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Topics - SuperNewb

Pages: [1]
« on: October 25, 2012, 06:09:16 am »
I don't understand why I was banned for four and a half days. I do understand that my previous history has been pretty bad but I haven't gotten banned in well over 8 months now (until now).
I had just come back to the game and was wondering if they had fixed the longspear on horseback since it's been bugged for a long time. I played before and after that incident with a heavy lance due to the unfair advantage I had with the longspear. Now I do acknowledge since I am a veteran player in this community that I should be banned for doing what I had done but a 4.5 day ban for 1 round incident is in my opinion a bit excessive for the nature of the problem at hand.

Hope you review the scenario and thank you for your time to look at it.


Spam / As an eager person, I make a campaign.
« on: April 05, 2012, 05:50:25 am »

All admins are terrible. Remove all their adminships and give it all to me. All they do is ban people and kick and chat abuse. It's not fair.
My mom used to always tell me to go for my dreams. I hope you guys review my application and please comment on any requirements or specifications that are needed. I also put a lot of work so please read (this shows my hard work and dedication to this community)

Private Information:
Name: Noobie
Age: 13
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Ga  y

  • I will provide every player with 1 loompoint and 600k.
  • If you have a problem with a certain person, you declare a duel against them and best of 5 wins the duel. Loser gets a 3 day ban.
  • I will institute the Unreal Tournament Announcer to the server so we can see who gets firstblood, doublekill, godlike, headshots.
  • I will change all the maps from Open Plains to Open Ocean so the rounds only last 20 seconds and there won't be any delayers because everyone will drown.

Closed Requests / Unban Request - Noobie
« on: March 17, 2012, 08:13:02 pm »
I was banned unjustly by Darkkarma in a thread earlier posted by Tears of Destiny.
They claimed that I was leeching for the whole day
"Not the first time he did this, but he did it enough that I took a screenshot after seeing it for enough for one day." (Tears of Destiny)

GrannPappy was currently on and we dealt with the situation ourselves like fine gentlemen. The night continued with no difficulty.

I come back this morning to being banned for 1 week for "leeching"
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Well luckily I took a screenshot for myself of that exact same round.
(click to show/hide)

I was building siege equipment on the boat of our spawn so that we could defend the next round and win. Gomer comes along and destroys it all leaving me with no weapon to use. No weapons could be found in the vicinity.
Last man left on the team... what could I do... a cavalry was chasing me and my only way of defense was fighting with fists so I did. I died.

Next round starts, I bring a weapon to kill Gomer (for breaking siege equipment). He dies, Grannpappy intervenes and says that Intentional TKing is against the rules, I claim to defend my stuff but in the end agree with breaking the rules for TKing and take a 5 minute timeout.

5 minutes later

Enter the server, no siege equipment to make things worse or intentional TKing and on we went to an enjoyable night.
If any other admins were on, please vouch for this.


cRPG Technical problems / Randomly dieing
« on: March 14, 2012, 01:11:39 pm »
I recently got dehorsed and as my guy got up, he instantly died (In the chat it showed it as a suicide).
Not sure how it happened, probably got stuck in the ground or something. I was in between stairs and ground right beside each other.

It might have been a one time thing.

Closed Requests / Ban Request: Cyranule and Maciver
« on: March 11, 2012, 10:37:40 pm »
Both leeching and not contributing to the team. As well as intentional TKing

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(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Contributing to the team
« on: February 17, 2012, 08:37:18 pm »
This is in reply to recommended action by DarKKarma - Not sure if it's in the right place or not.  Please move to corresponding thread if needed

Again, if you all want to argue about what is "contributing to the team and what isn't", then make your own thread about it. Your clan alone can probably cite far more examples of getting banned for similar reasons than any other NA clan out there right now. I know you won't because you all kno how fucking ridiculous this all is and that you are in the wrong here. I guarantee you that if you guys (Noobie, Noodles and all of the other offenders over recent times) actually just played the god damn game instead of looking for loop holes in the official rules to justify your slap dick behavior, you would be just fine like you all were a few months ago.

There has been a big debate on the North American Server about what is contributing to your team and what is not.

A few examples:
-Defending a ruin while your team runs into an open field and dies to their archers... who is in the wrong?
-Letting your team know that you are building a siege tower and they still run into battle and die then complain about you delaying/valor farming?
Charging into battle without any thoughts going behind it and dying right away? (Not considered leeching if you "try" - Very smart to do if you like leeching but doing it legally)

The common sense clause comes into play in a lot of these situations; however there is always grey areas and this is often used as a fallback for admins.    I believe the rules need to be updated per incident, to have a clear cut way of ruling and avoid any dispute of said ruling (much like any legal system).
This should the common sense approach to future rulings, and it would get rid of any trivial decisions.

I am just bored with the system as it currently is where there's a multiplier and depending how long the rounds last.
The old xp system would allow for the teams to cooperate and it might've seemed like a giant moshpit where people would fight the other team but there was actual teamwork involved. I miss the shield wall formations, the siege shields defending key positions with melee defending the archers, the cavalry formations where they would flank right and right as the melee started, wreck havoc upon the enemy team.
Everyone needed to stay together in order to maximize the xp and win the round.

Closed Requests / Unban Request - Noobie
« on: February 16, 2012, 08:31:50 am »
I was banned today for hiding inside a wall.
The rules say:
Glitching is allowed, being an asshat isn't
OK: hiding (e.g. in the hay)
NOT OK: hiding when last man standing (i.e. delaying)
OK: using a ladder to reach a roof that can't be reached normally
OK: camping unreachable places in the middle of the round
NOT OK: camping unreachable places when last group of men standing (i.e. delaying)
NOT OK: exploiting invisible barriers
NOT OK: going out of map bounds (if you can see unfinished parts of the map, then you should not be there)
NOT OK: ladderpulting

I was hiding in the wall and people were also capable of coming inside the wall as well.,2606.0.html

Suggestions Corner / Skip the fun...
« on: May 13, 2011, 07:17:45 am »
Just a suggestion regarding this new thing implemented.

It would be nice to be able to see all your alts on that account in order to make a level 30 by deleting all the alts known now.

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