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Topics - Ghazan

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / A Few Suggestions for NA Battle Servers
« on: March 03, 2011, 12:47:44 am »
1) Increase the game length by 3-5 minutes.  There are too many draws as is.  Nothing worse than losing a 5X multiplier when there are 2-3 guys left dueling it out and they dont have time to finish.  I understand the short limit pre-patch as dead people dont gain xp, but we do now so why the big rush??

2) Introduce a flat open map... grassy flatlands, steppes inland, whatever you want to call it.  Does every single map have to be a city or castle?  Even the "open maps" we do get have some ruins or buildings for infantry to hide in.  I'm talking about a wide open map with no cover except for maybe a few scattered trees.  These maps are very popular in the native battle servers and introduce new tactics and teamwork formations etc...  There still seems to be a bit of that lingering cluster mentality among the crpg community but 1 open map in the rotation will not hurt anyone (except for maybe the people who choose only to go pure 1h with no secondary, but thats their choice)

3) Maybe a bit selfish but decrease the time it takes to go from 1-30 and increase proportionately the time it takes to go from 30-31.  I have a hybrid build and dont get to fully use my build the way I want until I get to lvl 30.  I have to invest into strength early to meet gear requirements, but I need agility for weapon mastery because Im investing into 2 weapon slots.  I love playing my build at lvl 30 but it seems to go by too quickly, and 1-30 not fast enough. 

Yay or nay?

General Discussion / Warhammer Heirloom
« on: February 11, 2011, 12:47:47 am »
Can someone clarify once and for all whether an heirloomed warhammer increases or decreases in speed?

Everytime I ask someone, I get a different answer.  Ive heard it loses speed, gains speed, and even stays the same.

I think its a great weapon and a fun change from my sword to go around thumping people, but Im not sure if it would be worth it to heirloom if it loses speed.  It already does enough damage, and the added weight would only increase knockdown percentage slightly.  Its not like heirlooming other hammer type weapons where you're doing it for crushthrough.

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