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Topics - Philosiraptor

Pages: [1] 2
Spam / Re: Ban: Ulfson
« on: December 18, 2013, 04:24:54 am »
Anders you have a fucking ban thread every day it seems. Ban threads are the cancer that kill this mod.

NA (Official) / hello again, its just me
« on: December 08, 2013, 04:24:57 am »
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I posted the above a while back and only received a message from an admin stating that they think i deserve one, but never a definitive answer.
I have served well enough time for the petty crime you convicted me of, and would like to resume playing now that i have nothing to do because of the serious injuries i have sustained in a recent accident. Being that i am basically confined to bed-rest for a month, i would like to have some fun playing again.

Too poor to buy a new cd key. Please give me another chance, if gomer, and allers and all the trolls of the past can get various chances to come back from a perma ban, why not me. I do the least damage to the community. im just not as conspicuous as others. I am a  harmless and innocent offender. More like an annoying bug, but believe yo me, this has taught me that the electric eye of the law has got its sights on me waiting to bring down the hammer and iron fist onto me. Knowing this is realize that i must play the game the way the admins intend it to be played. I will become, a nuisance no more; i will become a bot!

So with my kindest regards, i asketh of thee. Please re-instate my account so that i may continue drudging myself through the monotonous cycle that is CRPG

Thanks again,

P.S. I will not let you down <3 Happy Holidays Folks!

NA (Official) / Say it ain't so, Joe!
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:07:30 am »
Okay, so i know that i have an extensive ban record, as well as a known reputation of being a trolly guy. Lately, i have been working to get rid of that reputation as i do not wish to continue to play with the stigma attached to me. As certain admins that I am close with will vouch for me, I have been eagerly trying to become more of a positive member of the community. I know my own ban record and after the month ban i learned my lesson. I was not trying to do anything heinous to get banned nor was i going to go out of my way to argue with admins on stupid little shit, i was just going keep my mouth shut and listen to the reich. I understand that i did get caught doing something wrong, and i also understand that given my past, i guess, i am without the privilege of a warning or a kick. I was being as minor as minor could get, but heck, ya got me, good job. I was just having some mindless fun with a clanmate with the full expectation of running a train on the enemy team, that one hit on a full plate guy who didnt report me or even care and told that to the admin who banned me but w.e., well it was enough to send me on my way packing straight on the permaban train. I would like to say now that i am sorry, i know that it was stupid to hit pepe even if we knew it wasnt going to do any damage, we were not trying to be a detriment to our team. I will also state that i was hit and i was the only one who received any discipline.

I humbly request that i be allowed the right to write a writ of apologies.

Thank you.

NA (Official) / upon return
« on: September 01, 2013, 05:12:30 pm »
All i want to know is when i can comeback seeing as this ban is bullshit because i was being griefed and i handled it. the ol crpg days, why have you left me so far behind.

cRPG Technical problems / Problem with a point addition
« on: July 29, 2013, 09:14:40 pm »
A long time ago i put an attribute point in the strength spot but it counted for the agility for some reason, this was at least 2 major patches ago since i had stopped playing, but now that i would like to resume, i would enjoy it if this issue got resolved. I used to try to get help on IRC but never received any answers. If there is anything you guys can do, it would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Faction Halls / PHOENIX COMPANY (making a futile return) ALL WELCOME
« on: August 07, 2012, 03:03:43 am »
The Return of a forever dying clan.

Phoenix Company

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visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Phoenix Company is a clan of mercenaries best described as organized barbarians.  We are not a role-playing clan by any means except for the very superficial "flavor" of the clan.  Currently as Strategus is on hold we are primarily a siege/battle server group, with an emphasis on hybrid range/melee style characters, though all builds are accepted.  Once Strategus is back up and running ideally we will have a base of operations (a single holding/keep) and work as independent contractors for hire.

The core tenants of PxC are:

Maturity - Don't be a douchebag. Do not go out of your way to be a dick, cause internet heroes are fucking annoying at times.
Respect - Clanmates, teammates and enemies alike;  Show respect to the other players on the server.  Some friendly quips at another player are fine, but malicious harrassment and aggressively dis-respecting another player is highly frowned upon.  It's poor sportsmanship and shows poor character as well.

- Try to work with your team and your clan-mates most of all.  When organized and working together, 2 swords are always better than one.  If you see your clan-mate getting harassed by ranged weapons while he's fighting, try to move in a position to cover him with your shield.  Move to assist them with that lawlcrusher bearing down upon them.  Duels are for the duel servers.  In battle (and siege/strat) there is no mercy; you and your clanmate should corner that last enemy and leave him no avenue for escape from your blades.

Good Sportsmanship -
* Do not exploit broken mechanics (ladderpaulting/ ladder teleporting/ getting outside the map, etc). 
* Do not leech or delay the rounds.  Running is fine as long as you actually have a plan for counter attack; IE- drawing the enemy around a corner to snake them once there or moving to a more favorable position to fight (stairs, small areas to limit their numbers). 
* Do not hit, kick, punch, harrass, wound your teammates whether it is the beginning or end of the round, horse or player, peasant or armored tank.

Leave the trolling on the forums where it belongs.  In-game try to follow these simple tenants at all times.
~Fairly common sense stuff~



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VOIP:  Teamspeak
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Hit up our steam group as well.
This way you can see when we're online, join our chat, get in touch with us, etc etc.  :) I would like to have all members sign up.  Recruits should feel welcome to contact our steam group as well.

Closed Requests / UnBaN rEqUsT - Philosiraptor_PxC
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:22:55 pm »
So i am pretty sure i got knocked for "intentional Teamwounding" Well play on my computer and call that shit intentional. I just got back from like a 2 month break from the game and some twit, naked and with crossbow, runs out from a corner and gets his ass in the way of my full speed courser, He dies like a fuckin hero and starts the bitch fest.

I cared not.

Then in purple text i see, Banned for intentional Teamwounding. Next thing i know i am kicked. People on my teamspeak dont understand nor do i.

APPARENTLY IM UP TO MY OLD TRICKS EH? EHHH? Whatever the case is im pretty sure it wont happen again, but with a solid 5 max fps when i play this shit, im not making any promises.

Sell/Trade / WTS +1 War Cleaver, and some loom points
« on: July 30, 2011, 07:34:38 pm »
had some loom points for a while, im pretty stubborn about selling them and shit

Tempered War Cleaver
weapon length: 120
weight: 3.5
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 92
weapon length: 120
swing damage: 46 cut
slots: 2

Sell/Trade / WTT Another heirloom point for weapons or something
« on: June 15, 2011, 03:40:33 pm »

Staffman's (+2) quarter staff --- pm me

and i got an heirloom point sittin

Sell/Trade / Trading Staffman's Quarter Staff
« on: May 29, 2011, 01:05:39 am »
Yup i am :D

Pretty much looking for another polearm but its whatver

Beginner's Help and Guides / Packet Loss
« on: May 18, 2011, 02:54:11 am »
how do i reduce packet loss so i stop disconnecting

Link to the old thread,1466.0.html
Phoenix Company

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visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Phoenix Company is a clan of mercenaries best described as organized barbarians.  We are not a role-playing clan by any means except for the very superficial "flavor" of the clan.  Currently as Strategus is on hold we are primarily a siege/battle server group, with an emphasis on hybrid range/melee style characters, though all builds are accepted.  Once Strategus is back up and running ideally we will have a base of operations (a single holding/keep) and work as independent contractors for hire.

The core tenants of PxC are:

Maturity - Some people get their kicks out of acting infantile, being vulgar and generally acting like children fascinated with poop.  That's not how we roll.  Don't spam chat with such purile nonsense and instead try to act in a mature and professional manner.

Respect - Clanmates, teammates and enemies alike;  Show respect to the other players on the server.  Some friendly quips at another player are fine, but malicious harrassment and aggressively dis-respecting another player is highly frowned upon.  It's poor sportsmanship and shows poor character as well.

- Try to work with your team and your clan-mates most of all.  When organized and working together, 2 swords are always better than one.  If you see your clan-mate getting harassed by ranged weapons while he's fighting, try to move in a position to cover him with your shield.  Move to assist them with that lawlcrusher bearing down upon them.  Duels are for the duel servers.  In battle (and siege/strat) there is no mercy; you and your clanmate should corner that last enemy and leave him no avenue for escape from your blades.

Good Sportsmanship -
* Do not exploit broken mechanics (ladderpaulting/ ladder teleporting/ getting outside the map, etc). 
* Do not leech or delay the rounds.  Running is fine as long as you actually have a plan for counter attack; IE- drawing the enemy around a corner to snake them once there or moving to a more favorable position to fight (stairs, small areas to limit their numbers). 
* Do not hit, kick, punch, harrass, wound your teammates whether it is the beginning or end of the round, horse or player, peasant or armored tank.

Leave the trolling on the forums where it belongs.  In-game try to follow these simple tenants at all times.
~Fairly common sense stuff~

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VOIP:  Teamspeak
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Hit up our steam group as well.
This way you can see when we're online, join our chat, get in touch with us, etc etc.  :) I would like to have all members sign up.  Recruits should feel welcome to contact our steam group as well.

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Closed Requests / Philosiraptor
« on: March 16, 2011, 03:51:35 am »
My Ventrillo crashed and wont open....I dont want to be rude

OK so todayi was on your server and i spent a few round.. well a couple maps, getting teamwounded by Huey and friends. SoA kids and BRD kids.

Well Huey  spent a few roudns couching teamates and wounding em
bumping people
check the logs, i warned em

well after a bit i had enough and went off and teamkilled a bunch of them...But just check teh logs...

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