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Topics - deathral

Pages: [1]
Sell/Trade / MW Long Espada for Sale: LF: gold/looms/polearm/offers
« on: April 09, 2013, 10:03:03 pm »
Send me offers

Sell/Trade / Selling +3 xbow for polearm/horse/gauntlets or offers
« on: March 21, 2013, 11:51:26 pm »
Topic, get it quick

Beginner's Help and Guides / Opinion on my super hyrbid?
« on: November 08, 2012, 07:41:57 pm »
Gonna stop gening after i finish my current guy (~2.5 mil to go)
So, i'm planning on playing this till the end.
level 30

6 ps/ath/riding/wm
5 if
118 xbow/pole

level 33
7ps 7 if
rest same

118 xbow/pole

I'm currently using a bamboo spear with a shield and a 1h for when they get close, but bamboo lacks damage. I would use an awlpike, but i can't use a shield with it. Whats a good long polearm with good pierce stab damage that i can use with a shield? don't care about directions or speed, just want damage and range and shield use

Sell/Trade / Rank 2 plate mittens 11 body armor
« on: October 27, 2012, 02:36:15 am »
Looking for other +2's or cash/heirloom combos, offers go go

Beginner's Help and Guides / Throwing experts halp
« on: October 11, 2012, 06:02:00 pm »
How much wpf i need per pt? I have .9 helm weight 11.1 body, 1.4 gloves, .8 boots

I'm currently planning to do

24 str
12 agy
8 ps
8 if
5 pt
4 wm
4 agy

with 110 2h
99 throwing

and what happens if my wpf is too low? i lose some pt and i can't pick up weapons right?

Shoot offers, not looking for cash or loom points, a simple +3 for +3 trade

Suggestions Corner / Strategeus City Bonuses
« on: July 19, 2012, 06:11:59 pm »
We should make it so that each of the large cities (or if they aren't cities, whatever they are called, the ones that have like 7000+ troops and are mostly unoccupied at the moment) give a bonus to the faction that wields them. No Strat bonuses, but maybe C-rpg bonuses.
Like, for example, each one could give one of the following
+5 gold a tick
+10% exp
Less chance to have to repair items.

Would encourage players to take and fight over these cities. Maybe add something like must be in the faction for like a week to get these benefits, so people just don't abuse join factions that have a lot of cities.

Game Balance Discussion / Game Fixes
« on: June 30, 2012, 11:52:10 pm »
Long post, click out if you don't want to read.

To begin

+increase base damage 15% rounded down.
+decrease WPF needed to be useful, in the area of 80 New WPF=100 old WPF
-+1 weight on each bow
- masterwork bows only do +4 damage, (+1,+1,+2)
-Reduce damage to shields make them do 1/3 the damage they do now to shields.
-Bodkins do +6cut

Reduce damage of Masterwork Arbelest

1 Handed
+increase speed of overhead and left swings
-Reduce +reach on stabs to +40

2 Handed
-Slightly Nerf some fast weapons like longsword to reduce their speed

Fine as they are

+Damage done by running people over by 20%
- Reduce health of all horses by 5-10%

Go go?
Rate each 1-10

1 hand
2 hand

Beginner's Help and Guides / Need Horse Xbow help
« on: May 30, 2012, 12:51:12 am »
I'm thinking of the following build (i don't want to use melee at all, its more a fun build)

Atts to skill-1
Ironflesh 2
Atletics, Riding,WM -9

2 light xbow
2 steel bolts.

Basically, i spam the crap out of the enemies, based off of the light xbox build and wanted to add a horse to it. How is it?

Beginner's Help and Guides / What polearms
« on: May 20, 2012, 02:05:41 am »
Can swing left to right and right to left with a shield equiped?

And how does this look for a lancer who may leave his horse behind if needed (Siege)
Strength: 21
Agility: 18
Hit points: 56
Skills to attributes: 8
Ironflesh: 0
Power Strike: 7
Shield: 4
Athletics: 6
Riding: 6
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 0
Weapon Master: 0
One Handed: 1
Two Handed: 1
Polearm: 114
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 1

Pages: [1]