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Topics - Necrorave

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / You guys make it hard for me to be addicted
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:03:35 am »
I am trying to relapse for the third time and you guys are having problems with your update mirrors.

Can you please get working on that so I can continue to be a worthless piece of shit?



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General Discussion / Saying goodbye.
« on: April 09, 2014, 01:14:46 am »
While it is not my type to be nice and recollect memories of the "Good times" we had together.  I felt it was only fair to express the appreciation I have towards this community before I go.  Especially considering the amount of time I spent with you guys.

Incoming wall of [T]ext!
(click to show/hide)

tl;dr:You guys are cool I guess...

Peace out, maybe we shall bump butts in the near future.

Suggestions Corner / Long Voulge
« on: October 09, 2013, 10:07:27 pm »
While I agree we need more variety in the weapons, I do not believe we need more weapons.  (For the most part)

I am not sure if this is possible with a cut weapon (I don't see why not though)  Why don't we try this with the Long Voulge

Add Crushthrough

As of now, the long voulge is almost unacceptable as a weapon other then to fool around with.  I understand why it cannot be a 4 directional weapon, although I always thought it would be interesting to give it Crush through.

The length is a big plus that the long voulge has, although it is unbalanced and can only swing in two directions.  Which seems to balance it out.  It also has Cut damage with the overhead that can be somewhat formidable, although the pierce is laughable.

Adding crush through would bring enough to the weapon without making it too much to deal with at the same time I believe.  The low weight will make it harder to accomplish this crush through, while at the same time it will also not have knockdown.  So this weapon would be turned into a effective support weapon.  If the speed must be modified, so be it.  Although, I do not see why it would be necessary.

I am not saying this is what we NEED to fix the long voulge. I am merely creating an idea that could perhaps revive it.


EDIT: Wrong Section ;p  Apologies to the nerds who care.

cRPG Technical problems / Cannot connect to most servers
« on: September 08, 2013, 04:50:34 am »
Started happening the night I posted this, I have not been able to connect to most servers in Crpg.

The server list loads up the 3 same servers and nothing else.  It seems to be the 2 "Fallen" servers and "Crpg_EU_HRE"

Those are the only 3 that come up after it is done retrieving all the servers and I cannot figure out why.
- I have disabled and re-enabled my adapter.
- I have restarted the Router
- I have repaired WE3 numerous times.
- I have double checked my Firewall.
- I have restarted my computer

Nothing seems to be working, the same 3 servers over and over.

Anyone else have ideas?

General Off Topic / Help with anime
« on: August 07, 2013, 05:26:50 pm »
I am what you call a "Converted" person.  I used to hate anime because of the stereotypes.  Although, I have given some a chance and thoroughly enjoyed them.  The only problem is, now what?

So far I have watched:

Samurai Champloo
Naruto (Ugh)
Death Note
Soul Eater
Spirited Away
Some other movies I will not try to remember.

Currently watching:

Black Butler (Not racist)
Ghost in the Shell
Cowboy Bebopzoopdoopaloop


The ones in bold I liked ALOT.  I was wondering if any of you fellow nerds know any anime that would be similar or I would enjoy based on my bold ones. 

I know it is not a large list, but a vagina in my life inspired me to give anime a shot and now I am interested in watching more.

If you are going to suggest anything, please try to avoid "Stereotypical" anime.  Although, if you know a good one that has the Stereotypes in them then just explain why I should watch it.


EDIT: I would also like to avoid "Mech Suit" Animes if I can.  Unless they are really worth watching through the Cheesiness.

General Off Topic / A new way to look at metal.
« on: August 01, 2013, 08:44:58 pm »
You cannot tell me that this isn't awesome
Maybe you can, but in that case no one cares.

cRPG Technical problems / Random freezing
« on: August 01, 2013, 07:15:26 pm »
I have noticed a bit of a trend with every patch.

I start to have a problem after playing for a bit of time that my game may freeze up for a prolonged amount of time.  After a while, the audio will return but my screen turns black.  When I alt tab back into the game it starts to work like normal again, although the freezing lasts for 30+ seconds and can get rather frustrating.

I fixed it last patch by deleting the Crpg folder and re installing it.  Although, every patch that comes out it starts to do it again.

I figured it was my video card, although I am not having issues with any other game (Some that are MUCH more demanding)

Any ideas?

Strategus General Discussion / Just an idea..
« on: July 24, 2013, 03:45:15 pm »
I was thinking about the "Issue" of strat that we have.  The inevitable end game where everyone is a Tin can.

I was thinking of ways to fix that and I do not think a change to gold would fix it entirely.  It would just make it take longer to happen.

Perhaps this could help;
A system that makes higher end items decay overtime.  I mean, the timer would have to be quite large although small enough to make armies restock or perhaps "Polish" their gear.
This would stop stockpiling of expensive items and make people buy/create them at appropriate times and make them a bit more "Rare".  This could go for all item types, although I feel this would only be necessary for armors.  Once an items reaches the end of the timer, it goes down by one loom.
(Perhaps make the timer a month or so?)

Second idea;
Create a "Polish" system where you can reset the timer attached to items for a % fee of the original cost of the item.  This will not revert a item that lost a loom already, merely restart the timer that would take one away.  This would force players to look over their gear and manage gold a bit more rather than stockpiling it all and buying more items with it.  If they decide to stockpile items they will have to maintain them even when they are not in use.  I feel this kind of system would help shoo away the end game result a bit better.  Although, like most of the ideas presented; this is a prediction on my part.

This is merely an idea, so please feel free to discuss.

EDIT: Making the post look prettier

General Discussion / The community in a nutshell
« on: July 10, 2013, 04:29:54 pm »
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Buy / Closed
« on: July 07, 2013, 08:29:26 am »

General Discussion / How I view the balance discussions
« on: June 21, 2013, 07:34:35 pm »
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General Discussion / This is why I love the NA community
« on: June 14, 2013, 07:59:12 pm »
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The sense of humor here is indomitable :)

In all honesty though, I do wish to thank Tydeus for being one of my favorite admins; Thank you for all the help and answering all of my annoying questions.

I also wish to thank the rest of the other badmins who deal with our "Serious" issues all day long.  Smiley faces for the rest of you and stop aboozing

PS: Granpappy, get better at the game already :c

General Discussion / How-to Fit In: 2h Edition
« on: June 07, 2013, 03:53:55 pm »
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I really enjoy the Game Wurm Online, as may some of you.  Although, most of my group that I was playing with before had given up on the land.  I was left alone to do everything which made the game very boring to play at times.

I am basically looking for people to play with.  I wish to play on the PVP cluster known as Epic.  I am at a fresh start but not a new player (Since I traveled by portal from my homeland known as Pristine in Freedom)  So I do not have anything in particular to offer at the moment.  Although, I wish to either join up with an already existing village of some sort or perhaps group up to make one.  As long as I have some people to play with.

I would prefer NA players due to the fact that I know some of you.  Although, any EU players are appreciated as well.


- Necrorave the Small Phallic

General Discussion / Mad King Joseph
« on: May 31, 2013, 08:44:43 pm »
One of the founders of our clan, Dead-cul apparently known as "The Mad King Joseph", is a shadow never to be seen anywhere except in game at one point from the sound of it.

What do people know about him other then he was probably bad and smelly like the rest of us Dankul members.

EDIT: I asked Arty at one point and he gave a vague and a little biased opinion of him.  I want to know what the community thought of him

Anyone is free to post what they know of this mysterious figure.
Or talk about my small penis, I'm down for both.

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