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Messages - Keshian

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Diplomacy / Re: Strat War is Over gg fcc
« on: April 16, 2016, 04:36:56 am »
You're missing the point entirely.  No shit storm would have happened if the situation wouldn't have been handled so poorly if Artyem hadn't encourage people to do it his ts while representing himself as an admin.  There's a reason this hasn't been an issue large enough to kill the game until now, because nobody banned 19 people for it previously.  Now you're shamelessly threatening to wipe people's accounts for a mute worthy offense - which if it had been mostly FCC doing this trolly racist shit you would all have been absolutely supporting desire.  You only fully oppose it because it was mostly your guys blatantly violating the rules, somehow then it is okay.

Diplomacy / Re: Strat War is Over gg fcc
« on: April 15, 2016, 10:38:35 pm »
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So, the only person(s) I'll apologize to for my part in this is Bale or anyone else playing in close proximity to wee lads n' lasses that don't need to be exposed to ironic pseudo-racism (my own favorite brand of humor) just yet.

Everyone else that experienced disgust, offense, or otherwise were filled with negative emotion made a voluntary decision to be offended and should work on that.

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Dynamics and I just got 3-4 players to come back and play so we would almost have as many players as you at the battle.  I personally begged Snoop to come to our battle.  Sandy, your rationalization that it is okay except for kids is stupid, nevermind all your clanmates upvoting you.  I wasn't the one offended, but I was seriously pissed.  The first strat battle for some of our black clanmates in months and you juvenile assholes start spamming the n-word like crazy because your clanmates egg you on.  I can completely understand why some of our players don't want to play again after being thoroughly reminded what a shit community is left in crpg.  If you had any idea how hard it is to get players back to this mod and then you not only pull this shit, then expect  it to be acceptable simply as long as kids not around?  You rationalizing, self-absorbed ass.

I hope that you are not so stupid that you think just because all the players that got banned and your clanmates upvote you and downvote me that somehow your actions are acceptable.

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And artyem you fucking hall monitor, you are a shit admin for encouraging people in ts to say n word, instead of like us telling our guys not to be assholes and don't say that word (couple did before then, none after).  There never would have been a ban wave if you hadn't acted like an insensitive child and encouraged everyone to start spamming it.  TAKE SOME FUCKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS INSTEAD OF WHINING LIKE FUCKING BABIES! MAN UP YOU CHILD!

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Diplomacy / Re: Strat War is Over gg fcc
« on: April 15, 2016, 04:05:55 pm »
Wow, you are whiny.  BRD got banned too you jackass, they even said in ts, yeah I "fucking deserved that", but you dracul actually have an admin encouraging this behavior - that is probably the worst of it, some pocket admin encouraging hate filled speech simply "because it supports his cause" of "basically unbanning eveyrone then getting them to do it again over and over again".  And, yes we had several black players that were being offended with good reason, some of my good friends - so straight up - fuck you you little asshole kid who can't control your own hate-filled mouth around other people.

Go grow a pair of bulls and take your punishment like a man, its probably only going to be a 24 hour to 1 week ban.  So stop being little whiny kids already - oh no strat is over gg because im banned for 2 days.  Wow, melodramatic, 12 year olds too stupid to breathe.

Called it.  Like 48 hours is going to end the mod and strat for you.  Doesn't change anything at all.  Everyone got 2 days.  Dying mod, nothing will happen over 2 days man.  So much fucking melodrama from little kids feeling empowered using N word, when there are many older African-american players who actually have dealt with that shit in real life and understandably get offended at that word.  Mark of a child to have no awareness of other people and can only perceive your own rationalizations as the only way. 

Are you really trying to say its okay to have your entire strat team spam the N word in-game???  The fact that you are all upvoting each other kind of makes me think you are too stupid to realize that you are all rationalizing each other's behavior simply because you are in the same alliance (whats sad is you guys don't even realize you (Dracula and Frisians and Ravens) are a significant reason for driving away a decent amount of older more mature players away from this mod with the fact you are idiotic trolls representing the community en masse).

Many other more populated games would have banned you for longer with good reason.

Matey is right most of you left in this mod are ugly trolls that think using the N-word a bunch like some stupid 12-year old saying shit a bunch is the funniest thing you can come up with.

Diplomacy / Re: Strat War is Over gg fcc
« on: April 15, 2016, 07:20:04 am »
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I didn't even get banned, nor did I say the word in chat. Also no, Arty didn't unban anyone. Cute assumptions though. Dear god you are projecting your insecurities on a maximum level today. "you you little asshole kid who can't...." lmao. I hope you're joking because that is some cringeworthy shit right there. You can't even type a forum post without coming off as a toddler throwing a temper tantrum all over his keyboard. You sure I'm still the childish one here? I'm gonna go back to playing shitty videogames, have fun with your hemorrhoids.

Yes, admin on your side unbanned them.  Some of them even rejoined server during battle.

Diplomacy / Re: Strat War is Over gg fcc
« on: April 15, 2016, 06:51:14 am »
yeah man getting a bunch of my friends and potential mercs banned totally helps my cause  8-)

Yes, you figured if enough people did it, nevermind how offensive, they couldn't ban them all so they would all be unbanned.  But of course you unbanned them all anyway and now bitch about it still.

Diplomacy / Re: Strat War is Over gg fcc
« on: April 15, 2016, 06:44:39 am »
Wow, you are whiny.  BRD got banned too you jackass, they even said in ts, yeah I "fucking deserved that", but you dracul actually have an admin encouraging this behavior - that is probably the worst of it, some pocket admin encouraging hate filled speech simply "because it supports his cause" of "basically unbanning eveyrone then getting them to do it again over and over again".  And, yes we had several black players that were being offended with good reason, some of my good friends - so straight up - fuck you you little asshole kid who can't control your own hate-filled mouth around other people.

Go grow a pair of bulls and take your punishment like a man, its probably only going to be a 24 hour to 1 week ban.  So stop being little whiny kids already - oh no strat is over gg because im banned for 2 days.  Wow, melodramatic, 12 year olds too stupid to breathe.

Diplomacy / Re: Strat War is Over gg fcc
« on: April 15, 2016, 06:00:00 am »
suck a dildo hypocrite

wtf you talking about i have never used that word in my life, suck a nut.

Diplomacy / Re: Strat War is Over gg fcc
« on: April 15, 2016, 05:55:33 am »
After receiving a 3month ban i wish you good luck fcc it was a fun war thanks to desire to removing the poor little fun we had out from crpg left!

congratz kesh you won by default :D

ps: to bad it was a short war after 1 battle its already over rip strat

After you used that word, you fucking deserved it.  Deeply offensive to all our black players you racist asshole.  Drag the community down with that language then encourage your members whoa re admins to keep using that word in chat.  Honestly - FUCK YOU!

« on: April 14, 2016, 07:50:38 am »
Sounds like Minnesota Nice!

« on: April 14, 2016, 03:27:39 am »
Actually bug long term benefits attackers.  May take 2-4 waves, but when you take the castle you get twice the defender's gear in pristine condition.  Near a break-even as most defenses have extra gear in fiefs.  Before attackers would have lost 90% of their gear with each wave and get a bunch of broken garbage at the end.  Now you lose the last 10%, but get far more when you take it.  And devs have made no efforts toward fixing (imminent? lol, try Dec. 2010, just an excuse not to attack with all your shiny armies for fear of denting your plate). 

P.S.  But honestly man, it's fine.  We really are not even remotely surprised that Occitan, of all clans, would declare war and then never attack.  The only French_Canadian I have met in this game that is not demasculated, is BobTheHero who fights first person 1her no shield.  Kind of left most with a poor impression of French Canadians (Russians too with how much UIF blatantly cheats, but makes sense those two groups would find each other).  I am sure most are not like them, but really bad representation on their part.  Oh well, continue the forum war, nothing else you guys are good for in a medieval war simulation game.

« on: April 14, 2016, 02:09:09 am »
With the gear bug siegeing is pretty lame to be perfectly honest. I mean anyone could have 1000 troops of good gear sitting in thier fief and never have to spend any more silver to keep the quality of the initial gear. I didn't see any point in declaring war just because of that fact.I seem to recall making a similar statement about the squids declaring war on the GOBBLINS and not doing any attacks at all and you gave me shit for that. "Sir Spacey is a squid" meanwhile he is in the BRD strat faction and not the AoW and at the time was wearing the BRD banner and not the AoW. Now, here you are saying we haven't attacked in almost a week when we had two battles four days ago taking your villages away in the desert.

I probably have more to say but I've gotta get back to work.

Edit: Wars go both ways

Except you guys have Occitan_Dritz running 9000 crates into DRZ lands every couple of days.  Gear really shouldn't be a problem as the wealthiest and largest faction on the map.  What it really comes down to is straight up cowardice - Occitan has never been the aggressor in all the strats they have played, and you, Damatacus, and PIbb I guess are not enough to instill a backbone in them now.  We attacked Halmar before you bitched out and were "given" it.  HOC fought 4-5 sieges to take shariz with worse gear than you have.  Grow a pair of nuts already!

P.S. You grabbed those villages a dsy before declaring hoping to not have a fight before we could reinforce, so again avoiding battles.

« on: April 13, 2016, 05:14:44 pm »
I know you are completely unbiased in your support of Occitan, Sandy, but come on, why declare war if you don't want fights? Kind of moronic is all I am saying. Hence the "you done goofed Occitan."  But of course you could never agree with me on anything, purely on principle.

« on: April 13, 2016, 04:45:28 pm »
I guess this thread should be "You done goofed Occitan".  No attack for almost a week since declaring war.  I think they didn't actually intend to declare war in a war game?  Too scary to actually attack.  In all honesty we kind of expected that from Occitan, happens every strat no matter how heavily the odds are in their favor.  I'm sure they will attack undefended Amere and call that an unparalleled victory and then spend rest of strat making giant sums of money off their overlord UIF masters' fiefs and feeling super e-peen about their fief ownership while secretly hoping someone will attack them after they declared war as the biggest faction on the map.

« on: April 10, 2016, 11:41:57 pm »
you can't make any thread without them shitting it up

Go back to your badmin cave!

Also, we should warn you castles and cities are harder to take when you actually have to fight for them and not just be given to you like Samarra castle, Ahmerrad, and Halmar or taking from ai like rest of your castles.

Honestly, that shit with Halmar.  Haven't seen anything that gay since Strat 2 with Goretooth and Northern Empire with Radoghir castle.  Middle of us attacking it after first siege you accept a city from a multi-accounting faction to prevent a siege (unlike you we are not afraid of attacking castles or cities) and less battles for the community.

Seriously is your goal every strat to never fight, just buy or be given fiefs for the e-peen?  You do this every strat and I just don't understand the mentality of it.  Please explain. (There was a really good quote by a dwarf or malaclypse about this - people who play the war game to fight and those who just want fiefs for e-peen, tried hard to find it but didn't turn up).

« on: April 10, 2016, 10:49:30 pm »
No, Gmno right.  Strat 1 we were 6 man faction and you didn't even exist (hadn't yet joined our crpg faction).  So if this is 6th strat, 5th time.

Also, good one Bale!

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