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Topics - 1slander

Pages: [1] 2
Faction Halls / [Troll] New Simplistic Clan Seeking Members
« on: March 25, 2011, 04:44:44 am »
Looking at making a battle server clan called Troll.  Feeling it out and wondering if anyone is interested.  Nothing big, nothing major.  Probably no TS either as afaik I'm not really into it.  Very basic.

But it's nice to fight alongside the same peeps alot as you can definately get used to their playstyle and compliment eachother.  Plus there is always safety in numbers.  The clan can be as elaborate or as simple as it wants to be.  Depends on if anyone joins and what they want to put into it right.  No banner as of yet, nothing. 

Anyone interested?  I have cookies.  :|

NA BAttle Servers

Spam / What should I wear on my Man Date with chadz?
« on: March 24, 2011, 07:04:20 am »
Picking chadz up at 8, what should I wear?  I figured we'd hit the donkey show, maybe drink a little beer.  Man things for men.  Nothing weird but I still want to make a really great first impression right.  Suggestions?

General Discussion / West Coast NA Battle Server ?
« on: March 24, 2011, 02:41:38 am »
I thought we were getting a west coast NA battle server were we not?  Any info and eta?

General Off Topic / Post Here If You Want A +1 From Me Every 48 Hours
« on: March 21, 2011, 07:23:58 pm »
Blah Blah Blah

General Discussion / Does the new patch bring changes?
« on: March 17, 2011, 06:36:32 pm »
The boredom has set in - I keep hearing about a patch inc, any idea of what game changes it brings?  ANything substantial?

General Off Topic / The Nameless
« on: March 16, 2011, 03:56:58 am »
To the naysayers - I told you so.

Yesterday I suggested in the NA server that someone(s) in Japan was going to have to go kamikazee into the nuclear power plants and try and fix it b4 things got too out of hand.  The obviousness is that they would die or be horribly poisoned.  Everybody got angry and said that was stupid and it would never happen and that the plants were under control and cooled properly.  False.  They were pumping seawater in to try and keep those rods cooled.

Regardless there are now 50 nameless and extremely brave souls in Japan whose job it is to do just this.  Why the corporation won't release their names is beyond me but whatever what do I know?

I would imagine and also hope that their names are released someday so we can all pay proper homage to this amazing task of valiance in such a dire situation.  Selfless, absolutely selfless.  The world is a better place having these people among us - may our admiration give them the strength to see through their task and find their way back to their families in any way possible.

General Off Topic / What Came First?
« on: March 16, 2011, 03:46:46 am »
Discuss your answer and why

Suggestions Corner / Update the skin for Studded Leather Coat
« on: March 15, 2011, 06:16:00 pm »
I'd love to see the dated look updated on the studded leather coat!

General Discussion / The Hammer
« on: March 02, 2011, 07:56:49 am »
Due to boredom I have been forced to reroll one of my alts and try something new.


You have seen me ingame.  You have fought beside me - bled before me.  Maybe you haven't and it's your time to die next?  Turns out making a polearm throwing hybrid is the cats ass.  Turns out being forced to parry after weeks of shield blocking is a breath of fresh air.  Turns out going pure is still superceded by hybrid and it's too hard to give up the ability to close a gap with just a wrist flick forcing them to you and giving you the opportunity to hammer them.

Polearm/throwing is nearly an iWIN button...unless of course Dan is on the other team.

General Discussion / O M G Did the calculator pack fail or has it moved?
« on: February 27, 2011, 08:14:43 pm »
Wanted - One CRPG calculator pack

Suggestions Corner / Battle Bard !!!
« on: February 27, 2011, 12:38:21 am »
Was hoping we could introduce Bards into CRPG.

It was suggested that we introduce Intelligence and CHarisma by another player, I had noted how awesome playing as a bard would be!

Anyone else think this would be rox0rz?!,2517.msg42997.html#msg42997

General Discussion / West Coast Server Time!
« on: February 26, 2011, 11:58:26 pm »
There was alot mentioned a short awhile ago about possibly having a West Coast server instated - Seattle Area.  chadz was not around and someone was going to approach her about it when she was done with studies for exams or something?  Did the idea get shot down?

I am unsure how to ask/contact chadz and I ponder chadz' existence as well.  So maybe someone could look into this?  Someone close to chadz, someone chadz will trust and allow them near enough to ask the question.  Someone who can infiltrate her lair.  Perhaps that someone is you?

West Coast Server !!!

General Discussion / Hoplite Viable?
« on: February 20, 2011, 11:19:22 pm »
Considering going HOPLITE next retirement just for something different. 

Have people tried this alot and is it viable?

Probably go hybrid Polearm/Throwing - Using say the battle fork with a huscarl shield and jarids.

Seem gimp? 

General Discussion / Retiring an heirloom
« on: February 09, 2011, 04:35:28 am »
So...I have almost bridged the gap between lvl 30 and 31.  The one that is retarded.  I'm tossing between either not retiring and just keep playing a high lvl character with normal equipment, or the only other option of retiring and heirlooming an item.

I would rebuild my same character as I enjoy playing it -

Sword and Board/Thrower Hybrid

So any idea's and suggestions on what the best item to heirloom is if I go that route?  Throwing weopon, 1 hander, shield, armour?  I'm assuming alot of people heirloom weopons.  My initial assumption was they heirloom mid grade weopons to make them closer to high grade weopons without the expensive upkeep.  But someone said that people ussually heirloom the high level weopons.  Though as a thrower it's expensive to carry a shield, a 1 hander and 2 slots of say throwing axes.  So I have never had the best of anything in those slots without wearing trash armour.


Suggestions Corner / Stamina Bar Needed
« on: February 04, 2011, 06:41:44 pm »
We need a stamina bar of some kind.  It could effect walk speed, swing speed, damage on hit, etc.  It would be effected by the obvious, like equipment weight, movement, attacking, etc.  It would sure turn down the spammers.

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