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Messages - Tibe

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General Off Topic / Re: German girl speaks out about Refugee Crisis
« on: January 23, 2016, 11:26:20 am »
Now derive the conclusion's implication for the refugee crisis without sounding like a multi-culti hippie leftist, a right-wing scaremonger racist, an indecisive hanger-on or politically apathetic. You can't.

So pick your camp. Either you have a clear agenda that's clearly wrong, or an unclear agenda you can't use for anything.

I can try. *cough*

Basically accepting everyone from 3rd world countries into 1st world countries was an idiotic plan to begin with. A plan that had almost only cons and barely any pros to it. If you wanted to really help people in need, do it like Denmark for example. Accept people only after proper processing. Not yell out globaly "come one, come all", let everyone inside your country,  and than start the processing. Wtf are those people supposed to do til than. They will start getting more pissed with each passing day. The fact that women have a significantly lower standing in the places where they come from is also a massive downside.

What did I sound like?

General Off Topic / Re: Red pill or the Blue pill?
« on: January 22, 2016, 09:20:30 pm »
I watched Matrix as a kid too. Frankly I just liked it as an actionmovie. Never really blew my mind for a second, because its just so full of itself in its own philosophy, even back than. I mean the message is solid, but the execution is just...tacky.

General Off Topic / Re: Red pill or the Blue pill?
« on: January 22, 2016, 09:03:45 pm »
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Ahh. So reminded me of this:
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General Off Topic / Re: Red pill or the Blue pill?
« on: January 22, 2016, 07:55:03 pm »
Tha traitorguy had the right idea. Take the red pill, gain their trust, than meet with Smith and make a deal to betray them for the best and most successful fake life ever.

Your brain is nothing more than an organ anyway. Its not hard to break that wall in your mind, that tells the difference between what's real and what's not.

There's an old thread where a bunch of crpgers posted selfies of themselves... we're actually a pretty normal bunch of dudes.

True, not really that much fatties and guys whose neckbear(d)s looked suprisingly decent on them.

Coffee and grilled cheese sandwiches.

General Off Topic / Re: Iraq falling appart
« on: January 19, 2016, 10:27:49 pm »
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Eastern-EUs are becoming quite individualistic aswell. Just because we are fully aware that our populance will not get along with immigrants doesnt really count for anything. It has nothing to do with preservation of culture. We dont really care that much about our culture or making babies either. The extremely low birth rates and the polls that majority of the populance will leave the country and never even bother to look back  incase of an annexation shows this quite well. The tribalism here is actually extremely weak. Dont let the anti-immigration stance fool you into believing otherwise.

General Off Topic / Re: Iraq falling appart
« on: January 19, 2016, 10:12:49 pm »
Yeah. What the hell Kafein. Still havent produced any babies for your homeland or joined the nationalist front that spends majority of its time fanatically masturbating on their flags. God, you can be so selfish sometimes.

General Off Topic / Re: Iraq falling appart
« on: January 19, 2016, 06:46:35 am »
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Its really wierd that a few posts ago you claimed that your claims arent based on morals and that your strenght in debating here was the sole basis of pure logic. And now you are here claiming the complete opposite. The whole "children make my existence matter" and "serving tribal unity makes your life count" are fully moral questions and extremely debatable ones at that.

General Off Topic / Re: Iraq falling appart
« on: January 17, 2016, 05:47:38 pm »
I think Oberyn is totally outing the option that he might be the delusional one. The collective tribal markers are definately not a building block of peace and prosperity. Or is a really tiny block. I think he is leaving out the countless reasons why these markers are bad...I mean, yeah, they help....but they have a lot of flaws which cannot be overlooked.

M&B is a disease that should be avoided. I played almost everything before it and I was happy. Now I seek for something similar to it and always end up disappointed.  :(

If Bannerlord ends up sucking, I will truly be lost forever.

General Off Topic / Re: Kalam in EU
« on: January 15, 2016, 08:38:52 pm »
If you happen to visit (or simply go through) Brussels, try this place (no I'm not related in any way):

Dayum... I bet it costs 80€ to just get in there.  :lol:

General Off Topic / Re: Kalam in EU
« on: January 15, 2016, 08:27:57 pm »
Yeah. Its a pretty bad time of year to visit. Europe is not really at the top of its game during winter. As a person who favors solitude and thinks of architecture as nothing more than "meh", yeah, Austria, Switzerland or Norway. If it really has to be winter.

General Off Topic / Re: Iraq falling appart
« on: January 15, 2016, 08:04:46 am »
Turkey and USA bringing stability to the world??? Aren't they the ones who made Syria and Irak stable regime fall part?

Iraq was stable? Iraq is an abomination that technically shouldnt even exsist. When the Western powers first claimed lands in the Middle East, they drew borders at kinda random(I dont really know how) and when they gave them indepencence, the borders remained same. A bunch of large groups that didnt get a long were part of the single nation. Please tell me how Saddams method of violently pressuring them to get along was a stable long-term solution regime to begin with?

General Off Topic / Re: 5 young men rape a 17 year old teenager.
« on: January 11, 2016, 09:57:44 pm »
Wow. We got Pancake and Poopoo in the same thread.

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