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Topics - Agouri

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / [Latest Patch] Armors are now made of paper
« on: July 01, 2013, 08:53:52 pm »
Am I the only one bleeding gold like a motherfudger? I could almost break even with plate+danish greatsword, I only bled a little.

Now I can'tt even break even with heraldic+longsword. EVERYTHING breaks, every round, no matter the defeat or victory. 1200 gold per round.

Have you noticed similar behaviours or am I just unlucky?

What the title says. Stated happening today, was completely fine before. Tried anything in the sticky to no avail.

Buy / I need a proper suit of armor. Looking for +0 Corazina Armor
« on: June 20, 2013, 12:04:26 am »
Hello. It's about time I invested in a proper suit of armor. Looking for a Corazina suit, preferrably grey. I don't have a lot of gold. I can pay 9730, which is my gold right now. I'm sorry. Maybe I can pay you in doses or something, as I keep playing :33

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Hello, guys.

I started playing cRPG yesterday. 4 hours after I was still sieging away when a guy started kicking me for pushing the siege tower. I killed him in three hits, then got kicked off the server. I thought this was some anti-teamkilling mesaure, most likely.

16 hours after and I tried logging back in, it says I'm banned. Any note to the duration of the ban?

Username is just that, Agouri.

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