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Messages - Skysong

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General Discussion / Re: Goodbye everyone!
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:39:08 pm »
Good luck irl.
I hope you get married with Bjord eventualy.  :twisted:

No matter how long you guys cry - I will not give in to dumbing strategus down because some people just want battles. If all you want are battles, then play cRPG, not strat. There are other people who like advanced gameplay.

Strategus is about diplomacy, relations, ambushes, wars, gameplay - I am sorry if some people thought it's just a staging site for a different gametype.

I'm sure when clans conquer their claimed lands (Including cities) there will be more interraction of all kind and more battles which some people want.

Faction Halls / Re: †Heavens Underground†
« on: November 07, 2011, 04:38:03 pm »
Do you mean my political attitude? then: Dunno. Yes and No. Its complicated.

Or if you mean "right" like "not wrong"? then: "Niemand" is translated "Nobody". And "Nobody is always right".

I agree.

Closed Requests / Re: Pecores abusing weapon rack
« on: November 07, 2011, 03:27:30 pm »
Everything happened on eu_pecores server.
The funny part was when someone said in admin chat "Breaking weapon rack will result in kick"

Don't play on that server.
Pecores members teamwound/teamkill for fun. 
They avoid autobalance as they wish and kick anyone as they like.
They are in somekind 'We own the server we do as we like' mood.

General Off Topic / Re: Rate the song above you!
« on: November 07, 2011, 11:37:43 am »
7/10 for estruments 1/10 for vocals

General Off Topic / Re: Rate the song above you!
« on: November 07, 2011, 11:28:23 am »
4/10  i'm not fond of this kind of vocals. :mrgreen:

General Off Topic / Re: This made my day...
« on: November 06, 2011, 10:11:32 pm »
haha nice :)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Alt XP + Gold bonus to main
« on: November 06, 2011, 04:54:16 pm »
Just NO, no retroactive benefit from playing alts directly from the main. Espu said it, it's not what the devs want. Adding more and more topics about that won't change anything, since there's also some players who agree that it's stupid. And exploitable.

i agree with this.

General Discussion / Re: Banwave
« on: November 05, 2011, 06:44:21 pm »
Banwaves should have stupid names like Hammer of Justice or Operation Roaring Admins to make banned ppl rage more. :twisted:

I did not say Archers are OP i said that they dominate strategus battles cause clans\no clan commanders don't have proper gear for their army to counter archers at the moment. I don't know why you think otherwise. It's clear missile have much advantage at this stage where armies have crap armor and shields.
And no i don't whine at all or i don't say my char is underpowered.  I just stated the fact and added that it will be balanced in the future when armies have better armor.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: defend the virgin
« on: November 05, 2011, 06:02:04 pm »
I would prefer to just replace the Virgin with a Caravan as I find the concept in rather poor taste...

That would be much better. Also map should be in middle of road or something instead of a town.

archers right now just like in the end of last strat are the kings of the battle field.
It is mainly due to the facts, low armor, crap shields, and no cav. without cav to mow down the tunnel vision archers they find a place of safety in the back of the formation and plink away and get great scores. typically only dying to other archers.

Yes thats how it is.
I don't know who the archers are, but if you listed all of the archers then I count 7 archers in the top 22, none in the top 3, and 4 in the to 10.  I also wouldn't call a score of 23/19 Nebun and Hetman: that may be called dominating.

What about the village side??? 

DRZ, BRD, and Grey have elite archers and a large number of them.  They have even forced me to hide a few times : )  Its not a matter of being OP (I can get hit by 4 arrows sometimes and still live, though bolts hurt), its a matter of numbers. Especially with Grey who has a lot of archers.  My worst scores below were due to being spawnkilled or when the sides were like 50 attackers:20 defenders.  My one NA battle was my worst and I think swalker went 12:19 in that let's look at everything, not just snapshots of success.

Have I participated in strat battles???  You decide:

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Yes you did and your K:D is good enough. But still is it that : you are hiding when others dying and you fight when it suits you get kill?
I mean how many of these battles lost as others slaughtered by arrows although you have good K:D?


Can you provide screenshots at battles end to prove this statement...I don't think archers are "dominating", but I agree they are making things hard (especially with those of us that have bad ping and lag at respawn...I was headshot several times before I could even move in the grey battles.)

Why you need proof?  You ever fought in a Strategus battle?
In all Strategus battles i joined tickets gone half even before some serious melee confrontation for villages. And for 1/3 tickets for others.

Realism Discussion / Re: Katanas
« on: November 05, 2011, 12:13:12 pm »
Katana Thrower (called Katunna in japan) was the greastest weapon of Naval battles. When mongols tried to invade japan,  most of their ships were destroyed by Katunnas. Those who made it to land were slashed by only single katana. And their head were put on Takanas. (Special pikes that were folded for 200 years)

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