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Topics - adieumnode

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Changing both the Heavy Lance and couch damage should never have happened, the person who decided that it was a good idea (most likely Tydeus) obviously does not understand the way Cavalry work in this game at all and what makes them legitimately overpowered when compared to other classes.

Reducing the damage of the Heavy Lance, and couch damage for all others didn't make lancers any less overpowered than they ever were, because what makes them so strong is the fact that they can be anywhere on the map extremely fast and instantly change odds in a fight to be favourable for your team, i.e there is a 3v3 happening you run there bump the enemy stab one and suddenly your team gets a ton of free hits on them and should win the fight.

Changing the actual damage of the Lance only succeeded in making lancers extremely tedious and boring to play, I have tried literally every type of lancing build since the Heavy Lance damage got nerfed and it still is the best lance if you want to actually beat people who can see you, to run at them and outrange their weapons however it takes you 4-5-6 hits or even more to kill them no matter what your build is. The only thing this does is make people use the higher damage weapons because it's amazingly unfun to take so many hits to kill someone but the playstyle of those is to attack people who don't see you, people who are unaware or engaged in fighting since their range is considerably shorter. Which you know is what makes Cavalry very annoying to play against, the ones that don't ever attack you until you are engaged with an enemy or when you don't see them.

I don't think many people legitimately complained when Heavy Lance users would engage them head on and give them a chance to kill them did they? if you got killed by someone using a heavy lance when you can see them that is entirely your own fault. Obviously I know if the heavy lance damage got boosted again most people who use it would still play the "backstabbing" cavalry style even if it's not the best weapon for it, just because most cav players are completely trash and rely on stabbing people from behind for any kills. But then you should be thankful they were using a heavy lance and not something like an arabian cavalry sword or long espada which would do more damage if you got caught unawares by it.

Also I forgot to mention earlier but cavalry who use the heavy lance are now pathetic against ranged because even the lightest armoured archer can take 3 lance hits, wheras other cavalry are just as good against them as ever.

The damage of the Heavy Lance should either be boosted up back to what it was, and the couch damage stayed nerfed or the couch damage multiplier should be boosted back up to where it can 1shot people consistently again and the lance stay nerfed. I prefer the actual damage of the lance being boosted because couches are much less skill based to hit with.

For actually nerfing Cavalry as a class, the things that should be looked at are horse stats and not the damage of the weapons. Reducing the ability for all horses to tank damage would be a pretty good start, so if a cavalry player makes any mistake (by getting their horse hit in melee) it would always die to even 1handers or ect. Removing bumps fully would also be a very good idea, so horses can only "stagger" people in that they can't block and attack while the horse runs through them instead of fully knocking them over and doing tons of damage which is brokenly good in many situations.

NA (Official) / BAN:ArysOakheart
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:36:58 am »
(posting for Smoothrich since he is muted)

Recently Anders and Arys have been harassing me on steam and in game about my facebook and using real life info from there in jokes directed at me. Usually i'm not one to do ban requests on people because I enjoy friendly trolling but this is too far and is starting to become a real issue when everytime I load the the game I have to wonder whether i'm going to be insulted about my appearance when I just want to relax and play a few rounds with friends.

I'm not going to take this anymore so here is a screenshot of some of the latest trolling Arys has done about me, I've highlighted the worst things, but everything is pretty bad and unprovoked. Hopefully if he gets banned it will teach both him and Anders a lesson.

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