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Messages - Darkwulf

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Hey someone get peppo to update the team speak information on the first page.  People might not dig the back to find the new TS info.

General Discussion / Re: 3rd Wave of Auto Block Bans hit!
« on: January 12, 2012, 12:39:08 am »

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

I know.  I just stopped talking.  It doesnt do me any good anyways.

General Discussion / Re: 3rd Wave of Auto Block Bans hit!
« on: January 11, 2012, 11:12:50 pm »
Yeah it is true, the log shows I used it 26 times I think.  I did a lot of testing different versions and some I couldnt even get to work even tho it still counts as me using it.

General Discussion / Re: 3rd Wave of Auto Block Bans hit!
« on: January 11, 2012, 10:55:05 pm »
I didn't cheat to get any advantage, I wouldn't kill anyone except try to hunt down the speed hacker.  In almost every situation this caused them to stop speed hacking.  This was basically the standard way to get people to stop speed hacking, and once basically everyone had a speed hack on their computer, then nobody speed hacked.

The only reason I did this was because I was tired of one speed hacker ruining the fun for everyone.  I've never cheated at a multiplayer game to gain any advantage over another player.  Never once.  I have cheated many times in single player games, although I try not to because it usually ruins the fun.  But even in Warband SP I've turned cheats on and teleported across the map (but it's much more fun not to cheat, but even then I still use TweakMB which can be considered a cheat).

And how do you feel about my situation.  Trying to bring auto blocker to the light so people can stop it?  Early 2011 when people denied auto blocker even existed.  With the permission of my admin supervisor at the time.  Am I in the same black and white, cheater or non cheater catagory? 

devilize posted

I can vouch for Darkwulf. He was one of my admins and brought it to my light before I shared the details with Cmpx and Gash from ATS (Gash was managing the ATS servers in echo's stead while Echo was away for a time.). I advised Cmpx that my admins and myself would be utilizing the hack in the duel server to study for obvious tells such as the inability to block in any other direction then down while not being attacked (fix came out for this afterwards). Darkwulf is the first person that I know to bring the first publicly available autoblock to light for the NA community - He was an admin for the NA servers - He was using it only to study it to better administer the servers - He was utilizing it to learn and teach other admins while Cmpx was fully aware of the situation. Please reconsider this ban - Thank You.

General Discussion / Re: 3rd Wave of Auto Block Bans hit!
« on: January 11, 2012, 05:47:59 pm »
Then your detection method is flawed, and it's a good thing we ignored it. Every single person who used autoblock is either banned or has been banned for a while for light usage, claiming otherwise means you have no idea what you're talking about.

Actually what I meant to say was they played up until today (the ban day).  I hear a lot of them got banned with this wave, but I don't know that for sure because no names are ever posted.

General Discussion / Re: 3rd Wave of Auto Block Bans hit!
« on: January 11, 2012, 03:54:18 pm »
haha still used? how stupid those people are.

Actually its not still used.  My detection was from quite some time ago.  26 total uses since the Jan 2011 while compiling a list of users for our own ban.

Funny thing is.  A lot of people that are, or were, on that list are still play today.  Some of them are even now admins.

I actually quit in may or around there because after we gave the information to the devs nothing was done.  It seemed hopeless.

I now hope the list gets completed and they round up the rest by going through the back logs.  Wish I still had the list.  Maybe it is around here somewhere. 

Global / Re: Autoblocker unban thread
« on: January 11, 2012, 04:01:58 am »
Meow: Minor use, unbanned.

Closed Requests / Banned for auto blocker
« on: January 11, 2012, 01:57:48 am »
Excellent job banning the auto blockers. 

Only problem is my situation.  A long while ago when I was an admin I figured out people were auto blocking and made friends with one of the creators.  I took what he made and shared it with devilize (he paid for the server at the time) so we could figure out a detection and ban the users.  We did have a detection and made quite a long list of users (some still play today).  I was not alloud to ban them because chadz was working on an offcial detection. 

So after no bans were issued to anyone that I listed, I took a long break from the game.  When I came back I did not know devil did'nt have the server anymore.  One of the hospitallers asked me if I could still detect auto blockers.  I told him I did not know and would check.  I downloaded it from the link in my message and as far as I could tell I couldnt get it to work.  Or maybe I was doing it wrong.  Anyways I gave up trying and deleted it.  I told him that was the only one I knew of and it did not work so I couldnt help .  I can't remember how long ago that was, but it was some time ago.  I did not know that there was a real working detection because I was gone and the first ban wave missed a lot of them.

Anyways I listed the messages to prove my case and im sure you can check the log and see exactly when I used it.  It was only used when we were trying to figure out a detection.  I will hope your log supports my claim. 

Sent to: Devilize on: May 09, 2011, 19:53:13 » (this was me giving a copy of the script to devil so he could get it to chadz or whoeever was working on a detection)
Here is a link to the early release of auto blocker 2.0

Send it to the guy who was working on the fix because he is holding this version until the fix comes out so he can work around it again.  Tell him to keep it quite that I can get these updates early.

It has an on off toggle in the f keys (F7 and F8 I think)and a auto detect toggle to make it look more natural if you need to change your block direction if your being watched.  Like I was suspecting xxxxxxxxx of doing.

Also he confirmed gold hacking through packet editing but it was out of his expertise.

« Sent to: Devilize on: May 10, 2011, 14:54:48 »

1. They released version 2.0 today and he stated it is harder to reverse engineer.  He also said most of the detection methods we were using are obsolete.  You can read all this on the XXXX forums.

Sent may 16 2011 17:02:03

2. We REALLY need to figure out whats going on with this auto blocker.  It makes me sick to watch these guys use it and think they are leet.  It took every ounce of my being to not ban someone for using it the other night.  He was so obvious it was painful.  I held back because you said you wanted to do the bans for it because it is your server and I did not know if there really is or will be a detection for it coming soon.

Sent to devilize may 23, 2011 21:20:15 (me discouraged because none of the na guys got the ban stick)

So chadz claimed he banned 40 people today.  He will not release the names.

Can you get the names from him so we can compare our list.  Or know who we can remove so we can continue banning these my old friends.

« Sent to: chadz on: May 23, 2011, 21:20:15 » (my plea to chadz before I took my break)

Hello, I was one of the people to bring this hack into the light after suspecting it almost 4 months ago.  You guys did a good job detecting it and banning the hackers.  However it is only 1 of many other version of this auto blocker.  There are still people using it on the servers today.

You need to post a list of those banned players to drive the nail into the wood and let them know you mean business.  Seeing the names of the banned players will effect the remaining cheaters psychologically.  You will drive the majority of them to stop using the cheats you will never detect.

You need to take a serious stand and make the post.  It will have a two sided effect. One I already mentioned about making the rest of the cheaters stop cheating, and two make the non cheaters feel more secure that they are being protected.  Nobody wants to feel like they are donating money to a cheat friendly mod.  That is the message you are currently sending to the people.

Take it for what its worth.

Scene Editing / Re: Battle Map, Waning Cold
« on: January 06, 2012, 06:25:01 pm »
Looks good, can't wait to play on it.

Scene Editing / Re: Why are the maps so bad?
« on: January 04, 2012, 06:06:27 pm »
Yeah another problem is when new maps are put in, it seems they don't rotate through enough.  Maybe there are so many maps I am just getting unlucky and seeing the same maps.

General Discussion / Re: New Autobalance
« on: January 03, 2012, 11:53:50 pm »
I agree 100%.  This new auto balance is terrible.  Please change it back ASAP.

Scene Editing / Why are the maps so bad?
« on: January 03, 2012, 11:42:40 pm »
It seems like the battle maps are getting worse.  Where did all the fun maps go?

Who do I talk to about making maps for na servers?  I made a couple for the old servers but there gone now.

Sell/Trade / Sword of War +1 400k (market place)
« on: December 31, 2011, 02:51:08 am »
Sword of War +1 - 400,000 on marketplace

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Crossbow/Polearm hybrid builds
« on: December 30, 2011, 06:39:29 pm »
I use option 1 but I don't put any pts in crossbow.  I still get more kills with my crossbow at 0 wpf than my polearm at 172 or whatever it ends up at.  Wpf also adds damage to your swing.

Sell/Trade / Sword of War and Plate Mittens +1
« on: December 30, 2011, 06:26:49 pm »
For sale on marketplace (Hospitaller_Darkwulf)

+1 Sword of War - 400,000

+1 Plate Mittens - 375,000

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