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Messages - HUtH

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General Discussion / Re: Battle vs Siege
« on: November 30, 2013, 01:52:34 am »
Lancer is stronger than 1h cavalry. :?
even than Royanss?

General Discussion / Re: WPP Sum and Cost Formula Rework(Includes WM)
« on: November 30, 2013, 01:49:57 am »
Maybe there is a possibility to leave shieldskill as is( ath based increases durability[maybe increase speed]) and make the shield difficulty str based.
So everybody can pick up shields with a weight matching his strenght. And shield skill is still usefull if you don't want your shield to break very fast.
Well, that's almost the same what I suggested, but it's more simple and makes sense. You need str to block and hold, but to use it properly(for dedicated shielder) you need shield skill. Thought bucklers need to be balanced to this, because str isn't really important here...

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nodachi
« on: November 29, 2013, 02:28:08 pm »
Nodachi is good as it is now, I just don't get why it doesn't have stab... like ~16-18dmg. Katana has stab so...

General Discussion / Re: WPP Sum and Cost Formula Rework(Includes WM)
« on: November 29, 2013, 02:19:29 pm »
Yes, let's make shield skill STR based and destroy their last bit of hope to ever catch an archer.
I didn't write about making shield skill based on STR, man....

General Discussion / Re: WPP Sum and Cost Formula Rework(Includes WM)
« on: November 29, 2013, 12:30:49 am »
I hit like a girl (yes, I play one too).

Have 7 PS and 125 wpf (with synergy bonus) in 2H/Poles/1H (tripple hybrid). Need silly amount of hits to put down anyone armored. Like 4 hits to the head with high damage blunt weapons and stuff like that.

Have you changed the formula or wpf have extra effects on damage these days because with 7 PS I feel like a weakling?

They say people respecced to AGI but every single soviet player won't go down without 6 or 7 very good hits. Is this just me and my inability to execute proper attack or someone else feels this way?
higher wpf would give you a bit more dmg(dunno what armour you wear), but with 7PS you should hit quite hard...
There is a solution - get weapon with higher dmg :P

btw there needs to be done something with these rondel+shield trolls without armour, they can even kill cav... I don't know the builds maybe they have too high shield skill, because of their insane agi, so they are so well protected that often stand unitl almost the end of the round?
Somehow limit the shield skill of agiwhores - smth about STR and shield requirement? For shield with difficulty 3, you need 3 shield skill AND 9 STR too? It doesn't seem odd, you need some muscles to take hits on it and still hold it...
And/or make nudges/shieldbashing/bumps much more powerfull against low str(and maybe also IF) chars, so they are stunned longer, and make nudges of very low STR chars very weak?

Suggestions Corner / Re: ADD rapier and axe
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:03:16 pm »
You don't know English well enough?

General Discussion / Re: Battle vs Siege
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:00:16 pm »
Generally what's wrong with cav is the terrible horse animations, that the horse can't kick and bite, that the decision when too jump belongs only too player(so unrealistic), that nothing happens when cav hits a wall, etc., that some not warbred horses can just charge at infantry blob though it'd be possible a horse would just stop, etc.
Cavalry should be powerful, because it's a freakin' medieval blitzkrieg machine, but also in many situations it should be hard for a horseman to ride as he wants, just be harder to control and less like go-karts.

Suggestions Corner / Re: ADD rapier and axe
« on: November 28, 2013, 07:43:30 pm »
Well, that's what you get from playing with sharp tools(especially naked)

There's really something wrong with long polearms swings, true

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Suggest me builds
« on: November 28, 2013, 06:45:04 pm »
shield + dagger, BUT be original, take Khyber knife!

Suggestions Corner / Re: ADD rapier and axe
« on: November 28, 2013, 06:43:24 pm »
Nobody asked you.
ahahahahha, what a bitchy ignorant you are.
That's true what he wrote, either you have own models or you found some OSP or have a permission from another designer.

Suggestions Corner / Re: dear devs ..can we have those helmets plz ?
« on: November 28, 2013, 11:12:23 am »
what are these guys hiding under it? heroin?

Suggestions Corner / Re: ADD rapier and axe
« on: November 28, 2013, 11:09:25 am »
But rapier is really something that doesn't fit this mod. There are espadas, italian sword and side sword(that one shouldn't be in mod really...), now also some early kind of estoc, those weapons were more common in renaissance than medieval, and rapier is pretty much a baroque weapon, yet later period.
Only the rapier in the mod would be too less, if it'd be added, then also there should be cuirass, fancy shirts with wide sleeves and even more fancy hats. But what is more important - warband engine can't do the 1h fencing right, and rapier with shield and lolstab it'd be just op, because that weapon would have very high stab dmg.

True that many axes in mod should be retextured/remodelled.

General Discussion / Re: Battle vs Siege
« on: November 28, 2013, 01:53:19 am »
@ kinngrimm
well, most time I saw you with your infamous steelpick and some shield :P
Anyway as a long time no-shielder I know the irritation and stress caused by shooters and shield really makes playing easier when you don't need to hide, 'dance' and dodge missiles like crazy all the time. So I'm still a bit surprised that it's you and not some no-shielder that points so hard at the trend. I'm not so sure was there really pro-shooter trend lately, but after recent patch it might be true(theoretically for sure, wpf boost says that).
However I'm against class limits in this mod, it just doesn't fit the idea of "play what you want, because in this mod you can".

Mainly I was interested in customising character stats and gear, then actual gameplay... I would have quit long ago(and I have big gaps), but suddenly some new stuff appeared(like new black armour) and launcher with WSE2 and no ladders in battle and other new features... The only other mod I play is Vikingr and damn you cRPG devs for making this mod that big and addictive, because I'm another player who makes Vikingr server more and more empty! :P

btw there are 3 nice Vikingr events in December,202.0.html

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