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Topics - EQMonk

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General Discussion / Character broken (for reals)
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:54:49 am »
My character (EverQuestMonk) has 13 skill points to spend both in game (C key) and website. The problem is that these points belong in iron flesh, power strike, and shield but the in game screen (C key) shows 5/5/1 respectively which is how I want to spend the points. The website shows 0/0/0 and I can't use my level 1 shield so I know the website stats are correct which is also why the in game screen shows I have 13 points to spend.

Unfortunately since it says I have 5/5/1 and 5 is the max level for my stats I can't put any points into those skills. It seems like my character wasn't fully wiped or something since it saved my previous skills 5/5/1 but refunded me the points although technically the skills are gone (on the site) they aren't gone on the "spend your points" page.

Sorry if I repeated myself a lot I just don't want to get all the "OH JUST PRESS C IN GAME" responses. This isn't that problem.

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