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Topics - LLJK_The_Gingerbread_Man

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Hobo_With_A_Punch kicked for using fists [NA 1]
« on: June 23, 2012, 04:44:53 am »
For weeks now I've used a fist build on my alt Hobo_With_A_Punch.  I am 36/3 with 12 PS and I wear heavy armor, heavy gauntlets and I punch the shit out of people.  I always spawn with a weapon and  I do fairly well.  Tonight, for the first time, Admin Farfel decided to kick me and threaten a ban because I was using my fists.  He stated that I "wasn't contributing to the team" even though the previous map had me with a 1:1 K/D ratio and more kills than half my team.

Long story short, I've been punching people for weeks now without a problem from Admins.  I enjoy the build and I'm not leeching, I always have a weapon on me.  Please don't kick/ban me for playing a fun build.

Closed Requests / UNBAN Hobo_With_A_Punch
« on: June 05, 2012, 03:00:59 am »
I was just banned on NA_2 (Siege) with zero warning.  I'm assuming it was for kicking someone off a cliff at the end of the round.  It was wrong, and it won't happen again.  Thanks!

cRPG Technical problems / Rageball Bug
« on: January 21, 2012, 11:35:48 pm »
The issue can be replicated 100% of the time.

If I score a goal, the speed debuff sticks on me until I touch the ball again.  It doesn't matter how many people touch it in between that period.  Changing teams or going spectator doesn't fix it either.  This is a pretty big deal for agility builds who need athletics to survive.

After I score a goal, the speed debuff should be removed as soon someone else picks up the ball.

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