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Messages - Brucia

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cRPG Technical problems / Re: Mw morning star doesn't get +1 speed
« on: September 07, 2015, 11:50:50 am »
Thanks for the answers guys, this clarify a lot!

I neither had noticed the +4 dmg...i was so sure it was just +3dmg, that i never actually checked about it. Well..sure i can't complain, with the highest pierce dmg in the game (great lances excluded)!:p

cRPG Technical problems / Mw morning star doesn't get +1 speed
« on: September 06, 2015, 11:47:46 pm »
Hello, first of all i am sorry if this is an useless post, but ingame nobody knew (or wanted to say it) if this was a bug, or a normal thing, so i have to ask it directly here.

So, i've just made my morning star masterwork, but it still has 92 speed, like a boring normal morning star. Since the last time i loomed a weapon was almost 2 years ago, maybe i've lost some new patch regarding looms. So my question is, was removed the +1 speed on powerfull/masterworks weapons? Or was it removed only from the morning star? Or, instead, it is just a sort of bug?
(I think the third option is the right one, since i've never heard something about this change, and that's why i made the post here)


cRPG Technical problems / Re: High ping
« on: September 01, 2015, 02:46:46 pm »
Ok, this is the traceroute...honestly i don't understand nothing of this:D

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Btw i think i have a stable ip (non è sempre così con fastweb?).
Before trying what you suggested in the previous answer, i'll wait your opinion about this traceroute..thx again!:)

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Is crpg server down?
« on: August 30, 2015, 04:24:29 pm »
Thank you, it worked:)

cRPG Technical problems / Is crpg server down?
« on: August 30, 2015, 04:15:47 pm »
Hello, if i try to join crpg, it says that the server is not available (error 503), but i can't find any info about this problem in the forum. So i'm starting to think that it is just a my is?


cRPG Technical problems / Re: High ping
« on: August 30, 2015, 03:08:42 pm »
I'll check on internet if i find a guide that teach me how to do this traceroute. But then, how could i solve the problem?

Grazie lars! :D

cRPG Technical problems / High ping
« on: August 28, 2015, 05:06:14 pm »
Hello, it is some weeks now, that i'm having some weird problems of high ping.

My normal ping is around 38-42, but lately it is almost always from 60 to 80. Today it is 150, even if yestarday afternoon i had again my normal ping (39).
It continuosly change, from day to day, and often even in the same day (usually it is still playable, but sometimes, like today, it isn't). The weird thing is that it is totally stable while i'm playing: if  i join with 40, it remain 40; if i join with 150, it remain 150. But, if i stop to play and come back few hours later, it is almost always changed (usually in worse).

My internet connection is fiber 75mbit/s, and if i try to make a speedtest, it always confirm that. But, if i try to make a download test while i'm experimenting high ping on crpg, it usually download between 2mb/s and 3mb/s, which is anyway lower than my usual speed (but still, it should be more than enough for not having these ping issues), which i'ts almost always higher than 3mb/s.
If i play on native, my ping is ALWAYS between 40 and 50, even if on crpg it is 150 (like it's happening today), and also on any other internet game, i don't have any problems with my ping.
This situation is starting to become really boring...what should i do?

Thx in advance

Events & Tournaments / Re: BB's 2 vs 2 Tournament (EU)
« on: August 10, 2015, 05:10:12 pm »
It would be possible to know in anticipe the hours of these battles?
Or at least the moment of the day in which they will be fight (early noon; noon, evening)?

Edit: ah sry read only now we don't need an admin to watch, so it will be decided between us. Good choice

Announcements / Re:
« on: February 25, 2015, 02:35:05 pm »
Please, test the animations stabs for every weapon, and see that 2h stab is the only one in which you can't see your blade, covered by the head. You should move the moviment on the right of the body, like for 1h and polearms.

If i have one enemy and one friend really close each others, i have to hit by sense (with high risk to wrong, of course), instead to see where the tip of my sword will hit.

p.s.:i even like this new animation, i find it much more realistic. Just give to 2handers the same right to see where he will hit, since the others class have it.

Announcements / Re:
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:55:45 pm »
LoL at all the 2h thrust complaints... it's not that bad... it could certainly be worse.

If you think this is a valid argomentation, we can't neither complain about bugs..there could be worse bug.
Did you tested it? I don't really think, or better, i hope you didn't, otherwise is sad that you can't see the things that all the others can see.

I said a precise problem of this animation, that is not a cry about "bring back our stabs". It is a valid problem that you should try to remove, not laugh about it. I don't care if you decided to nerf 2h stab but keep the old 1h op stab, who cares! 2h is still the best weapon, so it's ok to try to re-balance it. But i don't think that removing one kind of attack from swords (since is what you have done actually, just go ingame and see that 90% of 2h are using a non-stab weapon) can resolve something.

Maybe instead to think that is always the fault of the others, you should start to see things with different eyes. There are some valid add in this patch, it is undeniable. But it is as much undeniable that some are total crap, like the 2h animation. I'm sure that the idea behind this change was good (even because the old animation wasn't really realistic, while this new one, when will be fixed, will be much more realistic), but the actual result isn't. You can accept this criticism, or close your eyes....anyway will be the game that will suffer from your decisions.

Announcements / Re:
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:29:29 pm »
Please consider to re-make 2h stab animation: for me it's ok if you changed it, i don't really care, but actually it was made incredibly bad.
Infact, the helmet and the body of the character cover the vision of the sword and they prevent us from seeing the tip of the sword. This result in a "blind hit", since you can't see your real reach and neither the precise direction of our hits (both covered by our character's body).

Improve this animation, or make another one at all, but please, allow us to see where are we hitting..i don't think this was the purpose of the change..

Faction Halls / Re: [Fenris] Wolves of Fenris (EU & NA, invite only)
« on: October 20, 2014, 03:24:39 pm »
Hello guys.
I'm sorry but i'm leaving the clan. Not because i'm nearly the only member ingame, or beacuse i will join another clan (things that are not so relevant to me, when there are still few nice people who play with me sometimes, like it still happens almost everyday).
No. It's just that i had the ""occasion"" to meet an "old member" of Fenris, trident. I'm sorry but i will not continue to share the same banner of a such person.
It was nice staying with you and sure i wouldn't never have imagined this end.

See you ingame, all the luck for the rest of you guys

General Discussion / Re: Conquest maps on siege.
« on: June 07, 2014, 12:27:31 pm »
I had read the whole thread,but i totally missed this part.
Well, so i'm very sorry if i attacked's only i couldn't understand why they weren't removed from the rotation until everything was fixed or until we could make a serious test with at least 50 players on (not with 15 players who run around the map withot finding each other).
I really hope devs will do something soon..yesterday there was a whole day without conquest and the server arrived again to more than 50 players aroun 22.

General Discussion / Re: Conquest maps on siege.
« on: June 06, 2014, 07:43:57 pm »
Moar QQ plz.

Well..honestly this wasn't the answer i was hoping for. If you are really sure you are doing good for this game, so keep on your road..but it will be a real pain when it will end against a wall...

If you really don't care about the players who populate the server (even if i thought THIS was one of the main duty of an admin), at least care about your own poll: Get rid of them until multi is fixed

P.S: is fun that most of the persons who write here appreciament for this modality are NEVER online when conquest is on..if you want really to know something from the REAL players, come ingame on any afternoon and you will read about some real thoughts with your own eyes. Most of people who plays ingame don't lose time writing here..i'm doing this only because i'm forced since, thanks to decisions made by other persons, i can't get any kind of amusement ingame now...otherwise i would be there too!

General Discussion / Re: Conquest maps on siege.
« on: June 06, 2014, 02:27:55 pm »
Yes, don't give up with it and luckily soon you will have a whole server all for yourself to play in it! COOL BROZ11!!

No really..if people who say it is nice was the people who plays normally it would have all another sense this poll.THE SERVER IS FUCKING DIEING,EVERYDAY PEOPLE QUIT TO PLAY THIS GAME FOREVER..eu1 is a fucking shit, people who were always on eu2 were there for a reason,because that was the only place where to enjoy this VERY old game. This game suffer already from a continue, slow, lost of players due to new games, but what happened in the last 3 weeks is clamorous: more than 50% of the people in eu2 have quit. How can you close your eyes and still think it may be a modality with potential???? It COULD be, but then it only became the way for accellerate the end of Crpg/M&B. Congratulation, you have really did something of relevant!

You are forcing me to quit forever this game that i love and that is the only videogame that i play and that i enjoy since 4 years, and i bet i'm not the only old player that is seriously thining to stop forever with this. I can't have fun anymore with this server half empty that become full empty when a conquest map arrive, and Eu1 during daytime is only a ganking festival incredibly boring. We are arrived at the point that even with a normal siege map you can't hope to find more than 30 persons at 15 pm...not at 4 am!


Remove immediatly conquest from the rotation and THEN do all the polls you want. When you will know what to do with that modality, so you will do it. In the while this indecision is killing the mod, accept this fact and stop, please.

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