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Messages - Thalion_Menelvagor

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Diplomacy / Re: So, I'm bored
« on: June 20, 2018, 12:27:22 am »
Honestly, get there there and fight some good honest battles. I've always had a slight distaste for purely "XP" battles. I mean, does any really care about XP anymore? We're all just old crusty players and joke builds clinging to a game so old its like a dying star-system. In Shitlordery of strat is one of the only things that keep this interesting. Go out there and be a Shitlord Bryggan. I know you can.

Why include without the wings? That's kinda the point of the "winged hussars" ?

Making some progress! Thanks to our new donors, and keep spreading the word if you guys think you know someone that might be interested in contributing!

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Another two the very nice armour sets we could implement in whole or in part the Maximilian Set

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and the Hussar armour set, which would be included without the wings
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also definitely a fan of this Serbian Light Cav set
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Diplomacy / Re: In Remembrance of Mithrim
« on: January 15, 2018, 03:59:14 am »
Well... that was anticlimactic. Sorry for the shitty battle guys. Obviously those foul Chadizians called on their god to bug our siege sites.

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Guess we'll try again after a while. Thanks for those who showed up.

Diplomacy / Re: In Remembrance of Mithrim
« on: January 12, 2018, 04:06:56 am »
 I fixed it for you!

Diplomacy / In Remembrance of Mithrim
« on: January 11, 2018, 08:26:29 pm »
Thalion sat smoking his pipe in front of a dilapidated Manor house that was the the main building, and in fact the only large building, apart from the mill in the whole of New Ismirala village.  Looming in the distance was a Ismirala castle, a castle that now belonged to another faction.  After the great AFK plague there had been a brief revival of the noble Noldork heritage that was deeply rooted in the lands of Calradia, the son's of Mithrim along with other hearty northerners rose up and created the Northern Dominion.  Yet the world was wracked by more tragedy and then the great Admin-Ban Plague started which cut down much of Calradia in its new found glory. 

Thalion, once Viceroy of Mithirm and later a leader in the Northern Dominion had retreated from the world. For years now he had lived in this falling down manor just to keep an eye on the good folk of Mithrim that still lived in the North, even if they had forgotten now from whence they came.

Now, a letter had come from an old comrade thought dead.

"Thalion my old friend, we have fought both with and against each other in many wars throughout the years. However, no war or time period is as important as this. With the world as we know it on the line. I would selfishly ask you to put on your armor, sharpen your sword, and call your bannerman as we take the field for what may be our last strat. Let us not go down as the ones that let it die, let us go out as the ones that brought strat back to life.

The peasents and the lords of the realm are starting to stir. We are seeing People that have not been seen in eons start to grind and move, to what ends we dont know. And with the HCE fractured and weakend with the death of the emperor there is no time to waste as we gather our forces and our resolve as we set forth to start a new age.

- Mr Blue"

Thalion set the letter down and took a long puff on his pipe. At least the war had not cut off trade with the south completely and he was still able to get decent pipe weed. He frowned, though the letter was written in warm tones something still disheartened him.  True, the old Northern Dominion was dead, and it's memory swept away by a new people... yet those new people were also practitioners of Chazdsim... which is kinda like Marxism only with Great-helms. They were ancient foes of Mithrim indeed. Yet, what if they could grant back the ancestral castle of Ismirala? What if the Wardens of Mithrim could be revived to its former glory... what if... if.... if...

Thalion was suddenly reminded of really good poem named "If" by Rudgar Kipling. Didn't he see Michael Caine reading that once on youtube? Suddenly, curious, Thalion dug out his scrying mirrior and opened up a new browser tab....



Yes, we have their entire faction surrounded and blockaded.  They may choose to surrender, but we will not accept. Firstly, we hold several distinct advantages. Namely, Tristan and Cassander are being held hostage in Tilbault. Captured during the many failed attempts to assault the castle.

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Secondly, as I stated already, we have their entire faction encircled with armies, siege works, and fortifications. We call it, the great-bowl.  For unlike a wall which is straight, an encirclement is circular, it is as if through much effort we have raised a mighty toilet around a turd. These ariel photos from the Northern Dominion's Gnomish Air-Balloon Corps proves it beyond the doubt of a shadow.

Get wrecked CC. GG no rematch.

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Wait, that's a screenshot? I thought it was a scene from the battle recreated in MS paint.

Dem graphics though Albus.

Diplomacy / Northern Dominion (Wardens) Disbanding
« on: April 02, 2016, 04:23:50 am »
Hey, so after the new banner I was wearing tonight in the siege of Shariz and I was starting to get some messages asking question.  Because I just got a new job and don't really have time to lead a strat faction I am going to disband Northern Dominion (Wardens) and we are going to join MERC and pretty much do the mercenary thing for the rest of strat.

To the folks who have made Northern Dominion go this far I appreciate your effort. At least we survived Halitosis and had some good battles and took some fiefs. Thanks y'all.

Tristain, I suspect this will complicate our war and your alliance with Knightmare and MERC.  Just message him to talk about the details.  If I were you, this would probably be a good time to make peace.
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The Northern Dominion sends off its tribute to The Gobblin King as well. A worthy foe. The bards shall sing of the battles that raged over the northern lands. Arys, cue the Blind Guardian!

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I was informed that after posting this Thalion began quick marching and was quickly gaining distance faster than he was before from multiple people in the area. In our opinion this was a response to our post and so we reacted quicker by quick marching and taking him before he could get away.
The fact that this is your time at work is a pure coincidence. Unfortunately for me and my faction I am not able to clairvoyant see my opponents time schedules to plan things poorly for them. Yes we did manage to get gear over a few weeks and managed to outfit a few armies. However with the disbandment of the Gobblins our "alliance" was ended. We decided to prevent another month of zero conflict by attacking someone soon. Of our options we had the most reason to go after you because of the proximity of your castle and that it separates our city from our castles. Its been a week or two since your last battle versus the Gobblins and I'm sure you have had plenty of time to rebuild. We do not plan to go after any of your fiefs in the North so if you keep your armies away from the Castle we shall not attack them.

I am not going to have some back and forth forum war with you. (especially with you coming up with crazy stuff like me quick marching when I haven't even checked strat today). The only point I am making, is that just call your move what it is. A sneak a attack. Perfectly legitimate strategy. No need to try to pretend there was any diplomatic effort or that your attacking me for "being unresponsive on steam".

I want to go with Northern Dominion. Mithrim cav=free kills in strat battles. Although Confederacy has quite a few newer players iirc.

But my dear, Havelle, how can we truly judge who is worse sense CC never marched out and fought in a real field battle?

I mean i see your pic, but I was on my way to Knuddar castle. Sorry.

10/10 shouldnt have tried sieging my army bro not cool homie i mean your army is spooky enough but trying to kil me wit ur castles????

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An hours time? While I'm at work on a Monday?  Failed diplomacy? Never said I wouldn't trade it, just wanted to wait till the Gobblins were beaten. We were both "allies" against the gobblins and at least one of us were fighting a war. Obviously you guys were just waiting to pick up the scraps from the lion's Thalion's table. How interesting that you did not have the troops are gear to fight the gobblins only a few weeks ago, while we were marching field armies out, yet now you have no problem starting a war with us.  Well okay then, welcome to your Pearl Harbor.

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