makes you sound like one.

If anyone remembers strat one, they would know of players sharing characters switching them about to whatever battle/strategy was available. It generated a team, who would do such things, a huge advantage of picking any class they wanted with the same team/clan. The skill level, cohesion, and willingness to follow orders to the letter is a major advantage that many clans bring.

I'm not going to name drop examples of those who abused this, but it often was a make/break to winning battles over other armies.

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