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Messages - tormund_forkbeard

Pages: 1 [2]
Suggestions Corner / New model and function for long maul
« on: December 06, 2012, 10:22:30 pm »
So as I've been using the long maul to terrify and shock people on the NA servers, I have come to the conclusion that it is one of the most underrated weapons in game. Brutal, effective, and fearsome in the right hands.

However, the one qualm I have is that the model is a little... underwhelming. That is, it is essentially a tin can on the end of a stick. It does not do a weapon ranging in price and capability with some of the best polearm weapons justice. Rather, it is deserving of a model reflecting its knack for absolute devastation on the battlefield, rather than imitating a weapon a transient might make use of to fend off large junkyard cats.

With this in mind, I have sought and discovered a more seemly design for it.
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It is based on the official design for King Robert's hammer that he used to crush through Rhaegar Targaryen's ruby breastplate at the Battle of the Trident in the Song of Ice and Fire book and TV series. You will notice the spikes on the top and one side of this design; I think this should be included in the statistics. As a notoriously slow weapon, I don't think it would be too oppressive to add 10-20 pierce damage in place instead of the 10 blunt currently offered. Additionally, it might offer an alternate mode using the side spike and giving 37 pierce damage with no chance of knockdown, like the elegant poleaxe offers a blunt side in addition to a cut. This would be useful for finishing already knocked down opponents. These changes essentially make the long maul a large version of the 1h warhammer.

I don't think these changes will increase it's effectiveness by a large degree because it is still so slow that it is usable by only the most diligent students of the the mauling discipline. However, if this appears too powerful, it is possible that price may be reconsidered, or that a new weapon entirely might be created with an augmented price tag. I would appreciate feedback, and thank anyone who actually read this.

cRPG Technical problems / Problems with name change
« on: September 30, 2012, 09:41:47 pm »
I've tried to add a clan tag to my name a few times and for some reason it seems to be getting rejected. I'm trying to change my name from Tormund_Forkbeard to NHr_Tormund_Forkbeard.

Faction Halls / Re: Clan-Searching-Thread
« on: September 25, 2012, 05:45:14 am »

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