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Topics - _Sasha_

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EU (Official) / Ban: Trigun (GROB_Jorika)
« on: November 01, 2014, 03:15:51 pm »
Why ban me? Rules are not allowed to use siege ekvip for the game. For that ban, I used the current siege shields and threw them from archers. The rules or what was said about banning the use of shields. How to understand my ban?

EU (Official) / Ban: Trigun (GROB_Jorika)
« on: October 22, 2014, 07:11:08 pm »
I am banned. You can find out by how much? I know that I will not unban until the end of time ban.

Re: Ban: Trigun
« Reply #1 on: Today at 05:16:07 pm »
You were not banned by an admin!

If you were banned by poll, your ban will be lifted today (as far as i know max. 1 hour after it started).

It's been over an hour and I just banned. Banned was my alt(GROB_Jorika). leaves me still Banned by Admin?

EU (Official) / Ban: Trigun
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:05:19 pm »
I am banned. You can find out by how much? I know that I will not unban until the end of time ban. There are several reason.

EU (Official) / Ban Druzhina_Trigun
« on: March 02, 2014, 05:47:13 pm »
Hello Why was I banned? I stood there and did not interfere with anyone, I had to quickly leave behind the laptop as I twisted stomach, and went to the toilet quickly. Time to get out from the server or write was not. I have seen many times as there are other players on the server and admins not banyat and got kicked and banned me. Why is this happening?

EU (Official) / Ban Druzhina_Trigun
« on: January 27, 2014, 09:18:06 pm »
Good day . You can see why I was banned on servers in the game Nick : Druzhina_Trigun_VII . And how was banned , I already said that I odnoklanovtsy not rasbanyat immediately . Simply because if he had killed his , he stopped me from playing , I loaded ballista and sat for it to start to shoot at the enemies , the player runs Sharingan , just sit down and move it nachanalos although her ​​already I sit . I 'm out of baliisty it too, but do not get behind her again as soon as I sit down at balistu he starts to do the same , then expels . I kicked him in the beginning, that he left behind. Then again I charge balistu and sit for it again it produces all these actions , thus impeding I normally play . I broke down and killed him.
 Administrator at the time was far from the enemy and did not see with my own eyes . Yes, I admit that you can not kill his , but when a player interferes with play like that any more what to do but it is so exasperated , hunt to enjoy the game . And he does not play and another does not.

Sincerely , Alexander .

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