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Topics - Zealok

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Is jousting broken/weird in this game?
« on: March 18, 2012, 06:35:26 am »
So i was jousting on my alt today, and i dont usually play him. Most of the time i do play him my joust always acts weird

when i put it down, it randomly goes back up for no reason. Sometimes it seems like the hit box is weird and goes through people.

Maybe im lagging or i just dont understand the mechanics behind it.

So my guys is a polearm (ashwood) with 1h sword and shield support character.

I was wondering what sword do you guys recommend?

I was looking at nordic champions sword, or grosse messer or side sword, but i'm not sure which would be best suited for my character,

Any suggestions?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Chambering, What is it?
« on: March 16, 2012, 07:39:37 pm »
So i watched this video, and can anyone explain to me what this is. By the looks of it if you both are doing the same attack it chambers

But according to this video, the animations just look weird. What is the timing behind it?

Also i was using a polearm and another person was using a sword. He was just using a overhead attack and he was able to i guess chamber both my pierce and overhead attack. It was the ashwood pike i was using, idk what sword he was using...

So yeah can anyone help me with the whole timing thing. I've been trying to go by animations but it just looks unnatural, like in the video

Here is the video

Beginner's Help and Guides / A few questions
« on: March 15, 2012, 11:51:11 pm »

A couple times, while using a polearm, ive fought people and tried to block lets say an upper hand attack from a 2 handed mace. Some how the attack go through and hit me, do the way the reaches work is that if your close enough you can manuever it to hit behind your target?

Also is there a way to make it so buttons choose the direction of which you hit, now your mouse?

Is there a guide or video on how to use polearms in combat? Any tips?


Guides / I need a guide. Major Noob here.
« on: March 14, 2012, 11:55:26 pm »
SO i just started playing and i keep getting dominated, one hitted. Im not sure what im doing wrong, i think its probably because im messing up my build.

But right now i have the Light strange armor (head and boots) the little samurai sword looking one hander.

So yeah, what can i do with that equipment. I'm looking for any guide right now because i'm not having any fun going into battles, being unable to hit anything with my bow and dieing with a few seconds from a random cav guy or 2 hander that one shots me and then alt tabbing for 6 mins while i wait for the game to end.

So yeah i have no idea what im doing and would love a guide on a build or how to play. So can any1 help me out with the best guides?

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