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Messages - Sigibert

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General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: October 31, 2017, 03:43:12 pm »

Ramses on the current status of De Re Militari

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: October 01, 2017, 10:32:06 pm »
Was there a legal document of some sorts? If not I doubt Warlock Wireless feels obligated to fullfil chadz' promises.

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: September 29, 2017, 06:16:04 pm »
Meanwhile, strat map is released. Does anyone tried it yet?

Yeah, had some battles on nightly.
I like it so far but it's a little unfortunate that TKM has all the no-lifers and they will cockblock you all the time while they ofc win all of their battles.

I can only hope that they won't dominate as much if there's enough other clans to compete with.

Since I haven't played Strategus idk how it compares. I guess it's still very bare bones.

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: September 24, 2017, 09:58:16 pm »
the okam squad meme doesnt take any rocket science to figure out, 4 superheores each with their own catchphrase a saying their dumbass actually said.

Not true in my case. In fact, I'm more likely to have said what any of the other characters were ascribed to have done.
But the picture was fun either way.

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: September 20, 2017, 11:28:59 pm »
Well, it would but it just makes you slower and less effective if you tried this against people who only need one key to perform both actions.

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: September 20, 2017, 10:07:39 pm »
Wouldn't make any sense for them to do that...

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: September 20, 2017, 11:27:17 am »
Tbf I don't remember you or anyone else really defending the inaccurate steam page description. It was a weird decision by them to put things in there that clearly weren't in the game yet from the beginning and it became all the more irritating with each month passing. All I remember is a couple of players continuously bugging the devs and publishers to change it already and them never responding to it until recently.

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: September 20, 2017, 08:15:31 am »
i do recall getting into it with both you and heskey, though to be fair, the bold part of your quote is true, you did indeed fully admit to being a casual.


lol if i remember correctly one of the arguments good ole siegbert used when we started bitching about okam was "just because you are good at one game, that means you will be expert at this?" not exact quote but something along those lines ya.

Not sure either if those were my exact words but it could be possible. I would say it's more likely to be decent in this kind of game if you played similar games before. That's true for Okam as well.
Most people I heard about, complained about the basic controls not being the exact same like Warband's. An argument I heard for games like Chivalry, too. Yet I didn't find it particularly hard to transition to either of those games.

I wouldn't describe myself as a casual. I spent 1,3k hours in Warband and played in a couple of clans. Of course there were always people way better than myself and this will likely always be the case. So, make of it what you will.

but to suck that much dick and defend complete bullshit like the steampage being totally inaccurate and misleading, then be dumb enough that it takes over six fucking months to realize the bleedingly obvious, then come back over here to rant and rave about how terrible the game is and how much we were mislead...and how the fucking steampage isnt accurate?

I criticized them from the very beginning for that.

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: September 19, 2017, 11:46:27 pm »
I think it was quite obvious that I was joking there. Yeah, I know him but I don't value his opinion on the game too much as he seems to barely have any experience with it.
Not sure what you mean by me posting like an expert while critizing actual experts. I never claimed to be an expert, whatever that means. I enjoy posting a lot and I do enjoy the game for what it's worth, sure. If there's any confusion concerning my opinion or past statements, I'm happy to clear it up. I don't think I said anything I must feel ashamed of.

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: September 19, 2017, 09:46:18 pm »
Hah, no it's me, swear. I forgot my pw for the other account.

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: September 19, 2017, 06:58:19 pm »
ask heskey, he's the okam expert.

Is he? I've never met him in the game.

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: September 14, 2017, 11:02:24 pm »
its funny seeing sieg and pogo post here, all we need is capra and the okam's will be reunited.

Someone posted a link on discord. That's where the cool people hang around these days  :wink:

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: September 14, 2017, 09:33:51 pm »
I'm still being remembered over here. Nice :D

General / Re: Movement Animations Update
« on: April 08, 2015, 09:26:06 am »
While yes, your head does move during walking/running, it doesn't move independently at all. It only bobs up and down when the rest of your body does... so when the head wobbles around side-to-side it looks a little awkward, and not exactly natural.

My understanding is that they used mocap data to do those animations. So, someone must have run like this in order to get the animation.

General / Re: Set up an alpha server
« on: April 01, 2015, 03:19:14 pm »
you cant compare War of the Roses to life is feudal, Roses is very good game(yes it  has some bugs and not too mutch content but it is good game).

I didn't compare one to the other. I compared both of them to Warband. And Melee BG is much more in the spirit of Warband than those other games.

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